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Query Events for Pagination Support (v3.6)



Query events for supporting pagination.



    _offset date-time

    Event offset time and date information.

    acknowledged boolean

    If event is acknowledged. Value = True/False.

    dest_page integer

    The destination page.

    element_cluster_roles string[]

    Possible values: [HUB, SPOKE, NONE]

    The element cluster values.

    end_time date-time

    The event end time.

    limit object
    count integer
    sort_on string
    sort_order string

    Possible values: [ascending, descending]

    priority string[]

    Possible values: [p1, p2, p3, p4]

    The event priority.

    query object

    The query details of event category, code, correlation ID, entitity reference, site, and type.

    category string[]
    code string[]
    correlation_id string[]
    entity_ref string[]
    site string[]
    type string[]
    severity string[]

    Possible values: [critical, major, minor]

    The event severity level.

    start_time date-time

    The event start time.

    suppressed boolean

    If the event is suppressed. Value = True/False.

    suppressed_info object

    Information on the suppressed event - event ID, suppressed time, summary event IDs etc.

    event_ids string[]
    temporal_scope string

    Possible values: [include_standing, standing_only]

    Temporal scope of the event.

    time_type string

    Possible values: [raised, created]

    The event time type.

    view object

    The event viewing details.

    individual string

    Possible values: [site, code, category, entity, correlation, tenant]

    summary boolean


Successful Operation

    _request_id string

    The event query request ID.

    _status_code integer

    The status code of the event.

    dest_page integer

    The destination page.

    included_count integer

    The event included count.

    items object[]

    The details of the event query.

  • Array [
  • _created_on_utc date-time
    _etag string
    _updated_on_utc date-time
    acknowledged boolean
    acknowledgement_info object
    acknowledged_by string
    acknowledgement_time date-time
    cleared boolean
    code string
    correlation_id string
    element_cluster_roles string[]

    Possible values: [HUB, SPOKE, NONE]

    entity_ref string
    id string
    ident string
    info object
    policy_info object
    policyrule_id string
    policyset_id string
    priority string
    severity string
    standing boolean
    suppressed boolean
    suppressed_info object
    event_id string
    other_reason string
    suppressed_time date-time
    time date-time
    type string
  • ]
  • total_count integer

    The event query total count.
