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Reference Architecture with Terraform: VM-Series in Azure, Centralized Architecture, Dedicated Inbound NGFW Option

Palo Alto Networks produces several validated reference architecture design and deployment documentation guides, which describe well-architected and tested deployments. When deploying VM-Series in a public cloud, the reference architectures guide users toward the best security outcomes, whilst reducing rollout time and avoiding common integration efforts.

The Terraform code presented here will deploy Palo Alto Networks VM-Series firewalls in Azure based on a centralized design with dedicated-inbound VM-Series; for a discussion of other options, please see the design guide from the reference architecture guides.

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Reference Architecture Design


This code implements:

  • a centralized design, a hub-and-spoke topology with a Transit VNet containing VM-Series to inspect all inbound, outbound, east-west, and enterprise traffic
  • the dedicated inbound option, which separates inbound traffic flows onto a separate set of VM-Series.

Detailed Architecture and Design

Centralized Design

This design uses a Transit VNet. Application functions and resources are deployed across multiple VNets that are connected in a hub-and-spoke topology. The hub of the topology, or transit VNet, is the central point of connectivity for all inbound, outbound, east-west, and enterprise traffic. You deploy all VM-Series firewalls within the transit VNet.

Dedicated Inbound Option

The dedicated inbound option separates traffic flows across two separate sets of VM-Series firewalls. One set of VM-Series firewalls is dedicated to inbound traffic flows, allowing for greater flexibility and scaling of inbound traffic loads. The second set of VM-Series firewalls services all outbound, east-west, and enterprise network traffic flows. This deployment choice offers increased scale and operational resiliency and reduces the chances of high bandwidth use from the inbound traffic flows affecting other traffic flows within the deployment.

Detailed Topology Diagram

This reference architecture consists of:

  • a VNET containing:
    • 3 subnets dedicated to the firewalls: management, private and public
    • Route Tables and Network Security Groups
  • 2 Load Balancers:
    • public - with a public IP address assigned, in front of the firewalls public interfaces, for incoming traffic
    • private - in front of the firewalls private interfaces, for outgoing and east-west traffic
  • a Storage Account used to keep bootstrap packages containing DAY0 configuration for the firewalls
  • 4 firewalls:
    • deployed in different zones
    • 2 pairs, one for inbound, the other for outbound and east-west traffic
    • with 3 network interfaces each: management, public, private
    • with public IP addresses assigned to:
      • management interface
      • public interface
  • (optional) test workloads with accompanying infrastructure:
    • 2 Spoke VNETs with Route Tables and Network Security Groups
    • 2 Spoke VMs serving as WordPress-based web servers
    • 2 Azure Bastion managed jump hosts


  • In order to deploy the architecture without test workloads described above, empty the test_infrastructure map in example.tfvars file.


A list of requirements might vary depending on the platform used to deploy the infrastructure but a minimum one includes:


  • after the deployment the firewalls remain not licensed, they do however contain minimum DAY0 configuration (required NIC, VR, routes configuration).
  • this example contains some files that can contain sensitive data. Keep in mind that this code is only an example. It's main purpose is to introduce the Terraform modules.


Deployment Steps

  • checkout the code locally (if you haven't done so yet)

  • copy the example.tfvars file, rename it to terraform.tfvars and adjust it to your needs (take a closer look at the TODO markers)

  • copy the init-cfg.sample.txt to init-cfg.txt and fill it out with required bootstrap parameters (see this documentation for details)

  • (optional) authenticate to AzureRM, switch to the Subscription of your choice if necessary

  • initialize the Terraform module:

    terraform init
  • (optional) plan you infrastructure to see what will be actually deployed:

    terraform plan
  • deploy the infrastructure (you will have to confirm it with typing in yes):

    terraform apply

    The deployment takes couple of minutes. Observe the output. At the end you should see a summary similar to this:

    bootstrap_storage_urls = <sensitive>
    lb_frontend_ips = {
    "private" = {
    "ha-ports" = ""
    "public" = {
    "palo-lb-app1-pip" = ""
    password = <sensitive>
    username = "panadmin"
    vmseries_mgmt_ips = {
    "fw-in-1" = ""
    "fw-in-2" = ""
    "fw-obew-1" = ""
    "fw-obew-2" = ""
  • at this stage you have to wait couple of minutes for the firewalls to bootstrap.

Post deploy

Firewalls in this example are configured with password authentication. To retrieve the initial credentials run:

  • for username:

    terraform output username
  • for password:

    terraform output password

The management public IP addresses are available in the vmseries_mgmt_ips:

terraform output vmseries_mgmt_ips

You can now login to the devices using either:

  • cli - ssh client is required
  • Web UI (https) - any modern web browser, note that initially the traffic is encrypted with a self-signed certificate.

As mentioned, the devices already contain DAY0 configuration, so all network interfaces should be configured and Azure Load Balancer should already report that the devices are healthy.

