Palo Alto Networks Application Gateway Module for Azure
A terraform module for deploying a Application Gateway v2 and its components required for the VM-Series firewalls in Azure.
In order to use module appgw
, you need to deploy azurerm_resource_group
and use module vnet
as prerequisites.
Then you can use below code as an example of calling module to create Application Gateway:
# Create Application Gateay
module "appgw" {
source = "PaloAltoNetworks/swfw-modules/azurerm//modules/appgw"
for_each = var.appgws
name =
public_ip = each.value.public_ip
resource_group_name =
location = var.region
subnet_id = module.vnet[each.value.vnet_key].subnet_ids[each.value.subnet_key]
managed_identities = each.value.managed_identities
capacity = each.value.capacity
waf = each.value.waf
enable_http2 = each.value.enable_http2
zones = each.value.zones
frontend_ip_configuration_name = each.value.frontend_ip_configuration_name
listeners = each.value.listeners
backend_pool = each.value.backend_pool
backends = each.value.backends
probes = each.value.probes
rewrites = each.value.rewrites
rules = each.value.rules
redirects = each.value.redirects
url_path_maps = each.value.url_path_maps
ssl_global = each.value.ssl_global
ssl_profiles = each.value.ssl_profiles
tags = var.tags
depends_on = [module.vnet]
Every application gateway is defined by basic attributes for name, VNet, subnet or capacity.
For applications there is a need to set listeners
, backends
, sometimes rewrites
, redirects
and / or url_path_maps
Then rules
property connects the other component using it's keys.
The examples below are meant to show most common use cases and to serve as a base for more complex application gateways definitions.
Example 1
Application Gateway with:
- new public IP
- HTTP listener
- static capacity
- rewriting HTTP headers
appgws = {
"public-http-minimum" = {
name = "appgw-http-minimum"
public_ip = {
name = "pip-http-minimum"
vnet_key = "transit"
subnet_key = "appgw"
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
capacity = {
static = 2
listeners = {
minimum = {
name = "minimum-listener"
port = 80
rewrites = {
minimum = {
name = "minimum-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "minimum-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
rules = {
minimum = {
name = "minimum-rule"
priority = 1
backend = "minimum"
listener = "minimum"
rewrite = "minimum"
Example 2
Application Gateway with:
- existing public IP
- HTTP listener
- static capacity
- rewriting HTTP headers
appgws = {
"public-http-existing" = {
name = "appgw-http-existing"
public_ip = {
name = "pip-existing"
create = false
vnet_key = "transit"
subnet_key = "appgw"
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
capacity = {
static = 2
backends = {
existing = {
name = "http-backend"
port = 80
protocol = "Http"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
listeners = {
existing = {
name = "existing-listener"
port = 80
rewrites = {
existing = {
name = "existing-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "existing-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
rules = {
existing = {
name = "existing-rule"
priority = 1
backend = "existing"
listener = "existing"
rewrite = "existing"
Example 3
Application Gateway with:
- new public IP
- HTTP listener
- autoscaling
appgws = {
"public-http-autoscale" = {
name = "appgw-http-autoscale"
public_ip = {
name = "pip-http-autoscale"
vnet_key = "transit"
subnet_key = "appgw"
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
capacity = {
autoscale = {
min = 2
max = 20
backends = {
http = {
name = "http-backend"
port = 80
protocol = "Http"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
listeners = {
http = {
name = "http-listener"
port = 80
rules = {
http = {
name = "http-rule"
priority = 1
backend = "http"
listener = "http"
Example 4
Application Gateway with:
- new public IP
- WAF enabled
- HTTP listener
- static capacity
- rewriting HTTP headers
appgws = {
"public-waf" = {
name = "appgw-waf"
public_ip = {
name = "pip-waf"
vnet_key = "transit"
subnet_key = "appgw"
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
capacity = {
static = 2
waf = {
prevention_mode = true
