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NAT Gateway module

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Terraform module used to deploy Azure NAT Gateway. For limitations and zone-resiliency considerations please refer to Microsoft documentation.

This module can be used to either create a new NAT Gateway or to connect an existing one with subnets deployed using (for example) the VNET module.

NAT Gateway is not zone-redundant. It is a zonal resource. It means that it's always deployed in a zone. It's up to the user to decide if a zone will be specified during resource deployment or if Azure will take that decision for the user. Keep in mind that regardless of the fact that NAT Gateway is placed in a specific zone it can serve traffic for resources in all zones. But if that zone becomes unavailable, resources in other zones will lose internet connectivity.

For design considerations, limitation and examples of zone-resiliency architecture please refer to Microsoft documentation.


To deploy this resource in it's minimum configuration following code snippet can be used (assuming that the VNET module is used to deploy VNET and Subnets):

module "natgw" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/natgw"

name = "NATGW_name"
resource_group_name = "resource_group_name"
location = "region_name"
subnet_ids = { "a_subnet_name" =
module.vnet.subnet_ids["a_subnet_name"] }

This will create a NAT Gateway in with a single Public IP in a zone chosen by Azure.



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • nat_gateway (managed)
  • nat_gateway_public_ip_association (managed)
  • nat_gateway_public_ip_prefix_association (managed)
  • public_ip (managed)
  • public_ip_prefix (managed)
  • subnet_nat_gateway_association (managed)
  • nat_gateway (data)
  • public_ip (data)
  • public_ip_prefix (data)

Required Inputs

namestringName of a NAT Gateway.
resource_group_namestringName of a Resource Group hosting the NAT Gateway (either the existing one or the one that will be created).
regionstringAzure region.
subnet_idsmapA map of subnet IDs what will be bound with this NAT Gateway.

Optional Inputs

tagsmapA map of tags that will be assigned to resources created by this module.
create_natgwboolTriggers creation of a NAT Gateway when set to true.
zonestringControls whether the NAT Gateway will be bound to a specific zone or not.
idle_timeoutnumberConnection IDLE timeout in minutes (up to 120, defaults to Azure defaults).
public_ipobjectA map defining a Public IP resource.
public_ip_prefixobjectA map defining a Public IP Prefix resource.


natgw_pipPublic IP associated with the NAT Gateway.
natgw_pip_prefixPublic IP Prefix associated with the NAT Gateway.

Required Inputs details


Name of a NAT Gateway.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


Name of a Resource Group hosting the NAT Gateway (either the existing one or the one that will be created).

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


Azure region. Only for newly created resources.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


A map of subnet IDs what will be bound with this NAT Gateway.

Value is the subnet ID, key value does not matter but should be unique, typically it can be a subnet name.

Type: map(string)

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)

Optional Inputs details


A map of tags that will be assigned to resources created by this module. Only for newly created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Triggers creation of a NAT Gateway when set to true.

Set it to false to source an existing resource. In this 'mode' the module will only bind an existing NAT Gateway to specified subnets.

Type: bool

Default value: true

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Controls whether the NAT Gateway will be bound to a specific zone or not. This is a string with the zone number or null. Only for newly created resources.

NAT Gateway is not zone-redundant. It is a zonal resource. It means that it's always deployed in a zone. It's up to the user to decide if a zone will be specified during resource deployment or if Azure will take that decision for the user. Keep in mind that regardless of the fact that NAT Gateway is placed in a specific zone it can serve traffic for resources in all zones. But if that zone becomes unavailable, resources in other zones will lose internet connectivity.

For design considerations, limitation and examples of zone-resiliency architecture please refer to Microsoft documentation.

Type: string

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Connection IDLE timeout in minutes (up to 120, defaults to Azure defaults). Only for newly created resources.

Type: number

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining a Public IP resource.

List of available properties:

  • create - (bool, required) controls whether a Public IP is created, sourced, or not used at all.
  • name - (string, required) name of a created or sourced Public IP.
  • resource_group_name - (string, optional) name of a resource group hosting the sourced Public IP resource, ignored when create = true.

The module operates in 3 modes, depending on combination of create and name properties:

true!nulla Public IP resource is created in a resource group of the NAT Gateway
false!nulla Public IP resource is sourced from a resource group of the NAT Gateway, the resource group can be
                overridden with `resource_group_name` property

false | null | a Public IP resource will not be created or sourced at all


# create a new Public IP
public_ip = {
create = true
name = "new-public-ip-name"

# source an existing Public IP from an external resource group
public_ip = {
create = false
name = "existing-public-ip-name"
resource_group_name = "external-rg-name"


create = bool
name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string)

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining a Public IP Prefix resource.

List of available properties:

  • create - (bool, required) controls whether a Public IP Prefix is created, sourced, or not used at all.
  • name - (string, required) name of a created or sourced Public IP Prefix.
  • resource_group_name - (string, optional) name of a resource group hosting the sourced Public IP Prefix resource, ignored when create = true.
  • length - (number, optional, defaults to 28) number of bits of the Public IP Prefix, this value can be between 0 and 31 but can be limited on subscription level (Azure default is /28).

The module operates in 3 modes, depending on combination of create and name properties:

true!nulla Public IP Prefix resource is created in a resource group of the NAT Gateway
false!nulla Public IP Prefix resource is sourced from a resource group of the NAT Gateway, the resource group can be
                overridden with `resource_group_name` property

false | null | a Public IP Prefix resource will not be created or sourced at all


# create a new Public IP Prefix, default prefix length is `/28`
public_ip_prefix = {
create = true
name = "new-public-ip-prefix-name"

# source an existing Public IP Prefix from an external resource group
public_ip = {
create = false
name = "existing-public-ip-prefix-name"
resource_group_name = "external-rg-name"


create = bool
name = string
resource_group_name = optional(string)
length = optional(number, 28)

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)