You can now proceed with licensing the devices and configuring your first rules.

Please also refer to this repository for DAY1 configuration (security hardening).


To remove the deployed infrastructure run:

terraform destroy



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0


  • random
  • azurerm
  • local




  • availability_set (managed)
  • resource_group (managed)
  • file (managed)
  • password (managed)
  • resource_group (data)

Required Inputs

resource_group_namestringName of the Resource Group.
regionstringThe Azure region to use.
vnetsmapA map defining VNETs.

Optional Inputs

name_prefixstringA prefix that will be added to all created resources.
create_resource_groupboolWhen set to true it will cause a Resource Group creation.
tagsmapMap of tags to assign to the created resources.
vnet_peeringsmapA map defining VNET peerings.
natgwsmapA map defining NAT Gateways.
load_balancersmapA map containing configuration for all (both private and public) Load Balancers.
appgwsmapA map defining all Application Gateways in the current deployment.
availability_setsmapA map defining availability sets.
ngfw_metricsobjectA map controlling metrics-relates resources.
bootstrap_storagesmapA map defining Azure Storage Accounts used to host file shares for bootstrapping NGFWs.
vmseries_universalobjectA map defining common settings for all created VM-Series instances.
vmseriesmapA map defining Azure Virtual Machines based on Palo Alto Networks Next Generation Firewall image.
test_infrastructuremapA map defining test infrastructure including test VMs and Azure Bastion hosts.


usernamesInitial administrative username to use for VM-Series.
passwordsInitial administrative password to use for VM-Series.
natgw_public_ipsNat Gateways Public IP resources.
metrics_instrumentation_keysThe Instrumentation Key of the created instance(s) of Azure Application Insights.
lb_frontend_ipsIP Addresses of the load balancers.
vmseries_mgmt_ipsIP addresses for the VM-Series management interface.
test_vms_usernamesInitial administrative username to use for test VMs.
test_vms_passwordsInitial administrative password to use for test VMs.
test_vms_ipsIP Addresses of the test VMs.
app_lb_frontend_ipsIP Addresses of the load balancers.

Required Inputs details


Name of the Resource Group.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


The Azure region to use.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


A map defining VNETs.

For detailed documentation on each property refer to module documentation

  • create_virtual_network - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true will create a VNET, false will source an existing VNET.
  • name - (string, required) a name of a VNET. In case create_virtual_network = false this should be a full resource name, including prefixes.
  • address_space - (list, required when create_virtual_network = false) a list of CIDRs for a newly created VNET.
  • vnet_encryption - (string, optional, defaults to module default) enables Azure Virtual Network Encryption when set, only possible value at the moment is AllowUnencrypted. When set to null, the feature is disabled.
  • resource_group_name - (string, optional, defaults to current RG) a name of an existing Resource Group in which the VNET will reside or is sourced from.
  • create_subnets - (bool, optional, defaults to true) if true, create Subnets inside the Virtual Network, otherwise use source existing subnets.
  • subnets - (map, optional) map of Subnets to create or source, for details see VNET module documentation.
  • network_security_groups - (map, optional) map of Network Security Groups to create, for details see VNET module documentation.
  • route_tables - (map, optional) map of Route Tables to create, for details see VNET module documentation.


name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string)
create_virtual_network = optional(bool, true)
address_space = optional(list(string))
vnet_encryption = optional(string)
network_security_groups = optional(map(object({
name = string
rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
priority = number
direction = string
access = string
protocol = string
source_port_range = optional(string)
source_port_ranges = optional(list(string))
destination_port_range = optional(string)
destination_port_ranges = optional(list(string))
source_address_prefix = optional(string)
source_address_prefixes = optional(list(string))
destination_address_prefix = optional(string)
destination_address_prefixes = optional(list(string))
})), {})
})), {})
route_tables = optional(map(object({
name = string
disable_bgp_route_propagation = optional(bool)
routes = map(object({
name = string
address_prefix = string
next_hop_type = string
next_hop_ip_address = optional(string)
})), {})
create_subnets = optional(bool, true)
subnets = optional(map(object({
name = string
address_prefixes = optional(list(string), [])
network_security_group_key = optional(string)
route_table_key = optional(string)
enable_storage_service_endpoint = optional(bool, false)
})), {})
[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)

Optional Inputs details


A prefix that will be added to all created resources. There is no default delimiter applied between the prefix and the resource name. Please include the delimiter in the actual prefix.


name_prefix = "test-"

Note! \ This prefix is not applied to existing resources. If you plan to reuse i.e. a VNET please specify it's full name, even if it is also prefixed with the same value as the one in this property.

Type: string

Default value: ``

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


When set to true it will cause a Resource Group creation. Name of the newly specified RG is controlled by resource_group_name.

When set to false the resource_group_name parameter is used to specify a name of an existing Resource Group.

Type: bool

Default value: true

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Map of tags to assign to the created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining VNET peerings.

