Palo Alto Networks VPC Module for AWS
A Terraform module for deploying a VPC in AWS.
One advantage of this module over the terraform-aws-vpc
module is that it does not create multiple resources based on Terraform count
iterator. This allows for example
easier removal of any single subnet,
without the need to briefly destroy and re-create any other subnet.
module "vpc" {
source = "../../modules/vpc"
name =
cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr_block
secondary_cidr_blocks = var.vpc_secondary_cidr_blocks
create_internet_gateway = true
global_tags = var.global_tags
vpc_tags = var.vpc_tags
security_groups = var.security_groups
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0 |
aws | ~> 5.17 |
Name | Version |
aws | ~> 5.17 |
No modules.
Name | Type |
aws_internet_gateway.this | resource |
aws_network_acl.this | resource |
aws_network_acl_rule.this | resource |
aws_route_table.from_igw | resource |
aws_route_table.from_vgw | resource |
aws_route_table_association.from_igw | resource |
aws_route_table_association.from_vgw | resource |
aws_security_group.this | resource |
aws_vpc.this | resource |
aws_vpc_dhcp_options.this | resource |
aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association.this | resource |
aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association.this | resource |
aws_vpn_gateway.this | resource |
aws_internet_gateway.this | data source |
aws_vpc.this | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block | A boolean flag to assign AWS-provided /56 IPv6 CIDR block. Defaults false | bool | null | no |
cidr_block | CIDR block to assign to a new VPC. | string | null | no |
create_dhcp_options | Should be true if you want to specify a DHCP options set with a custom domain name, DNS servers, NTP servers. | bool | false | no |
create_internet_gateway | Set to true to create IG and attach it to the VPC. | bool | false | no |
create_vpc | When set to true inputs are used to create a VPC, otherwise - to get data about an existing one (based on the name value). | bool | true | no |
create_vpn_gateway | When set to true, create VPN gateway and a dedicated route table. | bool | false | no |
domain_name | Specifies DNS name for DHCP options set. 'create_dhcp_options' needs to be enabled. | string | "" | no |
domain_name_servers | Specify a list of DNS server addresses for DHCP options set, default to AWS provided | list(string) | [] | no |
enable_dns_hostnames | A boolean flag to enable/disable DNS hostnames in the VPC. Defaults false. | bool | null | no |
enable_dns_support | A boolean flag to enable/disable DNS support in the VPC. Defaults true. | bool | null | no |
global_tags | Optional map of arbitrary tags to apply to all the created resources. | map(string) | {} | no |
instance_tenancy | VPC level instance tenancy. | string | null | no |
nacls | The nacls variable is a map of maps, where each map represents an AWS NACL.Example:nacls = { trusted_path_monitoring = { name = "trusted-path-monitoring" rules = { block_outbound_icmp = { rule_number = 110 egress = true protocol = "icmp" rule_action = "deny" cidr_block = "" from_port = null to_port = null } allow_inbound = { rule_number = 300 egress = false protocol = "-1" rule_action = "allow" cidr_block = "" from_port = null to_port = null } } } } | any | {} | no |
name | Name of the VPC to create or use. | string | n/a | yes |
name_internet_gateway | Name of the IGW to create or use. | string | null | no |
name_vpn_gateway | Name of the VPN gateway to create. | string | null | no |
ntp_servers | Specify a list of NTP server addresses for DHCP options set, default to AWS provided | list(string) | [] | no |
route_table_internet_gateway | Name of route table for the IGW. | string | null | no |
route_table_vpn_gateway | Name of the route table for VPN gateway. | string | null | no |
secondary_cidr_blocks | Secondary CIDR block to assign to a new VPC. | list(string) | [] | no |
security_groups | The security_groups variable is a map of maps, where each map represents an AWS Security Group.The key of each entry acts as the Security Group name. List of available attributes of each Security Group entry: - rules : A list of objects representing a Security Group rule. The key of each entry acts as the name of the rule andneeds to be unique across all rules in the Security Group. List of attributes available to define a Security Group rule: - description : Security Group description.- type : Specifies if rule will be evaluated on ingress (inbound) or egress (outbound) traffic.- cidr_blocks : List of CIDR blocks - for ingress, determines the traffic that can reach your instance. For egressDetermines the traffic that can leave your instance, and where it can go. - prefix_list_ids : List of Prefix List IDs- self : security group itself will be added as a source to the rule. Cannot be specified with cidr_blocks, or security_groups.- source_security_groups : list of security group IDs to be used as a source to the rule. Cannot be specified with cidr_blocks, or self.Example:security_groups = { vmseries-mgmt = { name = "vmseries-mgmt" rules = { all-outbound = { description = "Permit All traffic outbound" type = "egress", from_port = "0", to_port = "0", protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } https-inbound-private = { description = "Permit HTTPS for VM-Series Management" type = "ingress", from_port = "443", to_port = "443", protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } https-inbound-eip = { description = "Permit HTTPS for VM-Series Management from known public IPs" type = "ingress", from_port = "443", to_port = "443", protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } ssh-inbound-eip = { description = "Permit SSH for VM-Series Management from known public IPs" type = "ingress", from_port = "22", to_port = "22", protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } https-inbound-self = { description = "Permit HTTPS from instances with the same security group" type = "ingress", from_port = "443", to_port = "443", protocol = "tcp" self = true } https-inbound-security-groups = { description = "Permit HTTPS traffic for the resources associated with the specified security group" type = "ingress", from_port = "443", to_port = "443", protocol = "tcp" source_security_groups = ["sg-1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i"] } https-inbound-prefix-list = { description = "Permit HTTPS for VM-Series Management for IPs in managed prefix list" type = "ingress", from_port = "443", to_port = "443", protocol = "tcp" prefix_list_ids = ["pl-1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i"] } } } } | any | {} | no |
use_internet_gateway | If an existing VPC is provided and has IG attached, set to true to reuse it. | bool | false | no |
vpc_tags | Optional map of arbitrary tags to apply to VPC resource. | map | {} | no |
vpn_gateway_amazon_side_asn | ASN for the Amazon side of the gateway. | string | null | no |
Name | Description |
has_secondary_cidrs | n/a |
id | The VPC identifier (either created or pre-existing). |
igw_as_next_hop_set | The object is suitable for use as vpc_route module's input next_hop_set . |
internet_gateway | The entire Internet Gateway object. It is null when create_internet_gateway is false. |
internet_gateway_route_table | The Route Table object created to handle traffic from Internet Gateway (IGW). It is null when create_internet_gateway is false. |
nacl_ids | Map of NACL -> ID (newly created). |
name | The VPC Name Tag (either created or pre-existing). |
security_group_ids | Map of Security Group Name -> ID (newly created). |
vpc | The entire VPC object (either created or pre-existing). |
vpn_gateway | The entire Virtual Private Gateway object. It is null when create_vpn_gateway is false. |
vpn_gateway_route_table | The Route Table object created to handle traffic from Virtual Private Gateway (VGW). It is null when create_vpn_gateway is false. |