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Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Module for Azure

A Terraform module for deploying a VM-Series firewall in Azure cloud. The module is not intended for use with Scale Sets.

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For usage please refer to any reference architecture example.

Accept Azure Marketplace Terms

Accept the Azure Marketplace terms for the VM-Series images. In a typical situation use these commands:

az vm image terms accept --publisher paloaltonetworks --offer vmseries-flex --plan byol --subscription MySubscription
az vm image terms accept --publisher paloaltonetworks --offer vmseries-flex --plan bundle1 --subscription MySubscription
az vm image terms accept --publisher paloaltonetworks --offer vmseries-flex --plan bundle2 --subscription MySubscription

You can revoke the acceptance later with the az vm image terms cancel command. The acceptance applies to the entirety of your Azure Subscription.

Caveat Regarding Region

By default, the VM-Series is placed into an Availability Zone "1". Hence, it can only deploy successfully in the Regions that support Zones. If your Region doesn't, use an alternative mechanism of Availability Set, which is inferior but universally supported:

   avset_id =
avzone = null



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • linux_virtual_machine (managed)
  • network_interface (managed)
  • network_interface_backend_address_pool_association (managed)
  • public_ip (managed)
  • public_ip (data)

Required Inputs

namestringThe name of the Azure Virtual Machine.
resource_group_namestringThe name of the Resource Group to use.
regionstringThe name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.
authenticationobjectA map defining authentication settings (including username and password).
imageobjectBasic Azure VM image configuration.
virtual_machineobjectFirewall parameters configuration.
interfaceslistList of the network interface specifications.

Optional Inputs

tagsmapThe map of tags to assign to all created resources.


mgmt_ip_addressVM-Series management IP address. If create_public_ip was true, it is a public IP address, otherwise a private IP address.

interfaces | Map of VM-Series network interfaces. Keys are equal to var.interfaces name properties. principal_id | The ID of Azure Service Principal of the created VM-Series. Usable only if identity_type contains SystemAssigned.

Required Inputs details


The name of the Azure Virtual Machine.

Type: string

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The name of the Resource Group to use.

Type: string

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The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.

Type: string

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A map defining authentication settings (including username and password).

Following properties are available:

  • username - (string, optional, defaults to panadmin) the initial administrative VM-Series username.
  • password - (string, optional, defaults to null) the initial administrative VM-Series password.
  • disable_password_authentication - (bool, optional, defaults to true) disables password-based authentication.
  • ssh_keys - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of initial administrative SSH public keys.

The password property is required when ssh_keys is not specified.

ssh_keys property is a list of strings, so each item should be the actual public key value. If you would like to load them from files use the file function, for example: [ file("/path/to/public/keys/") ].


username = optional(string, "panadmin")
password = optional(string)
disable_password_authentication = optional(bool, true)
ssh_keys = optional(list(string), [])

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Basic Azure VM image configuration.

Following properties are available:

  • version - (string, optional, defaults to null) VM-Series PAN-OS version; list available with az vm image list -o table --publisher paloaltonetworks --offer vmseries-flex --all.
  • publisher - (string, optional, defaults to paloaltonetworks) the Azure Publisher identifier for a image which should be deployed.
  • offer - (string, optional, defaults to vmseries-flex) the Azure Offer identifier corresponding to a published image.
  • sku - (string, optional, defaults to byol) VM-Series SKU; list available with az vm image list -o table --all --publisher paloaltonetworks.
  • enable_marketplace_plan - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true accepts the license for an offer/plan on Azure Market Place.
  • custom_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) absolute ID of your own custom PAN-OS image to be used for creating new Virtual Machines.

custom_id and version properties are mutually exclusive.


version = optional(string)
publisher = optional(string, "paloaltonetworks")
offer = optional(string, "vmseries-flex")
sku = optional(string, "byol")
enable_marketplace_plan = optional(bool, true)
custom_id = optional(string)

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Firewall parameters configuration.

This map contains basic, as well as some optional Firewall parameters. Both types contain sane defaults. Nevertheless they should be at least reviewed to meet deployment requirements.

List of either required or important properties:

  • size - (string, optional, defaults to Standard_D3_v2) Azure VM size (type). Consult the VM-Series Deployment Guide as only a few selected sizes are supported.

  • zone - (string, required) Availability Zone to place the VM in, null value means a non-zonal deployment.

  • disk_type - (string, optional, defaults to StandardSSD_LRS) type of Managed Disk which should be created, possible values are Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS or Premium_LRS (works only for selected vm_size values).

