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Name Templater module

A module to generate resource name template.

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There are situations where simple name prefixing is not enough. More complex structures are required. This module generates a string template that can be used with Terraform's format() function to generate the actual resource name.


A simple module invocation might look like the following:

module "name_templates" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/name_templater"

resource_type = "vnet"
name_template = {
delimiter = "-"
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ bu = "rnd" },
{ randomize = "__random__" },
{ env = "prd" },
{ name = "%s" },
{ abbreviation = "__default__" },
name_prefix = "a_prefix"

The value the module will output for such invocation would be "a_prefix-rnd-crediblefrog-prd-%s-vnet".

As you can see:

  • all parts values are glued together to form a template name
  • the prefix key is just a placeholder that eventually is replaced with the value of name_prefix
  • the __random__ string is replaced with a name of a random pet (in case you need to randomize some name, for testing purposes for example)
  • the __default__ string is replaced with a resource abbreviation. This abbreviations are defined with var.abbreviations variable. The module contains basic abbreviations following Microsoft suggestions, but they can be overriden with custom definitions. The important part is that the resource_type has to match an entry in abbreviations variable, otherwise the abbreviation will be replaced with an empty string.

To create the actual resource name the following code can be used:

vnet_name = format(module.name_templates.template, "transit")

Following the values above the actual resource name would be "a_prefix-rnd-crediblefrog-prd-transit-vnet".



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • random, version: ~> 3.5


  • random, version: ~> 3.5


  • pet (managed)

Required Inputs

resource_typestringA type of resource for which the name template will be created.
name_prefixstringPrefix used in names for the resources.
name_templateobjectA name template definition.

Optional Inputs

abbreviationsmapMap of abbreviations used for resources (placed in place of "default").


templateA template string that can be used with format function to generate a resource name.

Required Inputs details


A type of resource for which the name template will be created. This should follow the abbreviations resource naming standard.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


Prefix used in names for the resources.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


A name template definition.

Consist of two elements:

  • delimiter - (string, required) a string that will be used to separate the elements.
  • parts - (list, required) a list of elements that will form the template name.

There are couple of rules to be followed:

  • the order DOES matter.
  • parts is a list of single element maps.
  • keys in parts elements will be dropped, they are only informational, only values will be used.
  • value for the prefix key will be replaced with the var.name_prefix value.
  • a value of __default__ will be replaced with an abbreviation defined in the var.abbrevations and matching var.resource_type.
  • since this module generates template name do REMEMBER to include a part with %s value.


default = {
default = {
delimiter = "-"
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ bu = "rnd" },
{ env = "prd" },
{ name = "%s" },
{ abbreviation = "__default__" },
storage = {
delimiter = ""
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ org = "palo" },
{ env = "prd" },
{ name = "%s" },


delimiter = string
parts = list(map(string))
[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)

Optional Inputs details


Map of abbreviations used for resources (placed in place of "default").

These abbreviations are based on Microsoft suggestions.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[application_gw:agw application_insights:appi availability_set:avail bastion:bas data_disk:disk file_share:share load_balancer:lb log_analytics_workspace:log managed_identity:id nat_gw:ng network_interface:nic nsg:nsg nsg_rule:nsgsr os_disk:osdisk public_ip:pip public_ip_prefix:ippre resource_group:rg route_table:rt service_endpoint:se storage_account:st subnet:snet udr:udr virtual_machine:vm virtual_machine_scale_set:vmss virtual_network_gateway:vgw vnet:vnet vnet_peering:peer]

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