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Update Tenant Details for Tenant ID (v2.7)



Update the tenant details for a tenant ID.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant or TSG ID.


Tenant details


    X Panw Region

    address Address

    The address of the site.

    city string

    The name of the city. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The name of the country. Max size = 100.

    post_code string

    The postal code. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The name of the state. Max size = 100.

    street string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    street2 string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    canonical_name string

    The tenant canonical name. Max size = 128.

    clients string[]

    The client tenant.

    csp_tenant_id string

    The CSP tenant ID. Max length = 32.


    The description of the tenant. Max size = 1024.

    disabled string

    List the disabled tenants.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the tenant.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive string

    List the inactive tenants.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the tenant being inactive.

    ipv4_list IPv4Address[]

    The list of IPv4 addresses.

  • Array [
  • ipv4 string

    The IPv4 address of the tenant.

  • ]
  • is_esp boolean

    If the tenant is ESP.

    is_oneapp_ready boolean

    True or False for oneapp.

    is_pa_iot_security_license boolean

    True or False for PA IoT security license.

    is_support boolean

    True or False for support.

    name string

    The name of the tenant. Max size = 512.

    operator Operator

    The details of the operator.

    addresses Address[]

    The list of operator addresses. Max number of addresses = 20.

  • Array [
  • city string

    The name of the city. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The name of the country. Max size = 100.

    post_code string

    The postal code. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The name of the state. Max size = 100.

    street string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    street2 string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

  • ]
  • custom_roles CustomRole[]

    The list/details of the custom roles.

  • Array [
  • custom_permissions CustomPermission[]

    The details of the custom role permissions.

  • Array [
  • allowed_after_ms int64

    Allowed After Ms

    allowed_before_ms int64

    Allowed Before Ms

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled custom permissions.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the custom permission.

    disallow_permission boolean

    Disallow Permission

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive custom permissions.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the custom permission being inactive.

    region string

    The region.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    ID of the tenant.

    value stringrequired

    The custom permission value.

  • ]
  • disabled boolean

    List the disabled custom roles.

    disallow_permissions AuthPermission[]

    The details of the disallowed permissions.

  • Array [
  • value string

    The value of the permissions. Max size = 500.

  • ]
  • id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive custom roles.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

    permissions AuthPermission[]

    The permissions for the custom role.

  • Array [
  • value string

    The value of the permissions. Max size = 500.

  • ]
  • roles AuthRole[]

    The names of the roles.

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

  • ]
  • ]
  • disable_idp_login boolean

    Lists if the tenant IdP log in option is disabled.

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled tenants.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the tenant.

    email stringrequired

    The operator email ID.

    email_iam string

    Email Iam: Email(error = OPERATOR_EMAIL_IAM_INVALID: Invalid email {validatedValue}. Please use a valid email address, regexp = .*) Size(max = 1000, error = OPERATOR_EMAIL_IAM_INVALID: Invalid email {validatedValue}. Please use a valid email address, min = 1)

    email_validated boolean

    Validate the email ID.

    enable_session_ip_lock boolean

    Enable the sessin IP lock.

    first_name stringrequired

    The first name of the operator. Max size = 100.

    from_esp boolean

    If the tenant is ESP.

    from_esp_name string

    The name of the ESP tenant. Max size = 512.

    from_esp_tenant_id string

    The ESP tenant ID.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive tenants.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the tenant being inactive.

    ipv4_list IPv4Address[]

    The list of IPv4 addresses.

  • Array [
  • ipv4 string

    The IPv4 address of the tenant.

  • ]
  • is_locked boolean

    Is Locked

    is_system_owned boolean

    Is System Owned

    last_login date
    last_name string

    The last name of the MSP tenant.

    linked_accounts LinkedAccount[]required

    Details of any linked accounts. Maximum of 20 and at least 1 linked account(s) should be specified.

  • Array [
  • disabled boolean

    List the disabled linked accounts.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the linked accounts.

    failed_login_attempts int32

    The number of failed login attempts.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive linked accounts.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the linked accounts being inactive.

    provider_key string

    The linked account provider key.

    provider_value string

    The linked account provider value.

    provider_value_updated_on int64

    The linked account provider value updated date.

    region string

    The region.

    tenant_id string

    Tenant Id

  • ]
  • migration_state MigrationState

    Migration State

    name string

    The name.

    phone_numbers PhoneNumber[]

    The details of the phone numbers.