Following properties are supported:

  • local_vnet_name - (string, required) name of the local VNET.
  • local_resource_group_name - (string, optional) name of the resource group, in which local VNET exists.
  • remote_vnet_name - (string, required) name of the remote VNET.
  • remote_resource_group_name - (string, optional) name of the resource group, in which remote VNET exists.


local_vnet_name = string
local_resource_group_name = optional(string)
remote_vnet_name = string
remote_resource_group_name = optional(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining NAT Gateways.

Please note that a NAT Gateway is a zonal resource, this means it's always placed in a zone (even when you do not specify one explicitly). Please refer to Microsoft documentation for notes on NAT Gateway's zonal resiliency. For detailed documentation on each property refer to module documentation.

Following properties are supported:

  • name - (string, required) a name of a NAT Gateway. In case create_natgw = false this should be a full resource name, including prefixes.
  • vnet_key - (string, required) a name (key value) of a VNET defined in var.vnets that hosts a subnet this NAT Gateway will be assigned to.
  • subnet_keys - (list(string), required) a list of subnets (key values) the NAT Gateway will be assigned to, defined in var.vnets for a VNET described by vnet_name.
  • create_natgw - (bool, optional, defaults to true) create (true) or source an existing NAT Gateway (false), created or sourced: the NAT Gateway will be assigned to a subnet created by the vnet module.
  • resource_group_name - (string, optional) name of a Resource Group hosting the NAT Gateway (newly created or the existing one).
  • zone - (string, optional) an Availability Zone in which the NAT Gateway will be placed, when skipped Azure will pick a zone.
  • idle_timeout - (number, optional, defults to 4) connection IDLE timeout in minutes, for newly created resources.
  • public_ip - (object, optional) an object defining a public IP resource attached to the NAT Gateway.
  • public_ip_prefix - (object, optional) an object defining a public IP prefix resource attached to the NAT Gatway.


natgws = {
"natgw" = {
name = "natgw"
vnet_key = "transit-vnet"
subnet_keys = ["management"]
public_ip = {
create = true
name = "natgw-pip"


name = string
vnet_key = string
subnet_keys = list(string)
create_natgw = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_name = optional(string)
zone = optional(string)
idle_timeout = optional(number, 4)
public_ip = optional(object({
create = bool
name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string)
public_ip_prefix = optional(object({
create = bool
name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string)
length = optional(number)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map containing configuration for all (both private and public) Load Balancers.

This is a brief description of available properties. For a detailed one please refer to module documentation.

Following properties are available:

  • name - (string, required) a name of the Load Balancer.

  • vnet_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) a key pointing to a VNET definition in the var.vnets map that stores the Subnet described by subnet_key.

  • zones - (list, optional, defaults to module default) a list of zones for Load Balancer's frontend IP configurations.

  • backend_name - (string, optional, defaults to "vmseries_backend") a name of the backend pool to create.

  • health_probes - (map, optional, defaults to null) a map defining health probes that will be used by load balancing rules, please refer to module documentation for more specific use cases and available properties.

  • nsg_auto_rules_settings - (map, optional, defaults to null) a map defining a location of an existing NSG rule that will be populated with Allow rules for each load balancing rule (in_rules), please refer to module documentation for available properties.

    Please note that in this example two additional properties are available:

    • nsg_vnet_key - (string, optional, mutually exclusive with nsg_name) a key pointing to a VNET definition in the var.vnets map that stores the NSG described by nsg_key.
    • nsg_key - (string, optional, mutually exclusive with nsg_name) a key pointing to an NSG definition in the var.vnets map.
  • frontend_ips - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map containing frontend IP configuration with respective in_rules and out_rules, please refer to module documentation for available properties.

    Note! \ In this example the subnet_id is not available directly, another property has been introduced instead:

    • subnet_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) a key pointing to a Subnet definition in the var.vnets map.


name = string
vnet_key = optional(string)
zones = optional(list(string))
backend_name = optional(string, "vmseries_backend")
health_probes = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
port = optional(number)
probe_threshold = optional(number)
interval_in_seconds = optional(number)
request_path = optional(string)
nsg_auto_rules_settings = optional(object({
nsg_name = optional(string)
nsg_vnet_key = optional(string)
nsg_key = optional(string)
nsg_resource_group_name = optional(string)
source_ips = list(string)
base_priority = optional(number)
frontend_ips = optional(map(object({
name = string
subnet_key = optional(string)
public_ip_name = optional(string)
create_public_ip = optional(bool, false)
public_ip_resource_group_name = optional(string)
private_ip_address = optional(string)
gwlb_key = optional(string)
in_rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
port = number
backend_port = optional(number)
health_probe_key = optional(string)
floating_ip = optional(bool)
session_persistence = optional(string)
nsg_priority = optional(number)
})), {})
out_rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
allocated_outbound_ports = optional(number)
enable_tcp_reset = optional(bool)
idle_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number)
})), {})
})), {})

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining all Application Gateways in the current deployment.

