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Update an Interface (v4.18)



Update a device interface.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.

    site_id stringrequired

    The site ID.

    element_id stringrequired

    The element ID.

    interface_id stringrequired

    The interface ID.


    admin_up boolean

    The interface admin state.

    attached_lan_networks LanNetworkVlanMapping[]

    The attached lan network ID and vlan ID.

  • Array [
  • lan_network_id string

    The LAN network ID.

    vlan_id int32

    The VLAN ID. VLAN ID should be between 0 and 4095.

  • ]
  • authentication_config AuthenticationInterfaceConfig

    The authentication config details.

    fallback_retry_count integer

    The fallback retry count. The fall back to MAC Auth if the client is not using 802.1x authentication.

    mode string

    Possible values: [none, dot1x, macauth, dot1x-to-macauth-fallback]

    The auth mode.

    reauthentication_timeout integer

    Reauthentication timeout value.

    bound_interfaces string[]

    The bound interfaces.

    bypass_pair BypassPairV2

    The details of the bypass pair.

    lan string

    Bypass port is connected to a LAN network.

    lan_state_propagation boolean

    LAN state propagation.

    use_relay boolean

    The DHCP relay is selected to Yes.

    wan string

    Bypass port is connected to a WAN network.

    cellular_config CellularInterfaceConfig

    The cellular config details.

    apn_config APNConfig

    The APN config details.

    apn string

    The cellular interface APN config profile name.

    authentication stringrequired

    Possible values: [none, pap, chap, pap_or_chap]

    The APN authentication values.

    clear_password boolean

    Clear password. True/False.

    password string

    The password.

    password_encrypted string

    The password encrypted (value = true).

    user_name string

    The cellular interface APN config user name.

    apnprofile_id string

    The APN profile ID.

    auto_apn boolean

    Is auto APN enabled. True / False.

    parent_module_id string

    The parent module ID.

    parent_sim_slot_number int32

    The parent sim slot number.


    The interface description. Max size = 256.

    devicemgmt_policysetstack_id string

    The device management policy set stack ID.

    dhcp_relay DHCPRelay

    The DHCP relay information.

    enabled boolean

    Indicates if DHCP relay is enabled.

    option_82 DHCPRelayOption82

    Details of option_82 if enabled. The ION device DHCP Relay agent can include additional information by using DHCP Option 82, Circuit ID, and Remote ID, which the DHCP server uses to allocate the appropriate IP address.

    circuit_id string

    The DHCP relay circuit ID.

    enabled boolean

    Option 82 if enabled.

    reforwarding_policy stringrequired

    Possible values: [REPLACE, KEEP, APPEND, DROP]

    The DHCP server reforwarding policy.

    remote_id string

    The DHCP server remote ID.

    server_ips string[]

    The DHCP server IP addresses.

    source_interface string

    The DHCP server source interface.

    directed_broadcast boolean

    The directed broadcast.

    ethernet_port EthernetPort

    The ethernet port information.

    full_duplex boolean

    Interface running in full duplex mode.

    port_id Ethernet

    The ethernet port ID.

    connector string

    The ethernet connector type.

    device string

    The device name.

    disabled boolean

    Disable the port.

    disabled_reason string

    Reason to disable the port.

    element_id string

    Element ID.

    id string

    The connector ID.

    inactive boolean

    Port status (active or inactive).

    inactive_reason string

    Reason for port being inactive.

    max_mtu integer

    The MTU max value.

    max_speed integer

    The max speed value.

    name string

    The name.

    original_mac_address string

    The MAC address.

    region string

    The region.

    site_id stringrequired

    The site ID.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.

    port_name string

    The ethernet port name.

    speed int32

    The ethernet port speed.

    id string

    The interface ID.

    interface_profile_id string

    The interface profile ID.

    ipfixcollectorcontext_id string

    The IPFIX collector context ID.

    ipfixfiltercontext_id string

    The IPFIX filter context ID.

    ipv4_config Ipv4Config

    The ipv4 config information.

    dhcp_config Ipv4Dhcp

    The DHCP config information.

    client_id string

    The client ID.

    hostname string

    The IPv4 DHCP host name.

    dns_v4_config DNS

    The DNS v4 config details.

    name_servers string[]

    The DNS name servers

    search string[]

    The search parameters.

    pppoe_config Ipv4Pppoe

    The PPoE config information.

    chap_passwd string

    The PPPoE IPv4 CHAP password.

    chap_user string

    The PPPoE IPv4 CHAP user.

    set_route boolean

    The set route for PPPoE IPv4.

    routes Route[]

    The ethernet port routes.

  • Array [
  • destination string

    The route destination.

    via string

    The via IP address.

  • ]
  • static_config Ipv4Static

    The IPv4 static address.

    address string


    type string

    The interface config type. Max = 12.

    ipv6_config Ipv6ConfigV1

    The ipv6 config information.

    dhcp_config Ipv6Dhcp

    The DHCP config information.

    client_id string

    The client ID.

    hostname string

    The IPv6 DHCP host name.

    dns_v6_config DNS

    The DNS V6 configurations.

    name_servers string[]

    The DNS name servers

    search string[]

    The search parameters.

    routes Route[]

    The route details.

  • Array [
  • destination string

    The route destination.

    via string

    The via IP address.