rule_set_type = "OWASP"
rule_set_version = "3.2"
backends = {
waf = {
name = "waf-backend"
port = 80
protocol = "Http"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
listeners = {
waf = {
name = "waf-listener"
port = 80
rewrites = {
waf = {
name = "waf-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "waf-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
rules = {
minimum = {
name = "waf-rule"
priority = 1
backend = "waf"
listener = "waf"
rewrite = "waf"
Prerequisites for example 5 and 6
If you need to test example for Application Gateway with SSL, you need to created directory files and create keys and certs using commands:
- Create CA private key and certificate:
openssl genrsa 2048 > ca-key1.pem
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 365000 -key ca-key1.pem -out ca-cert1.pem
openssl genrsa 2048 > ca-key2.pem
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 365000 -key ca-key2.pem -out ca-cert2.pem
- Create server certificate:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout test1.key -x509 -days 365 -CA ca-cert1.pem -CAkey ca-key1.pem -out test1.crt
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout test2.key -x509 -days 365 -CA ca-cert2.pem -CAkey ca-key2.pem -out test2.crt
- Create PFX file with key and certificate:
openssl pkcs12 -inkey test1.key -in test1.crt -export -out test1.pfx
openssl pkcs12 -inkey test2.key -in test2.crt -export -out test2.pfx
Example 5
Application Gateway with:
- new public IP
- multi site HTTPS listener (many host names on port 443)
- static capacity
- rewriting HTTPS headers
appgws = {
"public-ssl-predefined" = {
name = "appgw-ssl-predefined"
public_ip = {
name = "pip-ssl-predefined"
vnet_key = "transit"
subnet_key = "appgw"
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
capacity = {
static = 2
ssl_global = {
ssl_policy_type = "Predefined"
ssl_policy_name = "AppGwSslPolicy20170401"
ssl_profiles = {
profile1 = {
name = "appgw-ssl-profile1"
ssl_policy_name = "AppGwSslPolicy20170401S"
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "public_ipconfig"
listeners = {
https1 = {
name = "https1-listener"
port = 443
protocol = "Https"
ssl_profile_name = "appgw-ssl-profile1"
ssl_certificate_path = "./files/test1.pfx"
ssl_certificate_pass = ""
host_names = ["test1.appgw.local"]
https2 = {
name = "https2-listener"
port = 443
protocol = "Https"
ssl_certificate_path = "./files/test2.pfx"
ssl_certificate_pass = ""
host_names = ["test2.appgw.local"]
backend_pool = {
name = "vmseries-pool"
backends = {
https1 = {
name = "https1-settings"
port = 481
protocol = "Https"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
hostname_from_backend = false
hostname = "test1.appgw.local"
root_certs = {
test = {
name = "https-application-test1"
path = "./files/ca-cert1.pem"
https2 = {
name = "https2-settings"
port = 482
protocol = "Https"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
hostname_from_backend = false
hostname = "test2.appgw.local"
root_certs = {
test = {
name = "https-application-test2"
path = "./files/ca-cert2.pem"
rewrites = {
https1 = {
name = "https1-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "https1-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
conditions = {
"http_resp_X-Forwarded-Proto" = {
pattern = "https"
ignore_case = true
negate = true
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
"X-Forwarded-Proto" = "https"
https2 = {
name = "https2-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "https2-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
conditions = {
"http_resp_X-Forwarded-Proto" = {
pattern = "https"
ignore_case = true
negate = true
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
"X-Forwarded-Proto" = "https"
rules = {
https1 = {
name = "https1-rule"
priority = 2
backend = "https1"
listener = "https1"
rewrite = "https1"
https2 = {
name = "https2-rule"
priority = 3
backend = "https2"
listener = "https2"
rewrite = "https2"
Example 6
Application Gateway with:
- new public IP
- multiple listener:
- multi site HTTPS (many host names on port 443)
- redirect
- path based
- static capacity
- rewriting HTTP and HTTPS headers