For detailed documentation on how to configure this resource, for available properties, especially for the defaults, refer to module documentation.

Note! \ The rules property is meant to bind together backend_setting, redirect or url_path_map (all 3 are mutually exclusive). It represents the Rules section of an Application Gateway in Azure Portal.

Below you can find a brief list of most important properties:

  • name - (string, required) the name of the Application Gateway, will be prefixed with var.name_prefix.
  • vnet_key - (string, required) a key pointing to a VNET definition in the var.vnets map that stores the Subnet described by subnet_key.
  • subnet_key - (string, required) a key pointing to a Subnet definition in the var.vnets map, this has to be an Application Gateway V2 dedicated subnet.
  • zones - (list, optional, defaults to module default) parameter controlling if this is a zonal, or a non-zonal deployment.
  • public_ip - (map, required) defines a Public IP resource used by the Application Gateway instance, a newly created Public IP will have it's name prefixes with var.name_prefix.
  • listeners - (map, required) defines Application Gateway's Listeners, see module's documentation for details.
  • backend_pool - (map, optional, defaults to module default) backend pool definition, when skipped an empty backend will be created.
  • backend_settings - (map, optional, mutually exclusive with redirects and url_path_maps) defines HTTP backend settings, see module's documentation for details.
  • probes - (map, optional, defaults to module default) defines backend probes used check health of backends, see module's documentation for details.
  • rewrites - (map, optional, defaults to module default) defines rewrite rules, see module's documentation for details.
  • redirects - (map, optional, mutually exclusive with backend_settings and url_path_maps) static redirects definition, see module's documentation for details.
  • url_path_maps - (map, optional, mutually exclusive with backend_settings and redirects) URL path maps definition, see module's documentation for details.
  • rules - (map, required) Application Gateway Rules definition, bind together a listener with either backend_setting, redirect or url_path_map, see module's documentation for details.


name = string
vnet_key = string
subnet_key = string
zones = optional(list(string))
public_ip = object({
name = string
create = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_name = optional(string)
domain_name_label = optional(string)
capacity = optional(object({
static = optional(number)
autoscale = optional(object({
min = number
max = number
enable_http2 = optional(bool)
waf = optional(object({
prevention_mode = bool
rule_set_type = optional(string)
rule_set_version = optional(string)
managed_identities = optional(list(string))
global_ssl_policy = optional(object({
type = optional(string)
name = optional(string)
min_protocol_version = optional(string)
cipher_suites = optional(list(string))
ssl_profiles = optional(map(object({
name = string
ssl_policy_name = optional(string)
ssl_policy_min_protocol_version = optional(string)
ssl_policy_cipher_suites = optional(list(string))
frontend_ip_configuration_name = optional(string, "public_ipconfig")
listeners = map(object({
name = string
port = number
protocol = optional(string)
host_names = optional(list(string))
ssl_profile_name = optional(string)
ssl_certificate_path = optional(string)
ssl_certificate_pass = optional(string)
ssl_certificate_vault_id = optional(string)
custom_error_pages = optional(map(string))
backend_pool = optional(object({
name = optional(string)
vmseries_ips = optional(list(string))
backend_settings = optional(map(object({
name = string
port = number
protocol = string
path = optional(string)
hostname_from_backend = optional(string)
hostname = optional(string)
timeout = optional(number)
use_cookie_based_affinity = optional(bool)
affinity_cookie_name = optional(string)
probe = optional(string)
root_certs = optional(map(object({
name = string
path = string
probes = optional(map(object({
name = string
path = string
host = optional(string)
port = optional(number)
protocol = optional(string)
interval = optional(number)
timeout = optional(number)
threshold = optional(number)
match_code = optional(list(number))
match_body = optional(string)
rewrites = optional(map(object({
name = optional(string)
rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
sequence = number
conditions = optional(map(object({
pattern = string
ignore_case = optional(bool)
negate = optional(bool)
request_headers = optional(map(string))
response_headers = optional(map(string))
redirects = optional(map(object({
name = string
type = string
target_listener_key = optional(string)
target_url = optional(string)
include_path = optional(bool)
include_query_string = optional(bool)
url_path_maps = optional(map(object({
name = string
backend_key = string
path_rules = optional(map(object({
paths = list(string)
backend_key = optional(string)
redirect_key = optional(string)
rules = map(object({
name = string
priority = number
backend_key = optional(string)
listener_key = string
rewrite_key = optional(string)
url_path_map_key = optional(string)
redirect_key = optional(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining availability sets. Can be used to provide infrastructure high availability when zones cannot be used.

Following properties are supported:

  • name - (string, required) name of the Application Insights.
  • update_domain_count - (number, optional, defaults to Azure default) specifies the number of update domains that are used.
  • fault_domain_count - (number, optional, defaults to Azure default) specifies the number of fault domains that are used.

