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Palo Alto Networks VMSS Module for Azure

A terraform module for deploying a Scale Set based on Next Generation Firewalls in Azure.

Due to lack of proper method of running health probes against Pan-OS based VMs running in a Scale Set, the upgrade_mode property is hardcoded to Manual.

For this mode to actually work the roll_instances_when_required provider feature has to be also configured and set to false. Unfortunately this cannot be set in the vmss module, it has to be specified in the root module.

Therefore, when using this module please add the following provider block to your code:

provider "azurerm" {
features {
virtual_machine_scale_set {
roll_instances_when_required = false

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About rolling upgrades and auto healing

Both, the rolling upgrade mode and auto healing target the 1st NIC on a Scale Set VM with a health probe to verify if the VM is capable of handling traffic. Furthermore, for the health probe to work the 1st interface has to be added to a Load Balancer.

This provides some obstacles when deploying such setup with Next Generation Firewall based Scale Set: most importantly the health probe would target the management interface which could lead to false-positives. A management service can respond to TCP/Http probes, while the data plane remains unconfigured. An easy solution would to bo configure an interface swap, unfortunately this is not available in the Azure VM-Series image yet.

Custom Metrics and Autoscaling

Firewalls can publish custom metrics (for example panSessionUtilization) to Azure Application Insights to improve the autoscaling. This is a suggested way of setting up scaling rules as these metrics are gathered only from the data plane.

This however requires some additional steps:

  • deploy the ngfw_metrics module, this module outputs two properties:
    • application_insights_ids - a map of IDs of the deployed Application Insights instances
    • metrics_instrumentation_keys - a map of instrumentation keys for the deployed Application Insights instances
  • configure this module with the ID of the desired Application Insights instance, use the var.autoscaling_configuration.application_insights_id property
  • depending on the bootstrap method you use, configure the PAN-OS VM-Series plugins with the metrics instrumentation key belonging to the Application Insights instance of your choice.

The metrics gathered within a single Azure Application Insights instance provided by the module, cannot be split to obtain back a result for solely a single firewall. Thus for example if three firewalls use the same Instrumentation Key and report their respective session utilizations as 90%, 20%, 10%, it is possible to see in Azure the average of 40%, the sum of 120%, the max of 90%, but it is not possible to know which of the firewalls reported the 90% utilization.

Therefore each Scale Set instance should be configured with a dedicated Application Insights instance.


Below you can find a simple example deploying a Scale Set w/o autoscaling, using defaults where possible:

module "vmss" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/vmss"

name = "ngfw-vmss"
resource_group_name = "hub-rg"
region = "West Europe"

authentication = {
username = "panadmin"
password = "c0mpl1c@t3d"
disable_password_authentication = true
vm_image_configuration = {
img_version = "10.2.4"
scale_set_configuration = {}
interfaces = [
name = "managmeent"
subnet_id = "management_subnet_ID_string"
name = "private"
subnet_id = "private_subnet_ID_string"
lb_backend_pool_ids = ["LBI_backend_pool_ID"]
name = "managmeent"
subnet_id = "management_subnet_ID_string"
lb_backend_pool_ids = ["LBE_backend_pool_ID"]
appgw_backend_pool_ids = ["AppGW_backend_pool_ID"]

autoscaling_configuration = {}
autoscaling_profiles = []



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98




  • linux_virtual_machine_scale_set (managed)
  • monitor_autoscale_setting (managed)

Required Inputs

namestringThe name of the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set.
resource_group_namestringThe name of the Resource Group to use.
regionstringThe name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.
authenticationobjectA map defining authentication settings (including username and password).
imageobjectBasic Azure VM configuration.
interfaceslistList of the network interfaces specifications.

Optional Inputs

tagsmapThe map of tags to assign to all created resources.
virtual_machine_scale_setobjectScale set parameters configuration.
autoscaling_configurationobjectAutoscaling configuration common to all policies.
autoscaling_profileslistA list defining autoscaling profiles.


scale_set_nameName of the created scale set.
usernameFirewall admin account name.
passwordFirewall admin password

Required Inputs details


The name of the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set.

Type: string

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The name of the Resource Group to use.

Type: string

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The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.