- custom SSL profiles and policies
- custom health probes
- rewrites
appgws = {
"public-ssl-custom" = {
name = "appgw-ssl-custom"
public_ip = {
name = "pip-ssl-custom"
vnet_key = "transit"
subnet_key = "appgw"
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]
capacity = {
static = 2
ssl_global = {
ssl_policy_type = "Custom"
ssl_policy_min_protocol_version = "TLSv1_0"
ssl_policy_cipher_suites = ["TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA",
ssl_profiles = {
profile1 = {
name = "appgw-ssl-profile1"
ssl_policy_min_protocol_version = "TLSv1_1"
ssl_policy_cipher_suites = ["TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA",
profile2 = {
name = "appgw-ssl-profile2"
ssl_policy_min_protocol_version = "TLSv1_2"
ssl_policy_cipher_suites = ["TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA",
frontend_ip_configuration_name = "public_ipconfig"
listeners = {
http = {
name = "http-listener"
port = 80
https1 = {
name = "https1-listener"
port = 443
protocol = "Https"
ssl_profile_name = "appgw-ssl-profile1"
ssl_certificate_path = "./files/test1.pfx"
ssl_certificate_pass = ""
host_names = ["test1.appgw.local"]
https2 = {
name = "https2-listener"
port = 443
protocol = "Https"
ssl_profile_name = "appgw-ssl-profile2"
ssl_certificate_path = "./files/test2.pfx"
ssl_certificate_pass = ""
host_names = ["test2.appgw.local"]
redirect_listener = {
name = "redirect-listener-listener"
port = 521
redirect_url = {
name = "redirect-url-listener"
port = 522
path_based_backend = {
name = "path-backend-listener"
port = 641
path_based_redirect_listener = {
name = "path-redirect-listener-listener"
port = 642
path_based_redirect_url = {
name = "path-redirect-rul-listener"
port = 643
backend_pool = {
name = "vmseries-pool"
backends = {
http = {
name = "http-settings"
port = 80
protocol = "Http"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
probe = "http"
https1 = {
name = "https1-settings"
port = 481
protocol = "Https"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
hostname_from_backend = false
hostname = "test1.appgw.local"
root_certs = {
test = {
name = "https-application-test1"
path = "./files/ca-cert1.pem"
probe = "https1"
https2 = {
name = "https2-settings"
port = 482
protocol = "Https"
timeout = 60
cookie_based_affinity = "Enabled"
hostname_from_backend = false
hostname = "test2.appgw.local"
root_certs = {
test = {
name = "https-application-test2"
path = "./files/ca-cert2.pem"
probe = "https2"
probes = {
http = {
name = "http-probe"
path = "/"
protocol = "Http"
timeout = 10
host = ""
https1 = {
name = "https-probe1"
path = "/"
protocol = "Https"
timeout = 10
https2 = {
name = "https-probe2"
path = "/"
protocol = "Https"
timeout = 10
rewrites = {
http = {
name = "http-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "http-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
https1 = {
name = "https1-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "https1-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
conditions = {
"http_resp_X-Forwarded-Proto" = {
pattern = "https"
ignore_case = true
negate = true
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
"X-Forwarded-Proto" = "https"
https2 = {
name = "https2-set"
rules = {
"xff-strip-port" = {
name = "https2-xff-strip-port"
sequence = 100
conditions = {
"http_resp_X-Forwarded-Proto" = {
pattern = "https"
ignore_case = true
negate = true
request_headers = {
"X-Forwarded-For" = "{var_add_x_forwarded_for_proxy}"
"X-Forwarded-Proto" = "https"
rules = {
http = {
name = "http-rule"
priority = 1
backend = "http"
listener = "http"
rewrite = "http"
https1 = {
name = "https1-rule"
priority = 2
backend = "https1"
listener = "https1"
rewrite = "https1"
https2 = {
name = "https2-rule"
priority = 3
backend = "https2"
listener = "https2"
rewrite = "https2"
redirect_listener = {
name = "redirect-listener-rule"
priority = 4
listener = "redirect_listener"
redirect = "redirect_listener"
redirect_url = {
name = "redirect-url-rule"
priority = 5
listener = "redirect_url"
redirect = "redirect_url"
path_based_backend = {
name = "path-based-backend-rule"
priority = 6
listener = "path_based_backend"
url_path_map = "path_based_backend"