  • Array [
  • country_code int32

    The country code.

    local_extension int32

    The local extension.

    number int64

    The phone number.

    types Type[]

    The type of phone number.

  • Array [
  • value string


  • ]
  • ]
  • region string

    The region of the tenant.

    roles AuthRole[]

    The defined MSP roles.

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

  • ]
  • secondary_emails Email[]

    List of secondary email addresses. Max size = 20.

  • Array [
  • email string

    The email address.

  • ]
  • settings string

    The operator settings.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    pan_account_id string

    The tenant PAN CSP account ID. Max size = 32.

    pan_tenant_id string

    The PAN tenant ID. Max size = 32.

    password_policy PasswordPolicy

    The details of the password policy.

    enable_failed_login_attempts boolean

    The failed login attempts is enabled.

    enable_failed_login_time_delay boolean

    The failed log in time delay is enabled.

    enable_maximum_password_length boolean

    The maximum password length is enabled.

    enable_minimum_password_length boolean

    The minimum password length is enabled.

    enable_password_aging boolean

    Password aging is enabled.

    enable_password_identity_difference boolean

    The password identity difference is enabled.

    enable_password_no_reuse_count boolean

    The password no reuse count is enabled.

    enable_session_ip_lock boolean

    Enable the sessin IP lock.

    enable_two_lower_case_letters boolean

    The two lower case letters is enabled.

    enable_two_numbers boolean

    The two numbers is enabled.

    enable_two_special_characters boolean

    The two special characters is enabled.

    enable_two_upper_case_letters boolean

    The two upper case letters is enabled.

    failed_login_attempts integer

    The number of failed login attempts.

    maximum_password_length integer

    The maximum password length.

    minimum_password_length integer

    The minimum password length.

    password_aging_days integer

    The number of password aging days.

    password_aging_notification integer

    The number of password aging notifications.

    password_no_reuse_count integer

    The password no reuse count.

    special_characters string

    The password special characters.

    special_characters_regex string

    The special characters regex.

    phone_numbers PhoneNumber[]

    The details of the phone numbers.

  • Array [
  • country_code int32

    The country code.

    local_extension int32

    The local extension.

    number int64

    The phone number.

    types Type[]

    The type of phone number.

  • Array [
  • value string


  • ]
  • ]
  • prisma_access_tenant_id string

    The prisma access tenant ID. Max size = 32.

    provider_data ProviderData[]

    The details of the provider data.

  • Array [
  • certificate CertificateCa

    The details of the certificate.

    certificate string

    The details of the certificate.

    certificate_expiry_utc int64

    The certificate expiry date.

    certificate_type string

    The certificate type.

    disabled boolean

    List the certificates.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the certificate.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive certificates.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the certificate being inactive.

    issued_by CertificateIssuer

    Details of the certificate issuer.

    common_name string

    The name of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The country of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    location string

    The location of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization string

    The organization of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization_unit string

    The organization unit of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The state of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    issued_to CertificateIssuer

    Details of the who the certificate was issued to.

    common_name string

    The name of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The country of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    location string

    The location of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization string

    The organization of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization_unit string

    The organization unit of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The state of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    parent_id CertificateCa

    The parent ID.

    region string

    The region of the tenant.

    serial_number string

    The serial number of the certificate.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    version string

    The version of the certificate.

    password_hash string

    The password.

    provider Provider

    The details of the provider.

    canonical_name string

    The provider canonical name. Max size = 128.


    The description of the provider. Max size = 1024.

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled providers.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the provider.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive providers.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the provider being inactive.

    map_external_group object

    The external group mapping.

    name string

    The name of the provider.

    protocol Protocol

    The protocol.

    region string

    The region of the provider.

    template string

    The template used.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    salt string


    security string


  • ]
  • region string

    The region of the tenant.

    sase_at date

    The sase date.

    telemetry_region string

    The telemetry region.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    ID of the tenant.

    tsg_id string

    The tenant TSG ID.

    tsg_instances TsgInstance[]

    The details of the TSG instances.

