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Load Balancer Module for Azure

A Terraform module for deploying a Load Balancer for VM-Series firewalls. Supports both standalone and scale set deployments.

[!NOTE] The module can create a public or a private Load Balancer Due to that some properties are mutually exclusive.

The module creates a single Load Balancer and a single backend for it, but it allows multiple frontends.

[!NOTE] In case of a public Load Balancer, you can define outbound rules and use the frontend's public IP address to access the internet. If this approach is chosen please note that all inbound rules will have the outbound SNAT disabled as you cannot mix SNAT with outbound rules for a single backend.

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There are two basic modes the module can work in: a public and a private Load Balancer.

Private Load Balancer

To create a private Load Balancer one has to specify an ID of an existing Subnet and a private IP address in each frontend IP configuration.

Example of a private Load Balancer with HA ports rule:

module "lbi" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/loadbalancer"

name = "private-lb"
region = "West Europe"
resource_group_name = "existing-rg"

frontend_ips = {
ha = {
name = "HA"
subnet_id = "/subscription/xxxx/......."
private_ip_address = ""
in_rules = {
ha = {
name = "HA"
port = 0
protocol = "All"

Public Load Balancer

To create a public Load Balancer one has to specify a name of a public IP resource (existing or new) in each frontend IP configuration.

Example of a private Load Balancer with a single rule for port 80:

module "lbe" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/loadbalancer"

name = "public-lb"
region = "West Europe"
resource_group_name = "existing-rg"

frontend_ips = {
web = {
name = "web-traffic"
public_ip_name = "public-ip"
create_public_ip = true
in_rules = {
http = {
name = "http"
port = 80
protocol = "TCP"



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • lb (managed)
  • lb_backend_address_pool (managed)
  • lb_outbound_rule (managed)
  • lb_probe (managed)
  • lb_rule (managed)
  • network_security_rule (managed)
  • public_ip (managed)
  • public_ip (data)

Required Inputs

namestringThe name of the Azure Load Balancer.
resource_group_namestringThe name of the Resource Group to use.
regionstringThe name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.
backend_namestringThe name of the backend pool to create.
frontend_ipsmapA map of objects describing Load Balancer Frontend IP configurations with respective inbound and outbound rules.

Optional Inputs

tagsmapThe map of tags to assign to all created resources.
zoneslistControls zones for Load Balancer's fronted IP configurations.
health_probesmapBackend's health probe definition.
nsg_auto_rules_settingsobjectControls automatic creation of NSG rules for all defined inbound rules.


idThe identifier of the Load Balancer resource.
backend_pool_idThe identifier of the backend pool.
frontend_ip_configsMap of IP addresses, one per each entry of frontend_ips input. Contains public IP address for the frontends that have it,

private IP address otherwise.

health_probe | The health probe object.

Required Inputs details


The name of the Azure Load Balancer.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


The name of the Resource Group to use.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


The name of the backend pool to create. All frontends of the Load Balancer always use the same backend.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


A map of objects describing Load Balancer Frontend IP configurations with respective inbound and outbound rules.

Each Frontend IP configuration can have multiple rules assigned. They are defined in a maps called in_rules and out_rules for inbound and outbound rules respectively.

Since this module can be used to create either a private or a public Load Balancer some properties can be mutually exclusive. To ease configuration they were grouped per Load Balancer type.

Private Load Balancer:

  • name - (string, required) name of a frontend IP configuration
  • subnet_id - (string, required) an ID of an existing subnet that will host the private Load Balancer
  • private_ip_address - (string, required) the IP address of the Load Balancer
  • in_rules - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map defining inbound rules, see details below
  • gwlb_fip_id - (string, optional, defaults to null) an ID of a frontend IP configuration of a Gateway Load Balancer

Public Load Balancer:

  • name - (string, required) name of a frontend IP configuration
  • public_ip_name - (string, required) name of a public IP resource
  • create_public_ip - (bool, optional, defaults to false) when set to true a new public IP will be created, otherwise an existing resource will be used; in both cases the name of the resource is controlled by public_ip_name property
  • public_ip_resource_group_name - (string, optional, defaults to the Load Balancer's RG) name of a Resource Group hosting an existing public IP resource
  • in_rules - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map defining inbound rules, see details below
  • out_rules - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map defining outbound rules, see details below

Below are the properties for the in_rules map:

  • name - (string, required) a name of an inbound rule
  • protocol - (string, required) communication protocol, either 'Tcp', 'Udp' or 'All'.
  • port - (number, required) communication port, this is both the front- and the backend port if backend_port is not set; value of 0 means all ports
  • backend_port - (number, optional, defaults to null) this is the backend port to forward traffic to in the backend pool
  • health_probe_key - (string, optional, defaults to default) a key from the var.health_probes map defining a health probe to use with this rule
  • floating_ip - (bool, optional, defaults to true) enables floating IP for this rule.
  • session_persistence - (string, optional, defaults to Default) controls session persistance/load distribution, three values are possible:
    • Default - this is the 5 tuple hash.
    • SourceIP - a 2 tuple hash is used.
    • SourceIPProtocol - a 3 tuple hash is used.
  • nsg_priority - (number, optional, defaults to null) this becomes a priority of an auto-generated NSG rule, when skipped the rule priority will be auto-calculated. For more details on auto-generated NSG rules see nsg_auto_rules_settings.

