Palo Alto Networks Flexible Names Generator
A Terraform module for flexible names generation for resources created in AWS by VM-Series modules.
In order to invoke the module to generated flexible names for all resources created by Terraform for VM-Series, you need to defined map e.g. as below for combined design example:
module "generator" {
source = "../../modules/names_generator"
region = var.region
name_prefix = var.name_prefix
name_template = var.name_templates.name_template
template_assignments = var.template_assignments.assigned_template
names = {
vpc = { for k, v in var.vpcs : k => }
internet_gateway = { for k, v in var.vpcs : k => }
vpn_gateway = { for k, v in var.vpcs : k => }
subnet = { for _, v in local.subnets : "${}${}" => "${}${}" }
security_group = { for _, v in local.security_groups : v.key => }
route_table = merge(
{ for k, v in var.vpcs : k => "igw_${}" },
{ for _, v in local.subnets : "${}${}" => "${}${}" }
nat_gateway = { for _, v in local.nat_gateways : v.key => }
transit_gateway = { "tgw" : }
transit_gateway_route_table = { for k, v in var.tgw.route_tables : k => }
transit_gateway_attachment = { for k, v in var.tgw.attachments : k => }
gateway_loadbalancer = { for k, v in var.gwlbs : k => }
gateway_loadbalancer_target_group = { for k, v in var.gwlbs : k => }
gateway_loadbalancer_endpoint = { for k, v in var.gwlb_endpoints : k => }
application_loadbalancer = { for k, v in var.spoke_albs : k => k }
application_loadbalancer_target_group = { for _, v in local.alb_tg : v.key => v.value }
network_loadbalancer = { for k, v in var.spoke_nlbs : k => k }
network_loadbalancer_target_group = { for _, v in local.nlb_tg : v.key => v.value }
vm = { for k, v in var.spoke_vms : k => k }
vmseries = { for vmseries in local.vmseries_instances : "${}-${vmseries.instance}" => "${}-${vmseries.instance}" }
vmseries_network_interface = { for n in local.vmseries_network_interfaces : "${}-${n.instance}-${n.nic}" => "${n.nic}-${n.instance}" }
iam_role = {
security : "vmseries"
spoke : "spokevm"
iam_instance_profile = {
security : "vmseries"
spoke : "spokevm"
For each kind of resource output from module can be used e.g. as below for VPC:
module "vpc" {
source = "../../modules/vpc"
for_each = var.vpcs
name = module.generator.names.vpc[each.key]
or GWLB and its endpoints:
module "gwlb" {
source = "../../../modules/gwlb"
for_each = var.gwlbs
name = module.generator.names.gateway_loadbalancer[each.key]
module "gwlbe_endpoint" {
source = "../../../modules/gwlb_endpoint_set"
for_each = var.gwlb_endpoints
name = module.generator.names.gateway_loadbalancer_endpoint[each.key]
Map of templates needs to be defined in terraform.tfvars
name_templates = {
name_at_the_end = {
delimiter = "-"
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ abbreviation = "__default__" },
{ bu = "cloud" },
{ env = "tst" },
{ suffix = "ec1" },
{ name = "%s" },
] }
name_after_abbr = {
delimiter = "-"
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ abbreviation = "__default__" },
{ name = "%s" },
{ bu = "cloud" },
{ env = "tst" },
{ suffix = "ec1" },
] }
name_with_az = {
delimiter = "-"
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ abbreviation = "__default__" },
{ name = "%s" },
{ bu = "cloud" },
{ env = "tst" },
{ suffix = "ec1" },
{ az = "__az_numeric__" }, # __az_literal__, __az_numeric__
] }
name_max_32_characters = {
delimiter = "-"
parts = [
{ prefix = null },
{ abbreviation = "__default__" },
{ name = "%s" },
{ bu = "cloud" },
{ env = "tst" },
] }
Besides that for each kind template needs to be assigned (or default template needs to be used):
template_assignments = {
default = "name_after_abbr"
subnet = "name_with_az"
route_table = "name_with_az"
nat_gateway = "name_at_the_end"
vm = "name_at_the_end"
vmseries = "name_at_the_end"
vmseries_network_interface = "name_at_the_end"
application_loadbalancer = "name_max_32_characters"
application_loadbalancer_target_group = "name_max_32_characters"
network_loadbalancer = "name_max_32_characters"
network_loadbalancer_target_group = "name_max_32_characters"
gateway_loadbalancer = "name_max_32_characters"
gateway_loadbalancer_target_group = "name_max_32_characters"
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0 |
aws | ~> 5.17 |
No providers.
No modules.
