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Get Compliance Trend for Requirement ID - GET




This endpoint has been deprecated and may be replaced or removed in future versions of the API.

Returns the compliance posture summary that describes the passed/failed statistics trend for the given compliance standard ID and compliance requirement ID.


This endpoint will only be able to access data from the past 1 year. This change is implemented to optimize system performance and reduce data storage requirements of deprecated endpoints.


Path Parameters

    complianceId uuidrequired

    Compliance standard ID

    requirementId uuidrequired

    Compliance requirement ID

Query Parameters

    timeType stringrequired

    Possible values: [relative]

    Time type

    timeAmount stringrequired

    Number of time units

    timeUnit stringrequired

    Possible values: [minute, hour, day, week, month, year]

    Time unit

    cloud.account string

    Cloud account

    cloud.type string

    Cloud type

    cloud.region string

    Cloud region

    policy.complianceSection string

    Policy compliance section ID



  • Array [
  • criticalSeverityFailedResources int64

    Number of scanned compliance resources whose highest policy failure is critical

    failedResources int64

    Number of failed scanned compliance resources

    highSeverityFailedResources int64

    Number of scanned compliance resources that failed high severity policies

    informationalSeverityFailedResources int64

    Number of scanned compliance resources whose highest policy failure is informational

    lowSeverityFailedResources int64

    Number of scanned compliance resources whose highest policy failure is low

    mediumSeverityFailedResources int64

    Number of scanned compliance resources whose highest policy failure is medium

    passedResources int64

    Number of passed scanned compliance resources

    timestamp int64


    totalResources int64

    Total number of scanned compliance resources

  • ]