Note! \ Please keep in mind that Azure defaults are not working for every region (especially the small ones, without any Availability Zones). Please verify how many update and fault domain are supported in a region before deploying this resource.


name = string
update_domain_count = optional(number)
fault_domain_count = optional(number)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map controlling metrics-relates resources.

When set to explicit null (default) it will disable any metrics resources in this deployment.

When defined it will either create or source a Log Analytics Workspace and create Application Insights instances (one per each Scale Set). All instances will be automatically connected to the workspace. The name of the Application Insights instance will be derived from the Scale Set name and suffixed with -ai.

All the settings available below are common to the Log Analytics Workspace and Application Insight instances.

Following properties are available:

  • name - (string, required) name of the (common) Log Analytics Workspace.
  • create_workspace - (bool, optional, defaults to true) controls whether we create or source an existing Log Analytics Workspace.
  • resource_group_name - (string, optional, defaults to var.resource_group_name) name of the Resource Group hosting the Log Analytics Workspace.
  • sku - (string, optional, defaults to module default) the SKU of the Log Analytics Workspace.
  • metrics_retention_in_days - (number, optional, defaults to module default) workspace and insights data retention in days, possible values are between 30 and 730. For sourced Workspaces this applies only to the Application Insights instances.


name = string
create_workspace = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_name = optional(string)
sku = optional(string)
metrics_retention_in_days = optional(number)

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining Azure Storage Accounts used to host file shares for bootstrapping NGFWs.

You can create or re-use an existing Storage Account and/or File Share. For details on all available properties please refer to module's documentation. Following is just an extract of the most important ones:

  • name - (string, required) name of the Storage Account that will be created or sourced.

    Note \ For new Storage Accounts this name will not be prefixed with var.name_prefix. \ Please note the limitations on naming. This has to be a globally unique name, between 3 and 63 chars, only lower-case letters and numbers.

  • resource_group_name - (string, optional, defaults to null) name of the Resource Group that hosts (sourced) or will host (created) a Storage Account. When skipped the code will fall back to var.resource_group_name.

  • storage_account - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map controlling basic Storage Account configuration.

    The property you should pay attention to is:

    • create - (bool, optional, defaults to module default) controls if the Storage Account specified in the name property will be created or sourced.

    For detailed documentation see module's documentation.

  • storage_network_security - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map defining network security settings for a new storage account.

    The properties you should pay attention to are:

    • allowed_subnet_keys - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of keys pointing to Subnet definitions in the var.vnets map. These Subnets will have dedicated access to the Storage Account. For this to work they also need to have the Storage Account Service Endpoint enabled.
    • vnet_key - (string, optional) a key pointing to a VNET definition in the var.vnets map that stores the Subnets described in allowed_subnet_keys.

    For detailed documentation see module's documentation.

  • file_shares_configuration - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map defining common File Share setting.

    The properties you should pay attention to are:

    • create_file_shares - (bool, optional, defaults to module default) controls if the File Shares defined in the file_shares property will be created or sourced.
    • disable_package_dirs_creation - (bool, optional, defaults to module default) for sourced File Shares, controls if the bootstrap package folder structure will be created.

    For detailed documentation see module's documentation.

  • file_shares - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map that holds File Shares and bootstrap package configuration. For detailed description see module's documentation.


name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string)
storage_account = optional(object({
create = optional(bool)
replication_type = optional(string)
kind = optional(string)
tier = optional(string)
blob_retention = optional(number)
}), {})
storage_network_security = optional(object({
min_tls_version = optional(string)
allowed_public_ips = optional(list(string))
vnet_key = optional(string)
allowed_subnet_keys = optional(list(string), [])
}), {})
file_shares_configuration = optional(object({
create_file_shares = optional(bool)
disable_package_dirs_creation = optional(bool)
quota = optional(number)
access_tier = optional(string)
}), {})
file_shares = optional(map(object({
name = string
bootstrap_package_path = optional(string)
bootstrap_files = optional(map(string))
bootstrap_files_md5 = optional(map(string))
quota = optional(number)
access_tier = optional(string)
})), {})

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining common settings for all created VM-Series instances.

It duplicates popular properties from vmseries variable, specifically vmseries.image and vmseries.virtual_machine maps. However, if values are set in those maps, they still take precedence over the ones set within this variable. As a result, all universal properties can be overriden on a per-VM basis.

Following properties are supported:

  • version - (string, optional) describes the PAN-OS image version from Azure Marketplace.
  • size - (string, optional, defaults to module default) Azure VM size (type). Consult the VM-Series Deployment Guide as only a few selected sizes are supported.
  • bootstrap_options - (string, optional, mutually exclusive with bootstrap_package) bootstrap options passed to PAN-OS when launched for the 1st time, for details see module documentation.
  • bootstrap_package - (map, optional, mutually exclusive with bootstrap_options) a map defining content of the bootstrap package. For details and available properties refer to vmseries variable.


version = optional(string)
size = optional(string)
bootstrap_options = optional(string)
bootstrap_package = optional(object({
bootstrap_storage_key = string
static_files = optional(map(string), {})
bootstrap_package_path = optional(string)
bootstrap_xml_template = optional(string)
private_snet_key = optional(string)
public_snet_key = optional(string)
ai_update_interval = optional(number, 5)
intranet_cidr = optional(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining Azure Virtual Machines based on Palo Alto Networks Next Generation Firewall image.