No resources.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
abbreviations | Map of abbreviations used for resources (placed in place of "__default__"). | map(string) | { "application_loadbalancer": "alb", "application_loadbalancer_target_group": "atg", "gateway_loadbalancer": "gwlb", "gateway_loadbalancer_endpoint": "gwep", "gateway_loadbalancer_target_group": "gwtg", "iam_instance_profile": "profile", "iam_role": "role", "internet_gateway": "igw", "nat_gateway": "ngw", "network_loadbalancer": "nlb", "network_loadbalancer_target_group": "ntg", "route_table": "rt", "route_table_internet_gateway": "rt", "security_group": "sg", "subnet": "snet", "transit_gateway": "tgw", "transit_gateway_attachment": "att", "transit_gateway_route_table": "trt", "vm": "vm", "vmseries": "vm", "vmseries_network_interface": "nic", "vpc": "vpc", "vpn_gateway": "vgw" } | no |
az_map_literal_to_numeric | Map of number used instead of letters for AZs (placed in place of "__az_numeric__"). | map(string) | { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4, "e": 5, "f": 6, "g": 7, "h": 8, "i": 9 } | no |
name_prefix | Prefix used in names for the resources | string | n/a | yes |
name_templates | Map of templates used to generate names. Each template is defined by list of objects. Each object contains 1 element defined by key and string value. Important: 0. Delimiter specifies the delimiter used between all components of the new name. 1. Elements with key prefix (value is not important) will be replaced with value of the name_prefix variable (e.g. { prefix = null } )2. %s will be eventually replaced by resource name3. __default__ is a marker that we will be replaced with a default resource abbreviation, anything else will be used literally.4. __az_numeric__ is a marker that will be used to replace the availability zone letter indicator with a number (e.g. a->1, b->2, ...)5. __az_literal__ is a marker that will be used to replace the full availability zone name with a letter (e.g. eu-central-1a will become a )6. Order matters Example: name_template = { name_at_the_end = { delimiter = "-" parts = [ { prefix = null }, { abbreviation = "__default__" }, { bu = "cloud" }, { env = "tst" }, { suffix = "ec1" }, { name = "%s" }, ] } name_after_abbr = { delimiter = "-" parts = [ { prefix = null }, { abbreviation = "__default__" }, { name = "%s" }, { bu = "cloud" }, { env = "tst" }, { suffix = "ec1" }, ] } name_with_az = { delimiter = "-" parts = [ { prefix = null }, { abbreviation = "__default__" }, { name = "%s" }, { bu = "cloud" }, { env = "tst" }, { suffix = "ec1" }, { az = "__az_numeric__" }, # __az_literal__, __az_numeric__ ] } name_max_32_characters = { delimiter = "-" parts = [ { prefix = null }, { abbreviation = "__default__" }, { name = "%s" }, { bu = "cloud" }, { env = "tst" }, ] } } | map(object({ delimiter = string parts = list(map(string)) })) | {} | no |
names | Map of objects defining names used for resources. Example: names = { vpc = { for k, v in var.vpcs : k => } gateway_loadbalancer = { for k, v in var.gwlbs : k => } gateway_loadbalancer_endpoint = { for k, v in var.gwlb_endpoints : k => } } Please take a look combined_design example, which contains full map for names. | map(map(string)) | {} | no |
region | AWS region used to deploy whole infrastructure | string | n/a | yes |
template_assignments | Map of templates (used to generate names) assigned to each kind of resource. Example: template_assignments = { default = "name_after_abbr" subnet = "name_with_az" route_table = "name_with_az" nat_gateway = "name_at_the_end" vm = "name_at_the_end" vmseries = "name_at_the_end" vmseries_network_interface = "name_at_the_end" application_loadbalancer = "name_max_32_characters" application_loadbalancer_target_group = "name_max_32_characters" network_loadbalancer = "name_max_32_characters" network_loadbalancer_target_group = "name_max_32_characters" gateway_loadbalancer = "name_max_32_characters" gateway_loadbalancer_target_group = "name_max_32_characters" } | map(string) | {} | no |
Name | Description |
names | Map of generated names for each kind of resources. Example: names = { vpc = { app1_vpc = "example-vpc-app1-cloud-tst-ec1" app2_vpc = "example-vpc-app2-cloud-tst-ec1" security_vpc = "example-vpc-security-cloud-tst-ec1" } gateway_loadbalancer = { security_gwlb = "example-gwlb-security-cloud-tst" } gateway_loadbalancer_endpoint = { app1_inbound = "example-gwep-app1-cloud-tst-ec1" app2_inbound = "example-gwep-app2-cloud-tst-ec1" security_gwlb_eastwest = "example-gwep-eastwest-cloud-tst-ec1" security_gwlb_outbound = "example-gwep-outbound-cloud-tst-ec1" } } |