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Request Advanced Threat Prevention Report PCAP



A GET request to retrieve the ATP report sample (packet capture) by report id.


Query Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Retrieve the ATP report sample (packet capture) by report id.

    curl -v -H 'X-API-KEY: API_KEY' \


Request succeeded

Response Headers
  • X-Day-RateLimit-Limit integer
    Example: 2000

    The maximum number of requests that the user is permitted to make per day.

  • X-Day-RateLimit-Remaining integer

    The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window (one day).

  • X-Day-RateLimit-Reset integer

    The epoch timestamp at which the current rate limit window (one day) resets.

  • X-Minute-RateLimit-Limit integer
    Example: 200

    The maximum number of requests that the user is permitted to make per minute.

  • X-Minute-RateLimit-Remaining integer

    The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window (one minute).

  • X-Minute-RateLimit-Reset integer

    The epoch timestamp at which the current rate limit window (one minute) resets.