path_based_redirect_listener = {
name = "path-redirect-listener-rule"
priority = 7
listener = "path_based_redirect_listener"
url_path_map = "path_based_redirect_listener"
path_based_redirect_url = {
name = "path-redirect-rul-rule"
priority = 8
listener = "path_based_redirect_url"
url_path_map = "path_based_redirect_url"
redirects = {
redirect_listener = {
name = "listener-redirect"
type = "Permanent"
target_listener = "http"
include_path = true
include_query_string = true
redirect_url = {
name = "url-redirect"
type = "Temporary"
target_url = ""
include_path = true
include_query_string = true
url_path_maps = {
path_based_backend = {
name = "backend-map"
backend = "http"
path_rules = {
http = {
paths = ["/plaintext"]
backend = "http"
https = {
paths = ["/secure"]
backend = "https1"
path_based_redirect_listener = {
name = "redirect-listener-map"
backend = "http"
path_rules = {
http = {
paths = ["/redirect"]
redirect = "redirect_listener"
path_based_redirect_url = {
name = "redirect-url-map"
backend = "http"
path_rules = {
http = {
paths = ["/redirect"]
redirect = "redirect_url"
, version: >= 1.5, < 2.0azurerm
, version: ~> 3.98
, version: ~> 3.98
Required Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the Application Gateway. |
resource_group_name | string | The name of the Resource Group to use. |
region | string | The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in. |
subnet_id | string | An ID of a subnet (must be dedicated to Application Gateway v2) that will host the Application Gateway. |
public_ip | object | A map defining listener's public IP configuration. |
frontend_ip_configuration_name | string | A frontend IP configuration name. |
listeners | map | A map of listeners for the Application Gateway. |
rules | map | A map of rules for the Application Gateway. |
Optional Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
tags | map | The map of tags to assign to all created resources. |
zones | list | A list of zones the Application Gateway should be available in. |
domain_name_label | string | A label for the Domain Name. |
capacity | object | A map defining whether static or autoscale configuration is used. |
enable_http2 | bool | Enable HTTP2 on the Application Gateway. |
waf | object | A map defining only the SKU and providing basic WAF (Web Application Firewall) configuration for Application Gateway. |
managed_identities | list | A list of existing User-Assigned Managed Identities. |
global_ssl_policy | object | A map defining global SSL settings. |
ssl_profiles | map | A map of SSL profiles. |
backend_pool | object | A map defining a backend pool, when skipped will create an empty backend. |
backend_settings | map | A map of backend settings for the Application Gateway. |
probes | map | A map of probes for the Application Gateway. |
rewrites | map | A map of rewrites for the Application Gateway. |
redirects | map | A map of redirects for the Application Gateway. |
url_path_maps | map | A map of URL path maps for the Application Gateway. |
Name | Description |
public_ip | A public IP assigned to the Application Gateway. |
public_domain_name | Public domain name assigned to the Application Gateway. |
backend_pool_id | The identifier of the Application Gateway backend address pool. |
Required Inputs details
The name of the Application Gateway.
Type: string
The name of the Resource Group to use.
Type: string
The name of the Azure region to deploy the resources in.
Type: string
An ID of a subnet (must be dedicated to Application Gateway v2) that will host the Application Gateway.
Type: string
A map defining listener's public IP configuration.
Following properties are available:
- (string
, required) name of the Public IP resource.create
- (bool
, optional, defaults totrue
) controls if the Public IP resource is created or sourced.resource_group_name
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) name of the Resource Group hosting the Public IP resource, used only for sourced resources.
name = string
create = optional(bool, true)
resource_group_name = optional(string)
A frontend IP configuration name.
Type: string
A map of listeners for the Application Gateway.