Type: string

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A map defining authentication settings (including username and password).

Following properties are available:

  • username - (string, optional, defaults to panadmin) the initial administrative VM-Series username.
  • password - (string, optional, defaults to null) the initial administrative VM-Series password.
  • disable_password_authentication - (bool, optional, defaults to true) disables password-based authentication.
  • ssh_keys - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of initial administrative SSH public keys.

The password property is required when ssh_keys is not specified. You can have both, password and key authentication.

ssh_keys property is a list of strings, so each item should be the actual public key value. If you would like to load them from files use the file function, for example: [ file("/path/to/public/keys/") ].


username = optional(string, "panadmin")
password = optional(string)
disable_password_authentication = optional(bool, true)
ssh_keys = optional(list(string), [])

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Basic Azure VM configuration.

Following properties are available:

  • version - (string, optional, defaults to null) VM-Series PAN-OS version; list available with az vm image list -o table --publisher paloaltonetworks --offer vmseries-flex --all.
  • publisher - (string, optional, defaults to paloaltonetworks) the Azure Publisher identifier for an image which should be deployed.
  • offer - (string, optional, defaults to vmseries-flex) the Azure Offer identifier corresponding to a published image.
  • sku - (string, optional, defaults to byol) VM-Series SKU, list available with az vm image list -o table --all --publisher paloaltonetworks.
  • enable_marketplace_plan - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true accepts the license for an offer/plan on Azure Market Place.
  • custom_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) absolute ID of your own custom PAN-OS image to be used for creating new Virtual Machines.

custom_id and version properties are mutually exclusive.


version = optional(string)
publisher = optional(string, "paloaltonetworks")
offer = optional(string, "vmseries-flex")
sku = optional(string, "byol")
enable_marketplace_plan = optional(bool, true)
custom_id = optional(string)

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List of the network interfaces specifications.

The ORDER in which you specify the interfaces DOES MATTER.

Interfaces will be attached to VM in the order you define here, therefore:

  • the first should be the management interface, which does not participate in data filtering
  • the remaining ones are the dataplane interfaces.

Following configuration options are available:

  • name - (string, required) the interface name.
  • subnet_id - (string, required) ID of an existing subnet to create the interface in.
  • create_public_ip - (bool, optional, defaults to false) if true, create a public IP for the interface.
  • lb_backend_pool_ids - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of identifiers of existing Load Balancer backend pools to associate the interface with.
  • appgw_backend_pool_ids - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of identifier of Application Gateway's backend pools to associate the interface with.
  • pip_domain_name_label - (string, optional, defaults to null) the IP Prefix which should be used for the Domain Name Label for each Virtual Machine Instance.


name = "management"
subnet_id =
create_pip = true
name = "private"
subnet_id =
name = "public"
subnet_id =
lb_backend_pool_ids = []


name = string
subnet_id = string
create_public_ip = optional(bool, false)
lb_backend_pool_ids = optional(list(string), [])
appgw_backend_pool_ids = optional(list(string), [])
pip_domain_name_label = optional(string)

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Optional Inputs details


The map of tags to assign to all created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

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Scale set parameters configuration.

This map contains basic, as well as some optional Virtual Machine Scale Set parameters. Both types contain sane defaults. Nevertheless they should be at least reviewed to meet deployment requirements.

List of either required or important properties:

  • size - (string, optional, defaults to Standard_D3_v2) Azure VM size (type). Consult the VM-Series Deployment Guide as only few selected sizes are supported. The default one is a VM-300 equivalent.

  • zones - (list, optional, defaults to null) a list of Availability Zones in which VMs from this Scale Set will be created.

  • disk_type - (string, optional, defaults to StandardSSD_LRS) type of Managed Disk which should be created, possible values are Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS or Premium_LRS (works only for selected size values).

  • bootstrap_options - (string, optional) bootstrap options to pass to VM-Series instance.

    Proper syntax is a string of semicolon separated properties, for example:

    bootstrap_options = "type=dhcp-client;panorama-server="

    For more details on bootstrapping see documentation.