  • disk_name - (string, optional, defaults to VM name + -disk suffix) name od the OS disk.

  • bootstrap_options - bootstrap options to pass to VM-Series instance.

    Proper syntax is a string of semicolon separated properties, for example:

    bootstrap_options = "type=dhcp-client;panorama-server="

    For more details on bootstrapping see documentation.

List of other, optional properties:

  • avset_id - (string, optional, default to null) identifier of the Availability Set to use.
  • capacity_reservation_group_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) specifies the ID of the Capacity Reservation Group which the Virtual Machine should be allocated to.
  • accelerated_networking - (bool, optional, defaults to true) when set to true enables Azure accelerated networking (SR-IOV) for all dataplane network interfaces, this does not affect the management interface (always disabled).
  • allow_extension_operations - (bool, optional, defaults to false) should Extension Operations be allowed on this VM.
  • encryption_at_host_enabled - (bool, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) should all of disks be encrypted by enabling Encryption at Host.
  • disk_encryption_set_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) the ID of the Disk Encryption Set which should be used to encrypt this VM's disk.
  • enable_boot_diagnostics - (bool, optional, defaults to false) enables boot diagnostics for a VM.
  • boot_diagnostics_storage_uri - (string, optional, defaults to null) a Storage Account's Blob endpoint to hold diagnostic files, when skipped a managed Storage Account will be used (preferred).
  • identity_type - (string, optional, defaults to SystemAssigned) type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this VM. Can be one of "SystemAssigned", "UserAssigned" or "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned".
  • identity_ids - (list, optional, defaults to []) a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this VM. Required only if identity_type is not "SystemAssigned".


size = optional(string, "Standard_D3_v2")
bootstrap_options = optional(string)
zone = string
disk_type = optional(string, "StandardSSD_LRS")
disk_name = string
avset_id = optional(string)
capacity_reservation_group_id = optional(string)
accelerated_networking = optional(bool, true)
allow_extension_operations = optional(bool, false)
encryption_at_host_enabled = optional(bool)
disk_encryption_set_id = optional(string)
enable_boot_diagnostics = optional(bool, false)
boot_diagnostics_storage_uri = optional(string)
identity_type = optional(string, "SystemAssigned")
identity_ids = optional(list(string), [])

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List of the network interface specifications.

The ORDER in which you specify the interfaces DOES MATTER.

Interfaces will be attached to VM in the order you define here, therefore:

  • The first should be the management interface, which does not participate in data filtering.
  • The remaining ones are the dataplane interfaces.

Following configuration options are available:

  • name - (string, required) the interface name.
  • subnet_id - (string, required) ID of an existing subnet to create the interface in.
  • private_ip_address - (string, optional, defaults to null) static private IP to assign to the interface. When skipped Azure will assign one dynamically. Keep in mind that a dynamic IP is guarantied not to change as long as the VM is running. Any stop/deallocate/restart operation might cause the IP to change.
  • create_public_ip - (bool, optional, defaults to false) if true, creates a public IP for the interface.
  • public_ip_name - (string, optional, defaults to null) name of the public IP to associate with the interface. When create_public_ip is set to true this will become a name of a newly created Public IP interface. Otherwise this is a name of an existing interfaces that will be sourced and attached to the interface.
  • public_ip_resource_group_name - (string, optional, defaults to var.resource_group_name) name of a Resource Group that contains public IP that that will be associated with the interface. Used only when create_public_ip is false.
  • attach_to_lb_backend_pool - (bool, optional, defaults to false) set to true if you would like to associate this interface with a Load Balancer backend pool.
  • lb_backend_pool_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) ID of an existing backend pool to associate the interface with.


# management interface with a new public IP
name = "fw-mgmt"
subnet_id =
public_ip_name = "fw-mgmt-pip"
create_public_ip = true
# public interface reusing an existing public IP resource
name = "fw-public"
subnet_id =
attach_to_lb_backend_pool = true
lb_backend_pool_id = module.inbound_lb.backend_pool_id
create_public_ip = false
public_ip_name = "fw-public-pip"


name = string
subnet_id = string
create_public_ip = optional(bool, false)
public_ip_name = optional(string)
public_ip_resource_group_name = optional(string)
private_ip_address = optional(string)
lb_backend_pool_id = optional(string)
attach_to_lb_backend_pool = optional(bool, false)

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Optional Inputs details


The map of tags to assign to all created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

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