  • Array [
  • app_id string

    The app ID of the TSG instance.

    region string

    The region of the TSG instance.

    tenant_id string

    Tenant Id

  • ]


Successful Operation


    X Panw Region

    address Address

    The address of the site.

    city string

    The name of the city. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The name of the country. Max size = 100.

    post_code string

    The postal code. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The name of the state. Max size = 100.

    street string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    street2 string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    canonical_name string

    The tenant canonical name. Max size = 128.

    clients string[]

    The client tenant.

    csp_tenant_id string

    The CSP tenant ID. Max length = 32.


    The description of the tenant. Max size = 1024.

    disabled string

    List the disabled tenants.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the tenant.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive string

    List the inactive tenants.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the tenant being inactive.

    ipv4_list IPv4Address[]

    The list of IPv4 addresses.

  • Array [
  • ipv4 string

    The IPv4 address of the tenant.

  • ]
  • is_esp boolean

    If the tenant is ESP.

    is_oneapp_ready boolean

    True or False for oneapp.

    is_pa_iot_security_license boolean

    True or False for PA IoT security license.

    is_support boolean

    True or False for support.

    name string

    The name of the tenant. Max size = 512.

    operator Operator

    The details of the operator.

    addresses Address[]

    The list of operator addresses. Max number of addresses = 20.

  • Array [
  • city string

    The name of the city. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The name of the country. Max size = 100.

    post_code string

    The postal code. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The name of the state. Max size = 100.

    street string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    street2 string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

  • ]
  • custom_roles CustomRole[]

    The list/details of the custom roles.

  • Array [
  • custom_permissions CustomPermission[]

    The details of the custom role permissions.

  • Array [
  • allowed_after_ms int64

    Allowed After Ms

    allowed_before_ms int64

    Allowed Before Ms

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled custom permissions.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the custom permission.

    disallow_permission boolean

    Disallow Permission

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive custom permissions.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the custom permission being inactive.

    region string

    The region.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    ID of the tenant.

    value stringrequired

    The custom permission value.

  • ]
  • disabled boolean

    List the disabled custom roles.

    disallow_permissions AuthPermission[]

    The details of the disallowed permissions.

  • Array [
  • value string

    The value of the permissions. Max size = 500.

  • ]
  • id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive custom roles.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

    permissions AuthPermission[]

    The permissions for the custom role.

  • Array [
  • value string

    The value of the permissions. Max size = 500.

  • ]
  • roles AuthRole[]

    The names of the roles.

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

  • ]
  • ]
  • disable_idp_login boolean

    Lists if the tenant IdP log in option is disabled.

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled tenants.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the tenant.

    email stringrequired

    The operator email ID.

    email_iam string

    Email Iam: Email(error = OPERATOR_EMAIL_IAM_INVALID: Invalid email {validatedValue}. Please use a valid email address, regexp = .*) Size(max = 1000, error = OPERATOR_EMAIL_IAM_INVALID: Invalid email {validatedValue}. Please use a valid email address, min = 1)

    email_validated boolean

    Validate the email ID.

    enable_session_ip_lock boolean

    Enable the sessin IP lock.

    first_name stringrequired

    The first name of the operator. Max size = 100.

    from_esp boolean

    If the tenant is ESP.

    from_esp_name string

    The name of the ESP tenant. Max size = 512.

    from_esp_tenant_id string

    The ESP tenant ID.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive tenants.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the tenant being inactive.

    ipv4_list IPv4Address[]

    The list of IPv4 addresses.

  • Array [
  • ipv4 string

    The IPv4 address of the tenant.

  • ]
  • is_locked boolean

    Is Locked

    is_system_owned boolean

    Is System Owned

    last_login date
    last_name string

    The last name of the MSP tenant.

    linked_accounts LinkedAccount[]required

    Details of any linked accounts. Maximum of 20 and at least 1 linked account(s) should be specified.

  • Array [
  • disabled boolean

    List the disabled linked accounts.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the linked accounts.

    failed_login_attempts int32

    The number of failed login attempts.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive linked accounts.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the linked accounts being inactive.

    provider_key string

    The linked account provider key.

    provider_value string

    The linked account provider value.

    provider_value_updated_on int64

    The linked account provider value updated date.

    region string

    The region.

    tenant_id string

    Tenant Id

  • ]
  • migration_state MigrationState

    Migration State

    name string

    The name.

    phone_numbers PhoneNumber[]

    The details of the phone numbers.