List of other, optional properties:

  • accelerated_networking - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true enables Azure accelerated networking (SR-IOV) for all dataplane network interfaces, this does not affect the management interface (always disabled).
  • allow_extension_operations - (bool, optional, defaults to false) should Extension Operations be allowed on this VM.
  • disk_encryption_set_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) the ID of the Disk Encryption Set which should be used to encrypt this VM's disk.
  • encryption_at_host_enabled - (bool, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) should all of disks be encrypted by enabling Encryption at Host.
  • overprovision - (bool, optional, defaults to true) See the provider documentation.
  • platform_fault_domain_count - (number, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) specifies the number of fault domains that are used by this Virtual Machine Scale Set.
  • single_placement_group - (bool, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) when true this Virtual Machine Scale Set will be limited to a Single Placement Group, which means the number of instances will be capped at 100 Virtual Machines.
  • capacity_reservation_group_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) specifies the ID of the Capacity Reservation Group which the Virtual Machine Scale Set should be allocated to.
  • enable_boot_diagnostics - (bool, optional, defaults to false) enables boot diagnostics for a VM.
  • boot_diagnostics_storage_uri - (string, optional, defaults to null) Storage Account's Blob endpoint to hold diagnostic files, when skipped a managed Storage Account will be used (preferred).
  • identity_type - (string, optional, defaults to SystemAssigned) type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this VM. Can be one of "SystemAssigned", "UserAssigned" or "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned".
  • identity_ids - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this VM. Required only if identity_type is not "SystemAssigned".


size = optional(string, "Standard_D3_v2")
bootstrap_options = optional(string)
zones = optional(list(string))
disk_type = optional(string, "StandardSSD_LRS")
accelerated_networking = optional(bool, true)
allow_extension_operations = optional(bool, false)
encryption_at_host_enabled = optional(bool)
overprovision = optional(bool, true)
platform_fault_domain_count = optional(number)
single_placement_group = optional(bool)
capacity_reservation_group_id = optional(string)
disk_encryption_set_id = optional(string)
enable_boot_diagnostics = optional(bool, false)
boot_diagnostics_storage_uri = optional(string)
identity_type = optional(string, "SystemAssigned")
identity_ids = optional(list(string), [])

Default value: map[]

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Autoscaling configuration common to all policies.

Following properties are available:

  • application_insights_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) an ID of Application Insights instance that should be used to provide metrics for autoscaling; to avoid false positives this should be an instance dedicated to this Scale Set.
  • default_count - (number, optional, defaults to 2) minimum number of instances that should be present in the scale set when the autoscaling engine cannot read the metrics or is otherwise unable to compare the metrics to the thresholds.
  • scale_in_policy - (string, optional, defaults to Azure default) controls which VMs are chosen for removal during a scale-in, can be one of: Default, NewestVM, OldestVM.
  • scale_in_force_deletion - (bool, optional, defaults to false) when true will force delete machines during a scale-in operation.
  • notification_emails - (list, optional, defaults to []) list of email addresses to notify about autoscaling events.
  • webhooks_uris - (map, optional, defaults to {}) the URIs that receive autoscaling events; a map where keys are just arbitrary identifiers and the values are the webhook URIs.


application_insights_id = optional(string)
default_count = optional(number, 2)
scale_in_policy = optional(string)
scale_in_force_deletion = optional(bool, false)
notification_emails = optional(list(string), [])
webhooks_uris = optional(map(string), {})

Default value: map[]

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A list defining autoscaling profiles.

The order does matter. The 1st profile becomes the default one.

There are some considerations when creating autoscaling configuration:

  1. the 1st profile created will become the default one, it cannot contain any schedule.
  2. all other profiles should contain schedules.
  3. the scaling rules are optional, if you skip them you will create a profile with a set number of VM instances (in such case the minimum_count and maximum_count properties are skipped).

Following properties are available:

  • name - (string, required) the name of the profile.

  • default_count - (number, required) the default number of VMs.

  • minimum_count - (number, optional, defaults to default_count) minimum number of VMs when scaling in.

  • maximum_count - (number, optional, defaults to default_count) maximum number of VMs when you scale out.

