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Get TopN Data with Metrics Output (v2.0)



Get TopN sites or circuits based on growth. Start time need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format. Metrics need to specified according to 2.0 specifications.



Query request for getting TopN Sites/Apps based on growth

    end_time date

    The end time to get the top n sites/apps. If not specified, it is default to now. End times need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    name string

    The name of the of the top n sites/apps.

    start_time date

    The start time to get the top n sites/apps. If not specified, it is default to epoch. Start times need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    top_n TopNGrowthrequired

    The details of the limit and type of the Top N reports.

    compare TopNComparator

    The topn n comparator metrics.

    end_time date

    The end date to get the top n sites/apps. Start and end time need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    measurement string

    Possible values: [value, value_growth, value_reduction, percentage_growth, percentage_reduction]

    The measurement values of the Top N reports.

    start_time date

    The start date to get the top n sites/apps. Start and end time need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    filter TopNGrowthFilter

    Filters according to the specifications.

    app string[]

    Filter by apps.

    direction string[]

    Possible values: [Ingress, Egress]

    Filter by the direction of the traffic.

    element string[]

    Filter by element.

    path string[]

    Filter by path.

    path_type string[]

    Possible values: [public_direct, public_vpn, private_direct, private_vpn, unknown, servicelink]

    Filter by path type. Maximum number of allowed path types is 10.

    site string[]

    Filter by site. Max size = 10.

    waninterface string[]

    Filter by wan interfaces. Max size = 10.

    limit integer

    The query limit.

    metrics Metricsrequired

    The topn n metrics. Metrics need to specified according to 2.0 specifications.

    name stringrequired

    Name: Required(error = REQUIRED_PROPERTY: Schema check failed - {} is a required property) Pattern(error = INVALID_FILTER: Schema check failed - Invalid value for param {}, regexp = ^[A-Za-z]+$)

    statistics string[]required

    Statistics: Required(error = REQUIRED_PROPERTY: Schema check failed - {} is a required property)

    unit stringrequired

    Unit: Required(error = REQUIRED_PROPERTY: Schema check failed - {} is a required property) Pattern(error = INVALID_FILTER: Schema check failed - Invalid value for param {}, regexp = ^[A-Za-z]+$)

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [app, site]

    The type of top n metrics.


Successful Operation

    end_time date

    The end time to get the top n sites/apps. If not specified, it is default to now. End times need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    name string

    The name of the of the top n sites/apps.

    start_time date

    The start time to get the top n sites/apps. If not specified, it is default to epoch. Start times need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    top_n TopNGrowthrequired

    The details of the limit and type of the Top N reports.

    compare TopNComparator

    The topn n comparator metrics.

    end_time date

    The end date to get the top n sites/apps. Start and end time need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    measurement string

    Possible values: [value, value_growth, value_reduction, percentage_growth, percentage_reduction]

    The measurement values of the Top N reports.

    start_time date

    The start date to get the top n sites/apps. Start and end time need to be specified in ISO8601 UTC format.

    filter TopNGrowthFilter

    Filters according to the specifications.

    app string[]

    Filter by apps.

    direction string[]

    Possible values: [Ingress, Egress]

    Filter by the direction of the traffic.

    element string[]

    Filter by element.

    path string[]

    Filter by path.

    path_type string[]

    Possible values: [public_direct, public_vpn, private_direct, private_vpn, unknown, servicelink]

    Filter by path type. Maximum number of allowed path types is 10.

    site string[]

    Filter by site. Max size = 10.

    waninterface string[]

    Filter by wan interfaces. Max size = 10.

    limit integer

    The query limit.

    metrics Metricsrequired

    The topn n metrics. Metrics need to specified according to 2.0 specifications.

    name stringrequired

    Name: Required(error = REQUIRED_PROPERTY: Schema check failed - {} is a required property) Pattern(error = INVALID_FILTER: Schema check failed - Invalid value for param {}, regexp = ^[A-Za-z]+$)

    statistics string[]required

    Statistics: Required(error = REQUIRED_PROPERTY: Schema check failed - {} is a required property)

    unit stringrequired

    Unit: Required(error = REQUIRED_PROPERTY: Schema check failed - {} is a required property) Pattern(error = INVALID_FILTER: Schema check failed - Invalid value for param {}, regexp = ^[A-Za-z]+$)

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [app, site]

    The type of top n metrics.