  • Array [
  • country_code int32

    The country code.

    local_extension int32

    The local extension.

    number int64

    The phone number.

    types Type[]

    The type of phone number.

  • Array [
  • value string


  • ]
  • ]
  • region string

    The region of the tenant.

    roles AuthRole[]

    The defined MSP roles.

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

  • ]
  • secondary_emails Email[]

    List of secondary email addresses. Max size = 20.

  • Array [
  • email string

    The email address.

  • ]
  • settings string

    The operator settings.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    pan_account_id string

    The tenant PAN CSP account ID. Max size = 32.

    pan_tenant_id string

    The PAN tenant ID. Max size = 32.

    password_policy PasswordPolicy

    The details of the password policy.

    enable_failed_login_attempts boolean

    The failed login attempts is enabled.

    enable_failed_login_time_delay boolean

    The failed log in time delay is enabled.

    enable_maximum_password_length boolean

    The maximum password length is enabled.

    enable_minimum_password_length boolean

    The minimum password length is enabled.

    enable_password_aging boolean

    Password aging is enabled.

    enable_password_identity_difference boolean

    The password identity difference is enabled.

    enable_password_no_reuse_count boolean

    The password no reuse count is enabled.

    enable_session_ip_lock boolean

    Enable the sessin IP lock.

    enable_two_lower_case_letters boolean

    The two lower case letters is enabled.

    enable_two_numbers boolean

    The two numbers is enabled.

    enable_two_special_characters boolean

    The two special characters is enabled.

    enable_two_upper_case_letters boolean

    The two upper case letters is enabled.

    failed_login_attempts integer

    The number of failed login attempts.

    maximum_password_length integer

    The maximum password length.

    minimum_password_length integer

    The minimum password length.

    password_aging_days integer

    The number of password aging days.

    password_aging_notification integer

    The number of password aging notifications.

    password_no_reuse_count integer

    The password no reuse count.

    special_characters string

    The password special characters.

    special_characters_regex string

    The special characters regex.

    phone_numbers PhoneNumber[]

    The details of the phone numbers.

  • Array [
  • country_code int32

    The country code.

    local_extension int32

    The local extension.

    number int64

    The phone number.

    types Type[]

    The type of phone number.

  • Array [
  • value string


  • ]
  • ]
  • prisma_access_tenant_id string

    The prisma access tenant ID. Max size = 32.

    provider_data ProviderData[]

    The details of the provider data.

  • Array [
  • certificate CertificateCa

    The details of the certificate.

    certificate string

    The details of the certificate.

    certificate_expiry_utc int64

    The certificate expiry date.

    certificate_type string

    The certificate type.

    disabled boolean

    List the certificates.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the certificate.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive certificates.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the certificate being inactive.

    issued_by CertificateIssuer

    Details of the certificate issuer.

    common_name string

    The name of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The country of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    location string

    The location of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization string

    The organization of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization_unit string

    The organization unit of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The state of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    issued_to CertificateIssuer

    Details of the who the certificate was issued to.

    common_name string

    The name of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The country of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    location string

    The location of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization string

    The organization of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization_unit string

    The organization unit of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The state of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    parent_id CertificateCa

    The parent ID.

    region string

    The region of the tenant.

    serial_number string

    The serial number of the certificate.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    version string

    The version of the certificate.

    password_hash string

    The password.

    provider Provider

    The details of the provider.

    canonical_name string

    The provider canonical name. Max size = 128.


    The description of the provider. Max size = 1024.

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled providers.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the provider.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive providers.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the provider being inactive.

    map_external_group object

    The external group mapping.

    name string

    The name of the provider.

    protocol Protocol

    The protocol.

    region string

    The region of the provider.

    template string

    The template used.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    salt string


    security string


  • ]
  • region string

    The region of the tenant.

    sase_at date

    The sase date.

    telemetry_region string

    The telemetry region.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    ID of the tenant.

    tsg_id string

    The tenant TSG ID.

    tsg_instances TsgInstance[]

    The details of the TSG instances.

  • Array [
  • app_id string

    The app ID of the TSG instance.

    region string

    The region of the TSG instance.

    tenant_id string

    Tenant Id

  • ]