  • recurrence - (map, required for rules beside the 1st one) a map defining time schedule for the profile to apply:

    • timezone - (string, optional, defaults to Azure default (UTC)) timezone for the time schedule, supported list can be found here.
    • days - (list, required) list of days of the week during which the profile is applicable, case sensitive, possible values are "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" and "Sunday".
    • start_time - (string, required) profile start time in RFC3339 format.
    • end_time - (string, required) profile end time in RFC3339 format.
  • scale_rules - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of maps defining metrics and rules for autoscaling.

    By default all VMSS built-in metrics are available. These do not differentiate between management and data planes. For more accuracy please use NGFW metrics.

    Each metric definition is a map with 3 properties:

    • name - (string, required) name of the rule.

    • scale_out_config - (map, required) definition of the rule used to scale-out.

    • scale_in_config - (map, required) definition of the rule used to scale-in.

      Both scale_out_config and scale_in_config maps contain the same properties. The ones that are required for scale-out but optional for scale-in, when skipped in the latter configuration, default to scale-out values:

      • threshold - (number, required) the threshold of a metric that triggers the scale action.
      • operator - (string, optional, defaults to >= or <= for scale-out and scale-in respectively) the metric vs. threshold comparison operator, can be one of: >, >=, <, <=, == or !=.
      • grain_window_minutes - (number, required for scale-out, optional for scale-in) granularity of metrics that the rule monitors, between 1 minute and 12 hours (specified in minutes).
      • grain_aggregation_type - (string, optional, defaults to "Average") method used to combine data from grain_window, can be one of Average, Max, Min or Sum.
      • aggregation_window_minutes - (number, required for scale-out, optional for scale-in) time window used to analyze metrics, between 5 minutes and 12 hours (specified in minutes), must be greater than grain_window_minutes.
      • aggregation_window_type - (string, optional, defaults to "Average") method used to combine data from aggregation_window, can be one of Average, Maximum, Minimum, Count, Last or Total.
      • cooldown_window_minutes - (number, required) the amount of time to wait after a scale action, between 1 minute and 1 week (specified in minutes).
      • change_count_by - (number, optional, default to 1) a number of VM instances by which the total count of instances in a Scale Set will be changed during a scale action.


# defining one profile
autoscaling_profiles = [
name = "default_profile"
default_count = 2
minimum_count = 2
maximum_count = 4
scale_rules = [
name = "DataPlaneCPUUtilizationPct"
scale_out_config = {
threshold = 85
grain_window_minutes = 1
aggregation_window_minutes = 25
cooldown_window_minutes = 60
scale_in_config = {
threshold = 60
cooldown_window_minutes = 120

# defining a profile with a rule scaling to 1 NGFW, used when no other rule is applicable
# and a second rule used for autoscaling during 'office hours'
autoscaling_profiles = [
name = "default_profile"
default_count = 1
name = "weekday_profile"
default_count = 2
minimum_count = 2
maximum_count = 10
recurrence = {
days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]
start_time = "07:30"
end_time = "17:00"
scale_rules = [
name = "Percentage CPU"
scale_out_config = {
threshold = 70
grain_window_minutes = 5
aggregation_window_minutes = 30
cooldown_window_minutes = 60
scale_in_config = {
threshold = 40
cooldown_window_minutes = 120
name = "Outbound Flows"
scale_out_config = {
threshold = 500
grain_window_minutes = 5
aggregation_window_minutes = 30
cooldown_window_minutes = 60
scale_in_config = {
threshold = 400
cooldown_window_minutes = 60


name = string
minimum_count = optional(number)
default_count = number
maximum_count = optional(number)
recurrence = optional(object({
timezone = optional(string)
days = list(string)
start_time = string
end_time = string
scale_rules = optional(list(object({
name = string
scale_out_config = object({
threshold = number
operator = optional(string, ">=")
grain_window_minutes = number
grain_aggregation_type = optional(string, "Average")
aggregation_window_minutes = number
aggregation_window_type = optional(string, "Average")
cooldown_window_minutes = number
change_count_by = optional(number, 1)
scale_in_config = object({
threshold = number
operator = optional(string, "<=")
grain_window_minutes = optional(number)
grain_aggregation_type = optional(string, "Average")
aggregation_window_minutes = optional(number)
aggregation_window_type = optional(string, "Average")
cooldown_window_minutes = number
change_count_by = optional(number, 1)
})), [])

Default value: []

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