System Administration
List of APIs used to manage the operators, IDPs, users, base roles, base permissions, password change, sign up, client roles, and base roles.
📄️ Reset Operator Password (v2.0)
Allows the operator to reset a password.
📄️ Verify Email Address (v2.0)
Verify the email address after sign up.
📄️ Get Available API Versions (v2.0)
List all the available API versions.
📄️ Get Permitted List of APIs (v2.0)
Get list of permitted APIs that the current operator can invoke.
📄️ Get User Profile (v2.0)
Get current user profile.
📄️ Logout for MSP client (v2.0)
Logs out for MSP client and reverts back to the MSP session.
📄️ Change Password (v2.0)
Allows a user to change a password.
📄️ Get API Versions (v2.0)
List the basic set of available API versions.
📄️ Patch api versions (v2.0)
Patch api versions
📄️ Update API Version (v2.0)
Update the set of available API versions.
📄️ Get Tenant Permissions (v2.0)
List the tenant base permissions.
📄️ Get Tenant Roles (v2.0)
List the tenant base roles.
📄️ Get MSP Tenant Clients Details (v2.0)
List all the MSP tenant clients details for a tenant id.
📄️ Query MSP Tenant Clients Details (v2.0)
Query all the MSP tenant clients details for a tenant id.
📄️ Get Client Roles (v2.0)
List the client base roles.
📄️ Login API for MSP Client (v2.0)
Create log in API for MSP clients.
📄️ Get Client Custom Roles (v2.0)
List all the client custom roles.
📄️ Get Client Custom Role (v2.0)
List a client custom role.
📄️ Get Element User (v2.0)
List all the element users.
📄️ Create Element User (v2.0)
Create an element user.
📄️ Delete Element User (v2.0)
List all the element users.
📄️ Get Element User (v2.0)
List a specific element user.
📄️ Update Element User (v2.0)
Update a specific element user.
📄️ Get Access for User (v2.0)
List all accesses for a particular user.
📄️ Grant Role to Element User (v2.0)
Grant a specific role to an element user on a specific element.
📄️ Delete Element User Access (v2.0)
Delete an element user access.
📄️ Get Element User Access (v2.0)
List a specific element user access.
📄️ Update Element User Access (v2.0)
Update a specific element user access.
📄️ Get Element User Password (v2.0)
List the element user password.
📄️ Get MSP Tenant Information (v2.0)
List MSP tenant details for a tenant ID.
📄️ Get Extensions from NB (v2.0)
List all the extensions from NB.
📄️ Query DB for Tenant Extensions (v2.0)
Query DB for limit number of tenant extensions that match the query params.
📄️ Get Extension from NB (v2.0)
List a specific extension from NB.
📄️ Forgot Password for Tenant Operator (v2.0)
Create password forgot fields for a tenant operator.
📄️ Get Auth Tokens (v2.0)
List all the auth tokens.
📄️ Create Auth Token (v2.0)
Create an auth token.
📄️ Delete Auth Token (v2.0)
Delete an auth token.
📄️ Get Auth Token (v2.0)
Get an auth token.
📄️ Get MSP Operator Permissions (v2.0)
List all the MSP operator permissions assigned under all clients.
📄️ Delete MSP Operator Permissions (v2.0)
Delete MSP operator permissions assigned under a client.
📄️ Get Client Permissions (v2.0)
List permissions assigned under a client.
📄️ Create or Update MSP Operator Permissions (v2.0)
Create or update esp operator permissions assigned under a client.
📄️ Get Sessions for Operator ID (v2.0)
List all the sessions for an operator ID of a tenant ID.
📄️ Delete Session for Tenant ID (v2.0)
Delete the session for a tenant ID, operator ID, and session ID.
📄️ Get Session for Tenant ID (v2.0)
List the session for a tenant ID, operator ID, and session ID.
📄️ Get Native PA SD-WAN Integration Tenant Provision Status (v2.0)
Get the native Prisma Access SD-WAN integration tenant provision status.
📄️ Get List of Current APIs of Operator (v2.0)
Get a list of permitted APIs that the current operator can invoke.
📄️ Add Custom Permission (v2.0)
Add a custom permission.
📄️ Delete Tenant Custom Permission (v2.0)
Delete a tenant custom permission.
📄️ Get Tenant Custom Permission (v2.0)
Get a tenant custom permission.
📄️ Update Tenant Custom Permission (v2.0)
Update a tenant custom permission.
📄️ Get Custom Roles (v2.0)
Get a list of custom roles.
📄️ Add Custom Role (v2.0)
Add a custom role.
📄️ Delete Custom Role (v2.0)
Delete a custom role.
📄️ Get Custom Role (v2.0)
Get a custom role.
📄️ Update Custom Role (v2.0)
Update a custom role.
📄️ Create SSO Session (v2.0)
Create an SSO session.
📄️ Process SAML Request from SP (v2.0)
Process SAML request from SP.
📄️ Sign New Operators (v2.0)
Sign up new operators.
📄️ Get TACACS + Servers (v2.0)
List all the TACAS + servers.