For details and defaults for available options please refer to the vmseries module.

The most basic properties are as follows:

  • name - (string, required) name of the VM, will be prefixed with the value of var.name_prefix.

  • vnet_key - (string, required) a key of a VNET defined in var.vnets. This is the VNET that hosts subnets used to deploy network interfaces for deployed VM.

  • authentication - (map, optional, defaults to example defaults) authentication settings for the deployed VM.

    The authentication property is optional and holds the firewall admin access details. By default, standard username panadmin will be set and a random password will be auto-generated for you (available in Terraform outputs).

    Note! \ The disable_password_authentication property is by default false in this example. When using this value, you don't have to specify anything but you can still additionally pass SSH keys for authentication. You can however set this property to true, then you have to specify ssh_keys property.

    For all properties and their default values see module's documentation.

  • image - (map, optional) properties defining a base image used by the deployed VM. The image property is required (if no common properties were set within vmseries_universal variable) but there are only 2 properties (mutually exclusive) that have to be set, either:

    • version - (string, optional) describes the PAN-OS image version from Azure Marketplace.
    • custom_id - (string, optional) absolute ID of your own custom PAN-OS image.

    For details on all properties refer to module's documentation.

  • virtual_machine - (map, optional, defaults to module default) a map that groups most common VM configuration options. Most common properties are:

    • size - (string, optional, defaults to module default) Azure VM size (type). Consult the VM-Series Deployment Guide as only a few selected sizes are supported.

    • zone - (string, required) the Availability Zone in which the VM and (if deployed) public IP addresses will be created.

    • disk_type - (string, optional, defaults to module default) type of a Managed Disk which should be created, possible values are Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS or Premium_LRS (works only for selected size values).

    • bootstrap_options - (string, optional, mutually exclusive with bootstrap_package) bootstrap options passed to PAN-OS when launched for the 1st time, for details see module documentation.

    • bootstrap_package - (map, optional, mutually exclusive with bootstrap_options) a map defining content of the bootstrap package.

      Note! \ At least one of static_files, bootstrap_xml_template or bootstrap_package_path is required. You can use a combination of all 3. The bootstrap_package_path is the less important. For details on this mechanism and for details on the other properties see the bootstrap module documentation.

      Following properties are available:

      • bootstrap_storage_key - (string, required) a key of a bootstrap storage defined in var.bootstrap_storages that will host bootstrap packages. Each package will be hosted on a separate File Share. The File Shares will be created automatically, one for each firewall.

      • static_files - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map containing files that will be copied to a File Share, see file_shares.bootstrap_files property documentation for details.

      • bootstrap_package_path - (string, optional, defaults to null) a path to a folder containing a full bootstrap package.

      • bootstrap_xml_template - (string, optional, defaults to null) a path to a bootstrap.xml template. If this example is using full bootstrap method, the sample templates are in templates folder.

        The templates are used to provide day0 like configuration which consists of:

        • network interfaces configuration.
        • one or more (depending on the architecture) Virtual Routers configurations. This config contains static routes required for the Load Balancer (and Application Gateway, if defined) health checks to work and routes that allow Inbound and OBEW traffic.
        • any-any security rule.
        • an outbound NAT rule that will allow the Outbound traffic to flow to the Internet.

        Note! \ Day0 configuration is not meant to be secure. It's here merely to help with the basic firewall setup. When bootstrap_xml_template is set, one of the following properties might be required.

      • private_snet_key - (string, required only when bootstrap_xml_template is set, defaults to null) a key pointing to a private Subnet definition in var.vnets (the vnet_key property is used to identify a VNET). The Subnet definition is used to calculate static routes for a private Load Balancer health checks and for Inbound traffic.

      • public_snet_key - (string, required only when bootstrap_xml_template is set, defaults to null) a key pointing to a public Subnet definition in var.vnets (the vnet_key property is used to identify a VNET). The Subnet definition is used to calculate static routes for a public Load Balancer health checks and for Outbound traffic.

      • ai_update_interval - (number, optional, defaults to 5) Application Insights update interval, used only when ngfw_metrics module is defined and used in this example. The Application Insights Instrumentation Key will be populated automatically.

      • intranet_cidr - (string, optional, defaults to null) a CIDR of the Intranet - combined CIDR of all private networks. When set it will override the private Subnet CIDR for inbound traffic static routes.

      For details on all properties refer to module's documentation.

