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Palo Alto Networks Bootstrap Module for Azure

A terraform module for deploying a storage account and the dependencies required to bootstrap a VM-Series firewalls in Azure.

It can create (or source an existing) Azure Storage Account and it can create (or source) multiple File Shares withing the Storage Account and upload files to them. When creating File Shares each share will contain a folder structure required by the bootstrap package. When sourcing existing shares, you can disable the folder structure creation, but keep in mind that the folders have to present on the share before you try to upload any files to them.

The file uploading can be done in two ways:

  1. either by specifying single files or
  2. by providing a path to a local bootstrap package.

Keep in mind that if you provide both, the former takes precedence by the latter, meaning that when uploaded, each single file specification will override files from the local bootstrap package.

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For more real life code please check examples folder. The examples below are just showing 3 typical use cases.

Empty Storage account

The module is used only to create a Storage Account with module defaults where possible.

module "empty_storage" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/bootstrap"

name = "someemptystorage"
resource_group_name = "rg-name"
region = "North Europe"

Full bootstrap storage

This code will create a storage account for 3 NGFWs. Please note that:

  • we will override the default access tier from Cool to Hot and increase the default quota to 20GB
  • we will lower the default TLS to 1.1 and limit access to the Storage Account to one public IP
  • vm01 and vm02 will use a full bootstrap package stored locally under the bootstrap_package path
  • for vm01 we will additionally overwrite some files from the bootstrap package
  • vm03 will not use a full bootstrap package, we will upload just a single file to the Storage Account. Additionally we will override the access_tier for this File Share to Cool and the quota to 1GB.
module "bootstrap" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/bootstrap"

name = "samplebootstrapstorage"
resource_group_name = "rg-name"
region = "North Europe"

file_shares_configuration = {
access_tier = "Hot"
quota = 20
storage_network_security = {
min_tls_version = "TLS1_1"
allowed_public_ips = [""] # TODO: Whitelist public IP addresses that will be used to access storage account
file_shares = {
"vm01" = {
name = "vm01"
bootstrap_package_path = "bootstrap_package"
bootstrap_files = {
"files/init-cfg.txt" = "config/init-cfg.txt"
"files/nested/bootstrap.xml" = "config/bootstrap.xml"
"vm02" = {
name = "vm02"
bootstrap_package_path = "./bootstrap_package/"
"vm03" = {
name = "vm03"
access_tier = "Cool"
quota = 1
bootstrap_files = {
"files/init-cfg.txt" = "config/init-cfg.txt"

Source existing Storage Account and File Share

The sample below shows how to source an existing Storage Account with an existing File Share.

Please note that we will also skip bootstrap package folder structure creation. The sourced File Share should have this folder structure already present.

module "existing_storage" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/bootstrap"

storage_account = {
create = false
name = "sampleexistingstorage"
resource_group_name = "rg-name"

file_shares_configuration = {
create_file_shares = false
disable_package_dirs_creation = true
file_shares = {
existing_share = {
name = "bootstrap"
bootstrap_package_path = "bootstrap_package"

MD5 file hashes

This module uses MD5 hashes to verify file content change. This means that any file modification done between Terraform runs will be discovered and the remote file will be overwritten. This has some implications though.

The module can calculate hashes for the existing files - any files that were present before Terraform run.

If however you are creating some files on the fly (templating for instance) you have to provide the MD5 hashes yourself. For more details refer to the var.file_shares variable documentation.



  • terraform, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0
  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • azurerm, version: ~> 3.98


  • storage_account (managed)
  • storage_account_network_rules (managed)
  • storage_share (managed)
  • storage_share_directory (managed)
  • storage_share_file (managed)
  • storage_account (data)
  • storage_share (data)

Required Inputs

namestringName of the Storage Account.
resource_group_namestringThe name of the Resource Group to use.

Optional Inputs

regionstringThe name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.
tagsmapThe map of tags to assign to all created resources.
storage_accountobjectA map controlling basic Storage Account configuration.
storage_network_securityobjectA map defining network security settings for a new storage account.
file_shares_configurationobjectA map defining common File Share setting.
file_sharesmapDefinition of File Shares.


storage_account_nameThe Azure Storage Account name. For either created or sourced
storage_account_primary_access_keyThe primary access key for the Azure Storage Account. For either created or sourced
file_share_urlsThe File Shares' share URL used for bootstrap configuration.

Required Inputs details


Name of the Storage Account. Either a new or an existing one (depending on the value of storage_account.create).

The name you choose must be unique across Azure. The name also must be between 3 and 24 characters in length, and may include only numbers and lowercase letters.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)


The name of the Resource Group to use.

Type: string

[back to list](#modules-required-inputs)

Optional Inputs details


The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.

Type: string

Default value: &{}

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


The map of tags to assign to all created resources.

Type: map(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map controlling basic Storage Account configuration.

