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Query DB for Site WAN Interfaces (v2.8)



Query the DB for site WAN interfaces that match query parameters.



    aggregate Aggregate

    The aggregate number of app defs that match the query parameters.

    data AggregateData[]

    The details of the aggregate data.

  • Array [
  • value number

    Value of the aggregate data.

    view object

    View the aggregate date.

  • ]
  • field string

    The field value.

    name string

    The name of the query response.

    operator string

    Possible values: [max, count, min, avg, sum]

    The operator values.

    statistic string

    The aggregate statistics.

    unit string

    The unit.

    dest_page int32

    The destination page.

    getDeleted boolean

    The number app definitions deleted for a time frame.

    group_by string[]

    Group By

    id string

    List the app definitions by ID.

    last_query_ts int64

    Return the ID of a specified query in the current session.

    limit int32

    The query limit.

    next_query object

    The limit.

    query_params object
    retrieved_fields string[]

    Retrieve information from a field.

    retrieved_fields_mask boolean

    List the fields to query.

    sort_params object
    total_count int64

    The total number of query parameters.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The actual count.

    deleted_count int64

    The deleted number.

    deleted_ids string[]

    The deleted IDs.


    Description of the query. Max size = 256.

    id string

    The ID.

    next_query object

    Details of the next query.

    total_count int64

    Total number.

    items WANInterfaceQueryFilterV2N8[]
  • Array [
  • bfd_mode stringrequired

    Possible values: [aggressive, non_aggressive]

    Bfd Mode: ValidateEnum(enumClass = classOf[BfdMode], WAN_CONFIG_INVALID_BFD_MODE, nullAllowed = false)

    bw_config_mode stringrequired

    Possible values: [auto, manual, manual_bwm_disabled]

    Bw Config Mode: ValidateEnum(enumClass = classOf[BWConfigMode], message = INVALID_BANDWIDTH_CONFIG_MODE, nullAllowed = false)

    bwc_enabled boolean

    Bwc Enabled

    cost integer

    Cost: Range(max = 1024L, error = WANINTERFACE_INVALID_COST_VALUE: Cost value for site WAN interface should be within range 0-1024, min = 0L)

    description string

    Description: Size(max = 256, WANINTERFACE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_EXCEEDS_LIMIT, min = 0)

    id string


    l3_reachability WANL3Reachability

    L3 Reachability: Valid

    probe_config_ids string[]

    The probe configuration IDs.

    use_element_default boolean

    The default element used.

    label_id stringrequired

    Label Id: NotEmpty(message = WAN_INTERFACE_INVALID_LABEL)

    link_bw_down double

    Link Bw Down: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    link_bw_up double

    Link Bw Up: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    lqm_config LQMConfig

    Lqm Config: Valid

    hub_site_ids string[]

    List of DC Site IDs.

    inter_packet_gap int32

    Allowed values: 50-300 milliseconds.

    statistic string

    Possible values: [min, max, avg]

    WAN interface LQM config statistics.

    lqm_enabled boolean

    Lqm Enabled

    name string

    Name: Size(max = 128, WANINTERFACE_CONFIG_NAME_EXCEEDS_LIMIT, min = 0)

    network_id stringrequired

    Network Id: NotEmpty(message = NETWORK_ID_REQD)

    probe_profile_id string

    Probe Profile Id

    site_id stringrequired

    Site Id: Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 50, SITEID_INVALID) NotNull

    tags string[]

    Tags: ListString(allowDuplicate = false, allowEmpty = true, allowNull = true, length = 128, listMaxSize = 10, error = INVALID_TAG: Maximum 10 Unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed, noTrim = false, regex = [^,\s]+, required = false)

    type string

    Possible values: [PUBLIC_WAN, PRIVATE_WAN]


    use_for_application_reachability_probes boolean

    Use For Application Reachability Probes: Valid

    use_for_controller_connections boolean

    Use For Controller Connections: Valid

    use_lqm_for_non_hub_paths boolean

    Use Lqm For Non Hub Paths

    vpnlink_configuration VPNLinkConfiguration

    Vpnlink Configuration: Valid Valid Nullable

    keep_alive_failure_count integerrequired

    The VPN keep alive failure count (must be between 3 and 30).

    keep_alive_interval integerrequired

    The VPN keep alive timeout interval (must be between 100ms-1740,000ms).

  • ]