Every listener contains attributes:
- (string
, required) the name for this Frontend Port.port
- (string
, required) the port used for this Frontend Port.protocol
- (string
, optional, defaults toHttps
) the Protocol to use for this HTTP Listener.host_names
- (list
, optional, defaults tonull
) A list of Hostname(s) should be used for this HTTP Listener, it allows special wildcard characters.ssl_profile_name
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) the name of the associated SSL Profile which should be used for this HTTP Listener.ssl_certificate_vault_id
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) Secret Id of (base-64 encoded unencrypted pfx) Secret or Certificate object stored in Azure KeyVault.ssl_certificate_path
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) Path to the file with tThe base64-encoded PFX certificate data.ssl_certificate_pass
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) Password for the pfx file specified in data.custom_error_pages
- (map
, optional, defaults to{}
) Map of string, where key is HTTP status code and value is error page URL of the application gateway customer error.
name = string
port = number
protocol = optional(string, "Http")
host_names = optional(list(string))
ssl_profile_name = optional(string)
ssl_certificate_vault_id = optional(string)
ssl_certificate_path = optional(string)
ssl_certificate_pass = optional(string)
custom_error_pages = optional(map(string), {})
A map of rules for the Application Gateway. A rule combines backend's, listener's, rewrites' and redirects' configurations.
A key is an application name that is used to prefix all components inside an Application Gateway that are created for this application.
Every rule contains following attributes:
- (string
, required) Rule name.priority
- (string
, required) Rule evaluation order can be dictated by specifying an integer value from 1 to 20000 with 1 being the highest priority and 20000 being the lowest priority.listener_key
- (string
, required) a key identifying a listener config defined invar.listeners
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withurl_path_map_key
) a key identifying a backend config defined invar.backend_settings
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) a key identifying a rewrite config defined invar.rewrites
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withbackend_key
) a key identifying a url_path_map config defined invar.url_path_maps
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withurl_path_map_key
) a key identifying a redirect config defined invar.redirects
name = string
priority = number
backend_key = optional(string)
listener_key = string
rewrite_key = optional(string)
url_path_map_key = optional(string)
redirect_key = optional(string)
Optional Inputs details
The map of tags to assign to all created resources.
Type: map(string)
Default value: map[]
A list of zones the Application Gateway should be available in. For non-zonal deployments this should be set to an empty list,
as null
will enforce the default value.
This is also enforced on the Public IP. The Public IP object brings in some limitations as it can only be non-zonal, pinned to
a single zone or zone-redundant (so available in all zones in a region).
Therefore make sure that if you specify more than one zone you specify all available in a region. You can use a subset, but the
Public IP will be created in all zones anyway. This fact will cause Terraform to recreate the IP resource during next
terraform apply
as there will be difference between the state and the actual configuration.
For details on zones currently available in a region of your choice refer to Microsoft's documentation.
Type: list(string)
Default value: [1 2 3]
A label for the Domain Name. Will be used to make up the FQDN. If a domain name label is specified, an A DNS record is created for the public IP in the Microsoft Azure DNS system.
Type: string
Default value: &{}
A map defining whether static or autoscale configuration is used.
Following properties are available:
- (number
, optional, defaults to2
) static number of Application Gateway instances, takes values bewteen 1 and 125.autoscale
- (map
, optional, defaults tonull
) autoscaling configuration, when specifiedstatic
is being ignored:min
- (number
, required) minimum number of instances during autoscaling.max
- (number
, required) maximum number of instances during autoscaling.
static = optional(number, 2)
autoscale = optional(object({
min = number
max = number
Default value: map[]
Enable HTTP2 on the Application Gateway.
Type: bool
Default value: false
A map defining only the SKU and providing basic WAF (Web Application Firewall) configuration for Application Gateway. This module does not support WAF rules configuration and advanced WAF settings.