Following properties are available:

  • create - (bool, optional, defaults to true) controls if the Storage Account is created or sourced.
  • replication_type - (string, optional, defaults to LRS) only for newly created Storage Accounts, defines the replication type used. Can be one of the following values: LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS, GZRS or RAGZRS.
  • kind - (string, optional, defaults to StorageV2) only for newly created Storage Accounts, defines the account type. Can be one of the following: BlobStorage, BlockBlobStorage, FileStorage, Storage or StorageV2.
  • tier - (string, optional, defaults to Standard) only for newly created Storage Accounts, defines the account tier. Can be either Standard or Premium. Note, that for kind set to BlockBlobStorage or FileStorage the tier can only be set to Premium.
  • blob_retention - (number, optional, defaults to Azure default) specifies the number of days that the blob should be retained before irreversibly deleted. When set to 0, soft delete is disabled for the Storage Account.


create = optional(bool, true)
replication_type = optional(string, "LRS")
kind = optional(string, "StorageV2")
tier = optional(string, "Standard")
blob_retention = optional(number)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining network security settings for a new storage account.

When not set or set to null it will disable any network security setting.

When you decide define this setting, at least one of allowed_public_ips or allowed_subnet_ids has to be defined. Otherwise you will cut anyone off the storage account. This will have implications on this Terraform code as it operates on File Shares. Files Shares API comes under this networks restrictions.

Following properties are available:

  • min_tls_version - (string, optional, defaults to TLS1_2) minimum supported TLS version.
  • allowed_public_ips - (list, optional, defaults to []) list of IP CIDR ranges that are allowed to access the Storage Account. Only public IPs are allowed, RFC1918 address space is not permitted.
  • allowed_subnet_ids - (list, optional, defaults to []) list of the allowed VNet subnet ids. Note that this option requires network service endpoint enabled for Microsoft Storage for the specified subnets. If you are using vnet module, set storage_private_access to true for the specific subnet.


min_tls_version = optional(string, "TLS1_2")
allowed_public_ips = optional(list(string), [])
allowed_subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


A map defining common File Share setting.

Any of this can be overridden in a particular File Share definition. See file_shares variable for details.

Following options are available:

  • create_file_shares - (bool, optional, defaults to true) controls if the File Shares specified in the file_shares variable are created or sourced, if the latter, the storage account also has to be sourced.
  • disable_package_dirs_creation - (bool, optional, defaults to false) for sourced File Shares, controls if the bootstrap package folder structure is created.
  • quota - (number, optional, defaults to 10) maximum size of a File Share in GB, a value between 1 and 5120 (5TB).
  • access_tier - (string, optional, defaults to Cool) access tier for a File Share, can be one of: "Cool", "Hot", "Premium", "TransactionOptimized".


create_file_shares = optional(bool, true)
disable_package_dirs_creation = optional(bool, false)
quota = optional(number, 10)
access_tier = optional(string, "Cool")

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)


Definition of File Shares.

This is a map of objects where each object is a File Share definition. There are situations where every firewall can use the same bootstrap package. But there are also situations where each firewall (or a group of firewalls) need a separate one.

This configuration parameter can help you to create multiple File Shares, per your needs, w/o multiplying Storage Accounts at the same time.

Following properties are available per each File Share definition:

  • name - (string, required) name of the File Share.

  • bootstrap_package_path - (string, optional, defaults to null) a path to a folder containing a full bootstrap package. For details on the bootstrap package structure see documentation.

  • bootstrap_files - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map of files that will be copied to the File Share and build the bootstrap package.

    Keys are local paths, values - remote. Only Unix like directory separator (/) is supported. If bootstrap_package_path is also specified, these files will overwrite any file uploaded from that path.

  • bootstrap_files_md5 - (map, optional, defaults to {}) a map of MD5 hashes for files specified in bootstrap_files.

    For static files (present and/or not modified before Terraform plan kicks in) this map can be empty. The MD5 hashes are calculated automatically. It's only required for files modified/created by Terraform. You can use md5 or filemd5 Terraform functions to calculate MD5 hashes dynamically.

    Keys in this map are local paths, variables - MD5 hashes. For files for which you would like to provide MD5 hashes, keys in this map should match keys in bootstrap_files property.

Additionally you can override the default quota and access_tier properties per File Share (same restrictions apply):

  • quota - (number, optional, defaults to var.file_shares_configuration.quota) maximum size of a File Share in GB, a value between 1 and 5120 (5TB).
  • access_tier - (string, optional, defaults to var.file_shares_configuration.access_tier) access tier for a File Share, can be one of: "Cool", "Hot", "Premium", "TransactionOptimized".


name = string
bootstrap_package_path = optional(string)
bootstrap_files = optional(map(string), {})
bootstrap_files_md5 = optional(map(string), {})
quota = optional(number)
access_tier = optional(string)

Default value: map[]

[back to list](#modules-optional-inputs)