  • interfaces - (list, required) configuration of all network interfaces. Order of the interfaces does matter - the 1st interface is the management one. Most common properties are:

    • name - (string, required) name of the network interface (will be prefixed with var.name_prefix).
    • subnet_key - (string, required) a key of a subnet to which the interface will be assigned as defined in var.vnets. Key identifying the VNET is defined in virtual_machine.vnet_key property.
    • create_public_ip - (bool, optional, defaults to false) create a Public IP for an interface.
    • load_balancer_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) key of a Load Balancer defined in var.loadbalancers variable, network interface that has this property defined will be added to the Load Balancer's backend pool.
    • application_gateway_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) key of an Application Gateway defined in var.appgws variable, network interface that has this property defined will be added to the Application Gateway's backend pool.

    For details on all properties refer to module's documentation.


name = string
vnet_key = string
authentication = optional(object({
username = optional(string, "panadmin")
password = optional(string)
disable_password_authentication = optional(bool, false)
ssh_keys = optional(list(string), [])
}), {})
image = optional(object({
version = optional(string)
publisher = optional(string)
offer = optional(string)
sku = optional(string)
enable_marketplace_plan = optional(bool)
custom_id = optional(string)
virtual_machine = object({
size = optional(string)
bootstrap_options = optional(string)
bootstrap_package = optional(object({
bootstrap_storage_key = string
static_files = optional(map(string), {})
bootstrap_package_path = optional(string)
bootstrap_xml_template = optional(string)
private_snet_key = optional(string)
public_snet_key = optional(string)
ai_update_interval = optional(number, 5)
intranet_cidr = optional(string)
zone = string
disk_type = optional(string)
disk_name = optional(string)
avset_key = optional(string)
capacity_reservation_group_id = optional(string)
accelerated_networking = optional(bool)
allow_extension_operations = optional(bool)
encryption_at_host_enabled = optional(bool)
disk_encryption_set_id = optional(string)
enable_boot_diagnostics = optional(bool, true)
boot_diagnostics_storage_uri = optional(string)
identity_type = optional(string)
identity_ids = optional(list(string))
interfaces = list(object({
name = string
subnet_key = string
create_public_ip = optional(bool, false)
public_ip_name = optional(string)
public_ip_resource_group_name = optional(string)
private_ip_address = optional(string)
load_balancer_key = optional(string)
application_gateway_key = optional(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining test infrastructure including test VMs and Azure Bastion hosts.

For details and defaults for available options please refer to the test_infrastructure module.

Following properties are supported:

  • create_resource_group - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true, a new Resource Group is created. When set to false, an existing Resource Group is sourced.

  • resource_group_name - (string, optional) name of the Resource Group to be created or sourced.

  • vnets - (map, required) a map defining VNETs and peerings for the test environment. The most basic properties are as follows:

    • create_virtual_network - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true will create a VNET, false will source an existing VNET.
    • name - (string, required) a name of a VNET. In case create_virtual_network = false` this should be a full resource name, including prefixes.
    • address_space - (list(string), required when create_virtual_network = false`) a list of CIDRs for a newly created VNET.
    • create_subnets - (bool, optional, defaults to true) if true, create Subnets inside the Virtual Network, otherwise use source existing subnets.
    • subnets - (map, optional) map of Subnets to create or source, for details see VNET module documentation.
    • network_security_groups - (map, optional) map of Network Security Groups to create, for details see VNET module documentation.
    • route_tables - (map, optional) map of Route Tables to create, for details see VNET module documentation.
    • local_peer_config - (map, optional) a map that contains local peer configuration parameters. This value allows to set allow_virtual_network_access, allow_forwarded_traffic, allow_gateway_transit and use_remote_gateways parameters on the local VNet peering.
    • remote_peer_config - (map, optional) a map that contains remote peer configuration parameters. This value allows to set allow_virtual_network_access, allow_forwarded_traffic, allow_gateway_transit and use_remote_gateways parameters on the remote VNet peering.

    For all properties and their default values see module's documentation.

  • load_balancers - (map, optional) a map containing configuration for all (both private and public) Load Balancers. The most basic properties are as follows:

    • name - (string, required) a name of the Load Balancer.
    • vnet_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) a key pointing to a VNET definition in the var.vnets map that stores the Subnet described by subnet_key.
    • zones - (list, optional, defaults to module default) a list of zones for Load Balancer's frontend IP configurations.
    • backend_name - (string, optional) a name of the backend pool to create.
    • health_probes - (map, optional, defaults to null) a map defining health probes that will be used by load balancing rules, please refer to loadbalancer module documentation for more specific use cases and available properties.
    • nsg_auto_rules_settings - (map, optional, defaults to null) a map defining a location of an existing NSG rule that will be populated with Allow rules for each load balancing rule (in_rules), please refer to loadbalancer module documentation for available properties.