Following properties are available:
- (bool
, required)true
sets WAF mode toPrevention
- (string
, optional, defaults toOWASP
) the type of the Rule Set used for this WAF.rule_set_version
- (string
, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) the version of the Rule Set used for this WAF.
prevention_mode = bool
rule_set_type = optional(string, "OWASP")
rule_set_version = optional(string)
Default value: &{}
A list of existing User-Assigned Managed Identities.
Application Gateway uses Managed Identities to retrieve certificates from a Key Vault. These identities have to have at least
access to Key Vault's secrets. Otherwise Application Gateway will not be able to use certificates stored in the Vault.
Type: list(string)
Default value: &{}
A map defining global SSL settings.
Following properties are available:
- (string
, required, but defaults toPredefined
) type of an SSL policy, possible values include:Predefined
. -
- (string
, optional, defaults toAppGwSslPolicy20220101S
) name of an SSL policy, supported only fortype
set toPredefined
Normally you can set it also forCustom
policies but the name is discarded on Azure side causing an update to Application Gateway each time Terraform code is run. Therefore this property is omitted in the code forCustom
policies.For the
policies, check the Microsoft documentation for possible values as they tend to change over time. The default value is currently (Q1 2023) is also Microsoft's default. -
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) minimum version of the TLS protocol for SSL Policy, required only fortype
set toCustom
. -
- (list
, optional, defaults to[]
) a list of accepted cipher suites, required only fortype
set toCustom
. For possible values see provider documentation.
type = optional(string, "Predefined")
name = optional(string, "AppGwSslPolicy20220101S")
min_protocol_version = optional(string)
cipher_suites = optional(list(string), [])
Default value: map[]
A map of SSL profiles.
SSL profiles can be later on referenced in HTTPS listeners by providing a name of the profile in the name
For possible values check the: ssl_policy_type
, ssl_policy_min_protocol_version
and ssl_policy_cipher_suites
as SSL profile is a named SSL policy - same properties apply.
The only difference is that you cannot name an SSL policy inside an SSL profile.
Every SSL profile contains following attributes:
- (string
, required) name of the SSL profile.ssl_policy_name
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) name of predefined policy.ssl_policy_min_protocol_version
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) the minimal TLS version.ssl_policy_cipher_suites
- (list
, optional, defaults tonull
) a list of accepted cipher suites.
name = string
ssl_policy_name = optional(string)
ssl_policy_min_protocol_version = optional(string)
ssl_policy_cipher_suites = optional(list(string))
Default value: map[]
A map defining a backend pool, when skipped will create an empty backend.
Following properties are available:
- (string
, optional, defaults tovmseries
) name of the backend pool.vmseries_ips
- (list
, optional, defaults to[]
) IP addresses of VM-Series' interfaces that will serve as backend nodes for the Application Gateway.
name = optional(string, "vmseries")
vmseries_ips = optional(list(string), [])
Default value: map[]
A map of backend settings for the Application Gateway.
Every backend contains attributes:
- (string
, required) the name of the backend settings.port
- (number
, required) the port which should be used for this Backend HTTP Settings Collection.protocol
- (string
, required) the Protocol which should be used. Possible values are Http and Https.path
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) the Path which should be used as a prefix for all HTTP requests.hostname_from_backend
- (bool
, optional, defaults tofalse
) whether host header should be picked from the host name of the backend server.hostname
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) host header to be sent to the backend servers.timeout
- (number
, optional, defaults to60
) the request timeout in seconds, which must be between 1 and 86400 seconds.use_cookie_based_affinity
- (bool
, optional, defaults totrue
) when set totrue
enables Cookie-Based Affinity.affinity_cookie_name
- (string
, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) the name of the affinity cookie.probe_key
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) a key identifying a Probe definition in thevar.probes
- (map
, optional, defaults to{}
) a map of objects defining paths to trusted root certificates (PEM
format), each map contains 2 properties:name
- (string
, required) a name of the certificate.path
- (string
, required) path to a file on a local file system containing the root cert.
name = string
port = number
protocol = string
path = optional(string)
hostname_from_backend = optional(bool, false)
hostname = optional(string)
timeout = optional(number, 60)
use_cookie_based_affinity = optional(bool, true)
affinity_cookie_name = optional(string)
probe_key = optional(string)
root_certs = optional(map(object({
name = string
path = string
})), {})
Default value: map[]
A map of probes for the Application Gateway.
