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Palo Alto Networks VNet Module for Azure

A Terraform module for deploying a Virtual Network and its components required for the VM-Series firewalls in Azure.

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This module is designed to work in several modes depending on which variables or flags are set. Most common usage scenarios are:

  • create all - creates a VNET, Subnet, NSGs and Route Tables. In this example the two latter are assigned to the Subnet. The NSG and Route Table have rules defined:

    name                = "transit"
    resource_group_name = "existing-rg"
    address_space = [""]
    network_security_groups = {
    inbound = {
    name = "inbound-nsg"
    rules = {
    mgmt_inbound = {
    name = "allow-traffic"
    priority = 100
    direction = "Inbound"
    access = "Allow"
    protocol = "Tcp"
    source_address_prefixes = [""] # TODO: Whitelist public IP addresses that will be used to manage the appliances
    source_port_range = "*"
    destination_address_prefix = ""
    destination_port_ranges = ["22", "443"]
    route_tables = {
    default = {
    name = "default-rt"
    routes = {
    "default" = {
    name = "default-udr"
    address_prefix = ""
    next_hop_type = "VirtualAppliance"
    next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
    subnets = {
    "subnet" = {
    name = "snet"
    address_prefixes = [""]
    network_security_group = "inbound"
    route_table = "default"
  • source a VNET but create Subnets, NSGs and Route Tables. This is a similar example to the above one, NSG and Route Table are empty this time:

    create_virtual_network = false
    name = "existing-vnet"
    resource_group_name = "existing-rg"
    network_security_groups = {
    inbound = { name = "inbound-nsg" }
    route_tables = {
    default = { name = "default-rt" }
    subnets = {
    "subnet" = {
    name = "snet"
    address_prefixes = [""]
    network_security_group = "inbound"
    route_table = "default"
  • source a VNET and Subnet, but create NSGs and Route Tables. This is a common brownfield use case: we will source Subnets, and create and assign NSGs and Route Tables to them:

    create_virtual_network = false
    name = "existing-vnet"
    resource_group_name = "existing-rg"
    network_security_groups = {
    inbound = {
    name = "inbound-nsg"
    rules = {
    mgmt_inbound = {
    name = "allow-traffic"
    priority = 100
    direction = "Inbound"
    access = "Allow"
    protocol = "Tcp"
    source_address_prefixes = [""] # TODO: Whitelist public IP addresses that will be used to manage the appliances
    source_port_range = "*"
    destination_address_prefix = ""
    destination_port_ranges = ["22", "443"]
    route_tables = {
    default = {
    name = "default-rt"
    routes = {
    "default" = {
    name = "default-udr"
    address_prefix = ""
    next_hop_type = "VirtualAppliance"
    next_hop_in_ip_address = ""
    create_subnets = false
    subnets = {
    "subnet" = {
    name = "snet"
    network_security_group = "inbound"
    route_table = "default"



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • network_security_group (managed)
  • network_security_rule (managed)
  • route (managed)
  • route_table (managed)
  • subnet (managed)
  • subnet_network_security_group_association (managed)
  • subnet_route_table_association (managed)
  • virtual_network (managed)
  • subnet (data)
  • virtual_network (data)

Required Inputs

namestringThe name of the Azure Virtual Network.
resource_group_namestringThe name of the Resource Group to use.
regionstringThe name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.

Optional Inputs

tagsmapThe map of tags to assign to all created resources.
create_virtual_networkboolControls Virtual Network creation.
address_spacelistThe address space used by the virtual network.
vnet_encryptionstringEnables Azure Virtual Network encryption feature (in AllowUnencrypted mode by default).
network_security_groupsmapMap of objects describing Network Security Groups.
route_tablesmapMap of objects describing a Route Tables.
create_subnetsboolControls subnet creation.
subnetsmapMap of objects describing subnets to manage.


virtual_network_idThe identifier of the created or sourced Virtual Network.
vnet_cidrVNET address space.
subnet_idsThe identifiers of the created or sourced Subnets.
subnet_cidrsSubnet CIDRs (sourced or created).
network_security_group_idsThe identifiers of the created Network Security Groups.
route_table_idsThe identifiers of the created Route Tables.

Required Inputs details


The name of the Azure Virtual Network.

Type: string

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The name of the Resource Group to use.

Type: string

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The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.

Type: string

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Optional Inputs details


The map of tags to assign to all created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

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Controls Virtual Network creation.

When set to true, creates the Virtual Network, otherwise just use a pre-existing network.

Type: bool

Default value: true

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The address space used by the virtual network.

You can supply more than one address space. Required only when you create a VNET.

Type: list(string)

Default value: &{}

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Enables Azure Virtual Network encryption feature (in AllowUnencrypted mode by default). When set to null VNET encryption is disabled.

Type: string

Default value: AllowUnencrypted

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Map of objects describing Network Security Groups.

List of available properties:

  • name - (string, required) name of the Network Security Group.

  • rules - (map, optional, defaults to {}) A list of objects representing Network Security Rules.

    All port values are integers between 0 and 65535. Port ranges can be specified as minimum-maximum port value, example: 21-23.

