Performance Policy
List of APIs used to manage performance policy.
📄️ Get Performance Policy Sets (v2.0)
Get details of the performance policy sets.
📄️ Create Performance Policy Set (v2.0)
Create a new performance policy set.
📄️ Query Performance Policy Set (v2.0)
Query details for the performance policy set.
📄️ Get Performance Policy Set Status (v2.0)
Get the status of the performance policy sets.
📄️ Delete Performance Policy Set (v2.0)
Delete a performance policy set.
📄️ Get Performance Policy Set (v2.0)
Get a performance policy set.
📄️ Update Performance Policy Set (v2.0)
Update a performance policy set.
📄️ Get Performance Policy Set Stacks (v2.0)
Get all the performance policy set stacks.
📄️ Create Performance Policy Set Stack (v2.0)
Create a new performance policy set stack.
📄️ Query Performance Policy Set Stack (v2.0)
Query details for the performance policy set stack.
📄️ Delete Performance Policy Set Stack (v2.0)
Delete a performance policy set stack.
📄️ Get Performance Policy Set Stack (v2.0)
Get a performance set stack.
📄️ Update Performance Policy Set Stack (v2.0)
Update a performance policy set stack.
📄️ Get Threshold Profile List (v2.0)
Get details of the threshold profile list.
📄️ Create Threshold Profile (v2.0)
Create a new threshold profile.
📄️ Query Tenant Level Threshold Profiles (v2.0)
Query the DB for limit number of tenant level threshold profiles that match the query params.
📄️ Delete Threshold Profile (v2.0)
Delete a threshold profile.
📄️ Get Threshold Profile (v2.0)
Get a threshold profile.
📄️ Update Threshold Profile (v2.0)
Update a threshold profile.
📄️ Get Probe Config List (v2.0)
List all the probe configurations.
📄️ Create Probe Config (v2.0)
Create a new probe configuration.
📄️ Query DB for Tenant Level Probe Configs (v2.0)
Query the DB for the limit number of tenant level probe configs that match query parameters.
📄️ Delete a Probe Config (v2.0)
Delete a probe config.
📄️ Get a Probe Config (v2.0)
List a probe config.
📄️ Update a Probe Config (v2.0)
Update a probe config.
📄️ Get Probe Profile List (v2.0)
List all the probe profiles.
📄️ Create Probe Profile (v2.0)
Create a new probe profile.
📄️ Query DB for Tenant Level Probe Profiles (v2.0)
Query the DB for the limit number of tenant level probe profiles that match query parameters.
📄️ Delete a Probe Profile (v2.0)
Delete a probe profile.
📄️ Get a Probe Profile (v2.0)
List a probe profile.
📄️ Update a Probe Profile (v2.0)
Update a probe profile.
📄️ Query Performance Policy Rules (v2.1)
Query the performance management policy rules.
📄️ Get Policy Rules of Policy Set (v2.1)
List the policy rules of a policy set.
📄️ Create Performance Policy Rule (v2.1)
Create a new performance policy rule.
📄️ Delete Policy Rule (v2.1)
Delete a performance policy rule of the tenant.
📄️ Get Policy Rule (v2.1)
List a specific performance policy rule of the tenant.
📄️ Update Policy Rule (v2.1)
Update a performance policy rule of the tenant.
📄️ Get Threshold Profile List (v2.1)
List the performance policy threshold profiles.
📄️ Create Threshold Profile (v2.1)
Create a new threshold profile.
📄️ Query Performance Policy Threshold Profiles (v2.1)
Query the DB for the limit number of tenant level threshold profiles that match query parameters.
📄️ Delete Threshold Profile (v2.1)
Delete a threshold profile.
📄️ Get Threshold Profile (v2.1)
List a threshold profile.
📄️ Update Threshold Profile (v2.1)
Update a threshold profile.
📄️ Query Performance Policy Rules (v2.2)
Query the performance management policy rules.
📄️ Get Policy Rules of Policy Set (v2.2)
List the policy rules of a policy set.
📄️ Create Performance Policy Rule (v2.2)
Create a new performance policy rule.
📄️ Delete Policy Rule (v2.2)
Delete a performance policy rule of the tenant.
📄️ Get Policy Rule (v2.2)
List a specific performance policy rule of the tenant.
📄️ Update Policy Rule (v2.2)
Update a performance policy rule of the tenant.