Every probe contains attributes:
- (string
, required) the name used for this Probe.path
- (string
, required) the path used for this
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) the hostname used for this Probe.port
- (number
, optional, defaults tonull
) custom port which will be used for probing the backend servers, when skipped a default port forprotocol
will be used.protocol
- (string
, optional, defaultsHttp
) the protocol which should be used, possible values areHttp
- (number
, optional, defaults5
) the interval between two consecutive probes in seconds.timeout
- (number
, optional, defaults30
) the timeout after which a single probe is marked unhealthy.threshold
- (number
, optional, defaults2
) the unhealthy Threshold for this Probe, which indicates the amount of retries which should be attempted before a node is deemed unhealthy.match_code
- (list
, optional, defaults tonull
) custom list of allowed status codes for this Health Probe.match_body
- (string
, optional, defaults tonull
) a custom snippet from the Response Body which must be present to treat a single probe as healthy.
name = string
path = string
host = optional(string)
port = optional(number)
protocol = optional(string, "Http")
interval = optional(number, 5)
timeout = optional(number, 30)
threshold = optional(number, 2)
match_code = optional(list(number))
match_body = optional(string)
Default value: map[]
A map of rewrites for the Application Gateway.
Every rewrite contains attributes:
- (string
, required) Rewrite Rule Set name.rules
- (map
, required) rewrite Rule Set defined with following attributes available:name
- (string
, required) Rewrite Rule name.sequence
- (number
, required) determines the order of rule execution in a set.conditions
- (map
, optional, defaults to{}
) one or more condition blocks as defined below:pattern
- (string
, required) the pattern, either fixed string or regular expression, that evaluates the truthfulness of the condition.ignore_case
- (string
, optional, defaults tofalse
) perform a case in-sensitive comparison.negate
- (bool
, optional, defaults tofalse
) negate the result of the condition evaluation.
- (map
, optional, defaults to{}
) map of request headers, where header name is the key, header value is the value.response_headers
- (map
, optional, defaults to{}
) map of response header, where header name is the key, header value is the value.
name = string
rules = optional(map(object({
name = string
sequence = number
conditions = optional(map(object({
pattern = string
ignore_case = optional(bool, false)
negate = optional(bool, false)
})), {})
request_headers = optional(map(string), {})
response_headers = optional(map(string), {})
})), {})
Default value: map[]
A map of redirects for the Application Gateway.
Every redirect contains attributes:
- (string
, required) the name of redirect.type
- (string
, required) the type of redirect, possible values arePermanent
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withtarget_url
) a key identifying a backend config defined invar.listeners
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withtarget_listener
) the URL to redirect to.include_path
- (bool
, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) whether or not to include the path in the redirected URL.include_query_string
- (bool
, optional, defaults to Azure defaults) whether or not to include the query string in the redirected URL.
name = string
type = string
target_listener_key = optional(string)
target_url = optional(string)
include_path = optional(bool)
include_query_string = optional(bool)
Default value: map[]
A map of URL path maps for the Application Gateway.
Every URL path map contains attributes:
- (string
, required) the name of redirect.backend_key
- (string
, required) a key identifying the default backend for redirect defined invar.backend_settings
- (map
, optional, defaults to{}
) the map of rules, where every object has attributes:paths
- (list
, required) a list of paths.backend_key
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withredirect_key
) a key identifying a backend config defined invar.backend_settings
- (string
, optional, mutually exclusive withbackend_key
) a key identifying a redirect config defined invar.redirects
name = string
backend_key = string
path_rules = optional(map(object({
paths = list(string)
backend_key = optional(string)
redirect_key = optional(string)
})), {})
Default value: map[]