    Following attributes are available:

    • name - (string, required) name of the rule.
    • priority - (number, required) numeric priority of the rule. The value can be between 100 and 4096 and must be unique for each rule in the collection. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority of the rule.
    • direction - (string, required) the direction specifies if rule will be evaluated on incoming or outgoing traffic. Possible values are Inbound and Outbound.
    • access - (string, required) specifies whether network traffic is allowed or denied. Possible values are Allow and Deny.
    • protocol - (string, required) a network protocol this rule applies to. Possible values include Tcp, Udp, Icmp, or * (which matches all). For supported values refer to the provider documentation.
    • source_port_range - (string, required, mutually exclusive with source_port_ranges) a source port or a range of ports. This can also be an * to match all.
    • source_port_ranges - (list, required, mutually exclusive with source_port_range) a list of source ports or ranges of ports.
    • source_address_prefix - (string, required, mutually exclusive with source_address_prefixes) source CIDR or IP range or * to match any IP. This can also be a tag. To see all available tags for a region use the following command (example for US West Central): az network list-service-tags --location westcentralus.
    • source_address_prefixes - (list, required, mutually exclusive with source_address_prefix) a list of source address prefixes. Tags are not allowed.
    • destination_port_range - (string, required, mutually exclusive with destination_port_ranges) destination port or a range of ports. This can also be an * to match all.
    • destination_port_ranges - (list, required, mutually exclusive with destination_port_range) a list of destination ports or a ranges of ports.
    • destination_address_prefix - (string, required, mutually exclusive with destination_address_prefixes) destination CIDR or IP range or * to match any IP. Tags are allowed, see source_address_prefix for details.
    • destination_address_prefixes - (list, required, mutually exclusive with destination_address_prefixes) a list of destination address prefixes. Tags are not allowed.


"nsg_1" = {
name = "network_security_group_1"
rules = {
"AllOutbound" = {
name = = "DefaultOutbound"
priority = 100
direction = "Outbound"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
source_port_range = "*"
source_address_prefix = "*"
destination_port_range = "*"
destination_address_prefix = "*"
"AllowSSH" = {
name = "InboundSSH"
priority = 200
direction = "Inbound"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
source_port_range = "*"
source_address_prefix = "*"
destination_port_range = "22"
destination_address_prefix = "*"
"AllowWebBrowsing" = {
name = "InboundWeb"
priority = 300
direction = "Inbound"
access = "Allow"
protocol = "Tcp"
source_port_range = "*"
source_address_prefix = "*"
destination_port_ranges = ["80","443"]
destination_address_prefix = "VirtualNetwork"
"nsg_2" = {
name = "empty-nsg


name = string
rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
priority = number
direction = string
access = string
protocol = string
source_port_range = optional(string)
source_port_ranges = optional(list(string))
source_address_prefix = optional(string)
source_address_prefixes = optional(list(string))
destination_port_range = optional(string)
destination_port_ranges = optional(list(string))
destination_address_prefix = optional(string)
destination_address_prefixes = optional(list(string))
})), {})

Default value: map[]

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Map of objects describing a Route Tables.

List of available properties:

  • name - (string, required) name of a Route Table.
  • disable_bgp_route_propagation - (bool, optional, defaults to false) controls propagation of routes learned by BGP.
  • routes - (map, required) a map of Route Table entries (UDRs):
    • name - (string, required) a name of a UDR.
    • address_prefix - (string, required) the destination CIDR to which the route applies, such as
    • next_hop_type - (string, required) the type of Azure hop the packet should be sent to. Possible values are: VirtualNetworkGateway, VnetLocal, Internet, VirtualAppliance and None.
    • next_hop_ip_address - (string, required) contains the IP address packets should be forwarded to. Used only when next_hop_type is set to VirtualAppliance, ignored otherwise.


"rt_1" = {
name = "route_table_1"
routes = {
"route_1" = {
name = "route-1"
address_prefix = ""
next_hop_type = "VnetLocal"
"route_2" = {
name = "route-2"
address_prefix = ""
next_hop_type = "VnetLocal"
"rt_2" = {
name = "route_table_2"
routes = {
"route_3" = {
name = "default-nva-route"
address_prefix = ""
next_hop_type = "VirtualAppliance"
next_hop_ip_address = ""


name = string
disable_bgp_route_propagation = optional(bool, false)
routes = map(object({
name = string
address_prefix = string
next_hop_type = string
next_hop_ip_address = optional(string)

Default value: map[]

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Controls subnet creation.

Possible variants:

  • true - create subnets described in var.subnets.
  • false - source subnets described in var.subnets.

When this variable is false and var.subnets variable is empty, subnets management is skipped.

Type: bool

Default value: true

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Map of objects describing subnets to manage.

By the default the described subnets will be created. If however create_subnets is set to false this is just a mapping between the existing subnets and UDRs and NSGs that should be assigned to them.

List of available attributes of each subnet entry:

  • name - (string, required) name of a subnet.
  • address_prefixes - (list(string), required when create_subnets = true) a list of address prefixes within VNET's address space to assign to a created subnet.
  • network_security_group_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) a key identifying an NSG defined in network_security_groups that should be assigned to this subnet.
  • route_table_key - (string, optional, defaults to null) a key identifying a Route Table defined in route_tables that should be assigned to this subnet.
  • enable_storage_service_endpoint - (bool, optional, defaults to false) a flag that enables Microsoft.Storage service endpoint on a subnet. This is a suggested setting for the management interface when full bootstrapping using an Azure Storage Account is used.


"management" = {
name = "management-snet"
address_prefixes = [""]
network_security_group_key = "network_security_group_1"
enable_storage_service_endpoint = true
"private" = {
name = "private-snet"
address_prefixes = [""]
route_table_key = "route_table_2"
"public" = {
name = "public-snet"
address_prefixes = [""]


name = string
address_prefixes = optional(list(string), [])
network_security_group_key = optional(string)
route_table_key = optional(string)
enable_storage_service_endpoint = optional(bool, false)

Default value: map[]

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