Below are the properties for out_rules map.

Warning! \ Setting at least one out_rule switches the outgoing traffic from SNAT to outbound rules. Keep in mind that since we use a single backend, and you cannot mix SNAT and outbound rules traffic in rules using the same backend, setting one out_rule switches the outgoing traffic route for ALL in_rules.

  • name - (string, required) a name of an outbound rule
  • protocol - (string, required) protocol used by the rule. One of All, Tcp or Udp is accepted
  • allocated_outbound_ports - (number, optional, defaults to null) number of ports allocated per instance, when skipped provider defaults will be used (1024), when set to 0 port allocation will be set to default number (Azure defaults); maximum value is 64000
  • enable_tcp_reset - (bool, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) ignored when protocol is set to Udp
  • idle_timeout_in_minutes - (number, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) TCP connection timeout in minutes (between 4 and 120) in case the connection is idle, ignored when protocol is set to Udp


# rules for a public Load Balancer, reusing an existing public IP and doing port translation
frontend_ips = {
pip_existing = {
create_public_ip = false
public_ip_name = "my_ip"
public_ip_resource_group_name = "my_rg_name"
in_rules = {
HTTP = {
port = 80
protocol = "Tcp"
backend_port = 8080

# rules for a private Load Balancer, one HA PORTs rule
frontend_ips = {
internal = {
subnet_id =
private_ip_address = ""
in_rules = {
port = 0
protocol = "All"

# rules for a public Load Balancer, session persistance with 2 tuple hash, outbound rule defined
frontend_ips = {
rule_1 = {
create_public_ip = true
in_rules = {
HTTP = {
port = 80
protocol = "Tcp"
session_persistence = "SourceIP"
out_rules = {
"outbound_tcp" = {
protocol = "Tcp"
allocated_outbound_ports = 2048
enable_tcp_reset = true
idle_timeout_in_minutes = 10


name = string
public_ip_name = optional(string)
create_public_ip = optional(bool, false)
public_ip_resource_group_name = optional(string)
subnet_id = optional(string)
private_ip_address = optional(string)
gwlb_fip_id = optional(string)
in_rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
port = number
backend_port = optional(number)
health_probe_key = optional(string, "default")
floating_ip = optional(bool, true)
session_persistence = optional(string, "Default")
nsg_priority = optional(number)
})), {})
out_rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
protocol = string
allocated_outbound_ports = optional(number)
enable_tcp_reset = optional(bool)
idle_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number)
})), {})
[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)

Optional Inputs details


The map of tags to assign to all created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Controls zones for Load Balancer's fronted IP configurations.


  • public IPs - these are zones in which the public IP resource is available.
  • private IPs - these are zones to which Azure will deploy paths leading to Load Balancer frontend IPs (all frontends are affected).

Setting this variable to explicit null disables a zonal deployment. This can be helpful in regions where Availability Zones are not available.

For public Load Balancers, since this setting controls also Availability Zones for public IPs, you need to specify all zones available in a region (typically 3): ["1","2","3"].

Type: list(string)

Default value: [1 2 3]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Backend's health probe definition.

When this property is either:

  • not defined at all, or
  • at least one in_rule has no health probe specified

a default, TCP based probe will be created for port 80.

Following properties are available:

  • name - (string, required) name of the health check probe
  • protocol - (string, required) protocol used by the health probe, can be one of "Tcp", "Http" or "Https"
  • port - (number, required for Tcp, defaults to protocol port for Http(s) probes) port to run the probe against
  • probe_threshold - (number, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) number of consecutive probes that decide on forwarding traffic to an endpoint
  • interval_in_seconds - (`number, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) interval in seconds between probes, with a minimal value of 5
  • request_path - (string, optional, defaults to /) used only for non Tcp probes, the URI used to check the endpoint status when protocol is set to Http(s)


name = string
protocol = string
port = optional(number)
probe_threshold = optional(number)
interval_in_seconds = optional(number)
request_path = optional(string, "/")

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Controls automatic creation of NSG rules for all defined inbound rules.

When skipped or assigned an explicit null, disables rules creation.

Following properties are supported:

  • nsg_name - (string, required) name of an existing Network Security Group
  • nsg_resource_group_name - (string`, optional, defaults to Load Balancer's RG) name of a Resource Group hosting the NSG
  • source_ips - (list, required) list of CIDRs/IP addresses from which access to the frontends will be allowed
  • base_priority - (nubmer, optional, defaults to 1000) minimum rule priority from which all auto-generated rules grow, can take values between 100 and 4000


nsg_name = string
nsg_resource_group_name = optional(string)
source_ips = list(string)
base_priority = optional(number, 1000)

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)