    Please note that in this example two additional properties are available:

    • nsg_vnet_key - (string, optional, mutually exclusive with nsg_name) a key pointing to a VNET definition in the var.vnets map that stores the NSG described by nsg_key.

    • nsg_key - (string, optional, mutually exclusive with nsg_name) a key pointing to an NSG definition in the var.vnets map.

    • frontend_ips - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map containing frontend IP configuration with respective in_rules and out_rules, please refer to loadbalancer module documentation for available properties.

      Note! \ In this example the subnet_id is not available directly, another property has been introduced instead:

      • subnet_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) a key pointing to a Subnet definition in the var.vnets map.

    For all properties and their default values see module's documentation.

  • authentication - (map, optional, defaults to example defaults) authentication settings for the deployed VMs.

  • spoke_vms - (map, required) a map defining test VMs. The most basic properties are as follows:

    • name - (string, required) a name of the VM.
    • vnet_key - (string, required) a key describing a VNET defined in vnets property.
    • subnet_key - (string, required) a key describing a Subnet found in a VNET definition.
    • load_balancer_key - (string, optional) a key describing a Load Balancer defined in load_balancers property.

    For all properties and their default values see module's documentation.

  • bastions - (map, required) a map containing Azure Bastion definitions. The most basic properties are as follows:

    • name - (string, required) an Azure Bastion name.
    • vnet_key - (string, required) a key describing a VNET defined in vnets property. This VNET should already have an existing subnet called AzureBastionSubnet (the name is hardcoded by Microsoft).
    • subnet_key - (string, required) a key pointing to a Subnet dedicated to a Bastion deployment.

    For all properties and their default values see module's documentation.


create_resource_group = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_name = optional(string)
vnets = map(object({
name = string
create_virtual_network = optional(bool, true)
address_space = optional(list(string))
hub_resource_group_name = optional(string)
hub_vnet_name = string
network_security_groups = optional(map(object({
name = string
rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
priority = number
direction = string
access = string
protocol = string
source_port_range = optional(string)
source_port_ranges = optional(list(string))
destination_port_range = optional(string)
destination_port_ranges = optional(list(string))
source_address_prefix = optional(string)
source_address_prefixes = optional(list(string))
destination_address_prefix = optional(string)
destination_address_prefixes = optional(list(string))
})), {})
})), {})
route_tables = optional(map(object({
name = string
disable_bgp_route_propagation = optional(bool)
routes = map(object({
name = string
address_prefix = string
next_hop_type = string
next_hop_ip_address = optional(string)
})), {})
create_subnets = optional(bool, true)
subnets = optional(map(object({
name = string
address_prefixes = optional(list(string), [])
network_security_group_key = optional(string)
route_table_key = optional(string)
enable_storage_service_endpoint = optional(bool, false)
})), {})
local_peer_config = optional(object({
allow_virtual_network_access = optional(bool, true)
allow_forwarded_traffic = optional(bool, true)
allow_gateway_transit = optional(bool, false)
use_remote_gateways = optional(bool, false)
}), {})
remote_peer_config = optional(object({
allow_virtual_network_access = optional(bool, true)
allow_forwarded_traffic = optional(bool, true)
allow_gateway_transit = optional(bool, false)
use_remote_gateways = optional(bool, false)
}), {})
load_balancers = optional(map(object({
name = string
vnet_key = optional(string)
zones = optional(list(string))
backend_name = optional(string)
health_probes = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
port = optional(number)
probe_threshold = optional(number)
interval_in_seconds = optional(number)
request_path = optional(string)
nsg_auto_rules_settings = optional(object({
nsg_name = optional(string)
nsg_vnet_key = optional(string)
nsg_key = optional(string)
nsg_resource_group_name = optional(string)
source_ips = list(string)
base_priority = optional(number)
frontend_ips = optional(map(object({
name = string
subnet_key = optional(string)
public_ip_name = optional(string)
create_public_ip = optional(bool, false)
public_ip_resource_group_name = optional(string)
private_ip_address = optional(string)
gwlb_key = optional(string)
in_rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
port = number
backend_port = optional(number)
health_probe_key = optional(string)
floating_ip = optional(bool)
session_persistence = optional(string)
nsg_priority = optional(number)
})), {})
out_rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
allocated_outbound_ports = optional(number)
enable_tcp_reset = optional(bool)
idle_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number)
})), {})
})), {})
})), {})
authentication = optional(object({
username = optional(string, "bitnami")
password = optional(string)
}), {})
spoke_vms = map(object({
name = string
interface_name = optional(string)
disk_name = optional(string)
vnet_key = string
subnet_key = string
load_balancer_key = optional(string)
private_ip_address = optional(string)
size = optional(string)
image = optional(object({
publisher = optional(string)
offer = optional(string)
sku = optional(string)
version = optional(string)
enable_marketplace_plan = optional(bool)
}), {})
custom_data = optional(string)
bastions = map(object({
name = string
public_ip_name = optional(string)
vnet_key = string
subnet_key = string

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)