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Palo Alto Networks Panorama example

A Terraform example for deploying a one or more instances of Panorama in one or more VPCs in AWS Cloud.

NOTE: Panorama will take a serveral minutes to bootup during the initial setup.

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The topology consists of :

  • VPC with 2 subnets in 2 availability zones
  • 2 Panorama instances with a public IP addresses and static private IP addresses


PAN-OS software version

Example was prepared for PAN-OS in 10.2.3 version as described in AWS Deployment Guide. For more information about recommended software versions see Support PAN-OS Software Release Guidance.


  1. Prepare panorama license
  2. Configure the Terraform AWS provider


  1. Access AWS CloudShell or any other environment which has access to your AWS account
  2. Clone the repository: git clone
  3. Go to Panorama example: cd terraform-aws-swfw-modules/examples/panorama_standalone
  4. Copy example.tfvars into terraform.tfvars
  5. Review terraform.tfvars file, especially with lines commented by # TODO: update here
  6. Initialize Terraform: terraform init
  7. Prepare plan: terraform plan
  8. Deploy infrastructure: terraform apply -auto-approve
  9. Destroy infrastructure if needed: terraform destroy -auto-approve


  1. Get public IP for each Panorama instance(s): terraform output panorama_public_ips
  2. Connect to the Panorama instance(s) via SSH using your associated private key: ssh admin@x.x.x.x -i /PATH/TO/YOUR/KEY/id_rsa
  3. Set admin password:
> configure
# set mgt-config users admin password

Access Panorama

Use a web browser to access https://x.x.x.x and login with admin and your previously configured password



terraform>= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0
aws~> 5.17


aws~> 5.17




aws_caller_identity.thisdata source
aws_ebs_default_kms_key.thisdata source
aws_kms_alias.thisdata source
aws_partition.thisdata source


global_tagsGlobal tags configured for all provisioned resourcesmap(any){}no
name_prefixPrefix used in names for the resources (VPCs, EC2 instances, autoscaling groups etc.)string""no
panoramasA map defining Panorama instances

Following properties are available:
- instances: map of Panorama instances with attributes:
- az: name of the Availability Zone
- private_ip_address: private IP address for management interface
- panos_version: PAN-OS version used for Panorama
- network: definition of network settings in object with attributes:
- vpc: name of the VPC (needs to be one of the keys in map vpcs)
- vpc_subnet: key of the VPC and subnet connected by '-' character
- security_group: security group assigned to ENI used by Panorama
- create_public_ip: true, if public IP address for management should be created
- ebs: EBS settings defined in object with attributes:
- volumes: list of EBS volumes attached to each instance
- kms_key_alias: KMS key alias used for encrypting Panorama EBS
- iam: IAM settings in object with attrbiutes:
- create_role: enable creation of IAM role
- role_name: name of the role to create or use existing one
- enable_imdsv2: whether to enable IMDSv2 on the EC2 instance

panorama_ha_pair = {
instances = {
"primary" = {
az = "eu-central-1a"
private_ip_address = ""
"secondary" = {
az = "eu-central-1b"
private_ip_address = ""

panos_version = "10.2.3"

network = {
vpc = "management_vpc"
vpc_subnet = "management_vpc-mgmt"
security_group = "panorama_mgmt"
create_public_ip = true

ebs = {
volumes = [
name = "ebs-1"
ebs_device_name = "/dev/sdb"
ebs_size = "2000"
ebs_encrypted = true
name = "ebs-2"
ebs_device_name = "/dev/sdc"
ebs_size = "2000"
ebs_encrypted = true
kms_key_alias = "aws/ebs"

iam = {
create_role = true
role_name = "panorama"

enable_imdsv2 = false
instances = map(object({
az = string
private_ip_address = string

panos_version = string

network = object({
vpc = string
vpc_subnet = string
security_group = string
create_public_ip = bool

ebs = object({
volumes = list(object({
name = string
ebs_device_name = string
ebs_size = string
ebs_encrypted = bool
kms_key_alias = string

iam = object({
create_role = bool
role_name = string

enable_imdsv2 = bool
regionAWS region used to deploy whole infrastructurestringn/ayes
ssh_key_nameName of the SSH key pair existing in AWS key pairs and used to authenticate to VM-Series or test boxesstringn/ayes
vpcsA map defining VPCs with security groups and subnets.

Following properties are available:
- name: VPC name
- cidr: CIDR for VPC
- security_groups: map of security groups
- subnets: map of subnets with properties:
- az: availability zone
- set: internal identifier referenced by
- routes: map of routes with properties:
- vpc_subnet: built from key of VPCs concatenate with - and key of subnet in format: VPCKEY-SUBNETKEY
- to_cidr: destination IP range
- next_hop_key: must match keys use to create TGW attachment, IGW, GWLB endpoint or other resources
- next_hop_type: internet_gateway, nat_gateway, transit_gateway_attachment or gwlbe_endpoint

security_vpc = {
name = "security-vpc"
cidr = ""
security_groups = {
panorama_mgmt = {
name = "panorama_mgmt"
rules = {
all_outbound = {
description = "Permit All traffic outbound"
type = "egress", from_port = "0", to_port = "0", protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
https = {
description = "Permit HTTPS"
type = "ingress", from_port = "443", to_port = "443", protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
ssh = {
description = "Permit SSH"
type = "ingress", from_port = "22", to_port = "22", protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
subnets = {
"" = { az = "eu-central-1a", set = "mgmt" }
"" = { az = "eu-central-1b", set = "mgmt" }
routes = {
mgmt_default = {
vpc_subnet = "security_vpc-mgmt"
to_cidr = ""
next_hop_key = "security_vpc"
next_hop_type = "internet_gateway"
name = string
cidr = string
security_groups = any
subnets = map(object({
az = string
set = string
routes = map(object({
vpc_subnet = string
to_cidr = string
next_hop_key = string
next_hop_type = string


panorama_private_ipsMap of private IPs for Panorama instances.
panorama_public_ipsMap of public IPs for Panorama instances.
panorama_urlsMap of URLs for Panorama instances.