📄️ Create TACACS + Servers (v2.0)
Create a TACAS + servers.
📄️ Delete TACACS + Servers (v2.0)
Delete the TACAS + servers.
📄️ Get TACACS + Servers (v2.0)
List the TACAS + server.
📄️ Update TACACS + Servers (v2.0)
Update the TACAS + server.
📄️ Get TACACS + Profiles (v2.0)
List all the TACAS + profiles.
📄️ Create TACACS + Profiles (v2.0)
Create the TACAS + profiles.
📄️ Delete TACACS + Profiles (v2.0)
Delete the TACAS + profiles.
📄️ Get TACACS + Profile (v2.0)
List the TACAS + profile.
📄️ Update TACACS + Profile (v2.0)
Update the TACAS + profile.
📄️ Get Users (v2.0)
List all the users.
📄️ Create User Identity (v2.0)
Create an user identity.
📄️ Delete User Identity (v2.0)
Delete an user identity.
📄️ Get User Identity (v2.0)
Get an user identity.
📄️ Update User Identity (v2.0)
Update an user identity.
📄️ Get User Profile (v2.1)
Get current user profile.
📄️ Get MSP Tenant Clients Details (v2.1)
List all the MSP tenant clients details for a tenant id.
📄️ Get Client Custom Roles (v2.1)
List all the client custom roles.
📄️ Get Client Custom Role (v2.1)
List a client custom role.
📄️ Get Element User (v2.1)
List all the element users.
📄️ Create Element User (v2.1)
Create an element user.
📄️ Delete Element User (v2.1)
List all the element users.
📄️ Get Element User (v2.1)
List a specific element user.
📄️ Update Element User (v2.1)
Update a specific element user.
📄️ Get Access for User (v2.1)
List all accesses for a particular user.
📄️ Grant Role to Element User (v2.1)
Grant a specific role to an element user on a specific element.
📄️ Delete Element User Access (v2.1)
Delete an element user access.
📄️ Get Element User Access (v2.1)
List a specific element user access.
📄️ Update Element User Access (v2.1)
Update a specific element user access.
📄️ Get Element User Password (v2.1)
List the element user password.
📄️ Get Tenant Operators (v2.1)
Get a list of tenant operators.
📄️ Create Tenant Operator (v2.1)
Create a tenant operator.
📄️ Delete Tenant Operator (v2.1)
Delete a tenant operator.
📄️ Get Tenant Operator (v2.1)
Get a tenant operator.
📄️ Patch Tenant Operator (v2.1)
Patch a tenant operator.
📄️ Update Tenant Operator (v2.1)
Update a tenant operator.
📄️ Get Auth Tokens (v2.1)
List all the auth tokens.
📄️ Create Auth Token (v2.1)
Create an auth token.
📄️ Delete Auth Token (v2.1)
Delete an auth token.
📄️ Get Auth Token (v2.1)
Get an auth token.
📄️ Delete MSP Operator Permissions (v2.1)
Delete MSP operator permissions assigned under a client.
📄️ Get Client Permissions (v2.1)
List permissions assigned under a client.
📄️ Create or Update MSP Operator Permissions (v2.1)
Create or update esp operator permissions assigned under a client.
📄️ Get Custom Roles (v2.1)
Get a list of custom roles.
📄️ Add Custom Role (v2.1)
Add a custom role.
📄️ Delete Custom Role (v2.1)
Delete a custom role.
📄️ Get Custom Role (v2.1)
Get a custom role.
📄️ Update Custom Role (v2.1)
Update a custom role.
📄️ Get Tenant Details for Tenant ID (v2.10)
List all tenant details using the tenant ID.
📄️ Patch Tenant (v2.10)
Patch a tenant.
📄️ Update Tenant (v2.10)
Update a tenant.
📄️ Get Tenant Details for Tenant ID (v2.11)
List all tenant details using the tenant ID.
📄️ Patch Tenant (v2.11)
Patch a tenant.
📄️ Update Tenant (v2.11)
Update a tenant.
📄️ Get Tenant Operators (v2.2)
Get a list of tenant operators.
📄️ Create Tenant Operator (v2.2)
Create a tenant operator.
📄️ Delete Tenant Operator (v2.2)
Delete a tenant operator.
📄️ Get Tenant Operator (v2.2)
Get a tenant operator.
📄️ Patch Tenant Operator (v2.2)
Patch a tenant operator.
📄️ Update Tenant Operator (v2.2)
Update a specific tenant operator.
📄️ Get IDPs (v3.2)
List all the configured IdPs.
📄️ Create an IDP (v3.2)
Create an IDP.
📄️ Delete an IDP (v3.2)
Delete a specific IDP.
📄️ Get an IDP (v3.2)
List a specific IDP.
📄️ Update SSO (v3.2)
Update SSO.
📄️ Get IDPs (v3.3)
List all the configured IdPs.
📄️ Create an IDP (v3.3)
Create an IDP.
📄️ Delete an IDP (v3.3)
Delete a specific IDP.
📄️ Get an IDP (v3.3)
List a specific IDP.
📄️ Update SSO (v3.3)
Update SSO.