  • ]
  • static_config Ipv6StaticV1

    The IPv6 static address.

    address string

    The IPv6 static address.

    enable_prefix_distribution boolean

    Is prefix distribution enabled. True or False.

    type string

    The interface config type. Max = 12.

    lldp_enabled boolean

    If LLDP enabled. True/False.

    mac_address string

    The interface configuration MAC address.

    mtu integer

    The MTU value of the interface.

    multicast_config MulticastInterfaceConfig

    The multicast config details.

    igmp_version string

    Possible values: [IGMPV2, IGMPV3]

    The IGMP version.

    multicast_enabled boolean

    Is multicast enabled. True or False.

    name string

    The name of the interface state. Max size = 128.

    nat_address string

    The NAT IP address.

    nat_address_v6 string

    The NAT IPV6 address.

    nat_pools NatPool[]

    The NAT pools information.

  • Array [
  • ipv4_ranges IPv4Range[]

    The NAT Ipv4 address ranges. Minimum 1 and maximum 4 nat pool IP ranges can be specified.

  • Array [
  • end stringrequired

    The end IPv4 address.

    start stringrequired

    The start IPv4 address.

  • ]
  • nat_pool_id string

    The NAT pool ID.

  • ]
  • nat_port int32

    The NAT port. LAN,WAN,Internet bypass ports cannot be part of logical interface groups.

    nat_port_v6 int32

    The NAT IPv6 port.Internet bypass ports cannot be part of logical interface groups.

    nat_zone_id string

    The NAT zone ID.

    network_context_id string

    The network context ID.

    parent string

    The parent value = true.

    peer_bypasspair_wan_port_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [none, cellular]

    The peer bypass pair WAN port type.

    poe_enabled boolean

    PoE enabled = true/false.

    power_usage_threshold int32

    The interface config PoE power usage threshold. Valid values are in the range 50-100.

    pppoe_config PppoEInterfaceConfig

    The PPPoE config information.

    host_uniq string

    The host.

    ip_address_type string

    IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

    password string

    The password for the PPOE interface configuration.

    reconnection_delay int32

    The recoonection delay value.

    service_name string

    The name of the service used for the PPPoE configuration.

    username string

    The username for the PPPoE interface configuration.

    scope stringrequired

    Possible values: [GLOBAL, LOCAL]

    The network scope.

    secondary_ip_configs SecondaryIPConfig[]

    The interface secondary IP config. Secondary IPs exceed the supported limit of 8.

  • Array [
  • ipv4_address string

    Ipv4 Address

    scope string

    The scope of the secondary IP config.

  • ]
  • service_link_config ServiceLinkV4

    The interface secondary IP config. Secondary IPs exceed the supported limit of 8.

    gre_config GREConfig

    The GRE config details.

    csum boolean

    The CSUM.

    keepalive_enable boolean

    Is keepalive enabled. True or False.

    keepalive_fail_count int32

    Value between 3 and 10. Indicates the number of consecutive missed keep-alive packets before a link is declared as down. The default value is 3.

    keepalive_interval int32

    Value between 100 ms and 600000 ms. Indicates the time interval in milliseconds between two VPN keepalive packets. The default value is 1000 ms.

    ipsec_config IPSECConfigV1

    The IPSec config details.

    authentication IPSECAuthenticationV1

    The IPSec authentication details.

    certificate string

    The certificate authentication for the IPsec Profile.

    certificate_profile_id string

    Certificate Profile Id

    comment string


    ikev1_params IKEV1Params

    Ikev1 Params: Valid

    xauth_id string

    The xauth ID.

    xauth_secret string

    The authentication secret. Length must be between 4-128.

    xauth_secret_encrypted string

    The xauth secret. Value = True.

    xauth_secret_hash string

    The xauth hash. Value = True.

    xauth_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NONE, SECRET]

    The xauth type.

    local_ca_certificate string

    The local CA certificate uploaded for certificate authentication.

    local_id stringrequired

    Possible values: [LOCAL_IP, DN, HOSTNAME, CUSTOM, NONE]

    The local ID type.

    local_id_custom string

    The custom local ID.

    local_pa_certificate_id string

    Local Pa Certificate Id

    pa_master_key_id string

    Pa Master Key Id

    passphrase string


    passphrase_encrypted string

    Passphrase Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    peer_id_check string

    Possible values: [EXACT, WILDCARD]

    Peer Id Check

    permit_peer_id_mismatch boolean

    Permit Peer Id Mismatch

    private_key string

    The private key file uploaded for certificate authentication.

    private_key_encrypted string

    Private Key Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    remote_ca_certificate string

    The standard VPN endpoint CA certificate uploaded.

    remote_id string

    The ID for the standard VPN endpoint in the Remote ID field.

    secret string

    The password for PSK authentication.

    secret_encrypted string

    Secret Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    secret_hash string

    Secret Hash: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use boolean

    Strict Validation Peer Extended Key Use

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NONE, PSK, X509]

    The authentication type = PSK or Certificates.

    x509Objects X509Objects

    X509Objects: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    certHolder object
    certificate string


    is_local_ca_cert_set boolean

    Is Local Ca Cert Set

    is_remote_ca_cert_set boolean

    Is Remote Ca Cert Set

    keyPair object
    local_ca_certificate string

    Local Ca Certificate

    local_ca_certs_set object[]

    Local Ca Certs Set

    passphrase string


    private_key string

    Private Key

    remote_ca_certificate string

    Remote Ca Certificate

    remote_ca_certs_set object[]

    Remote Ca Certs Set

    ipsec_profile_id stringrequired

    The IPSec profile ID.

    last_parent string

    The last parent value = true.

    parent string

    The parent value = true.

    passive_mode PassiveMode

    Passive mode details.

    enable boolean

    Passive mode enabled for the device. True or False.

    peer_ip_dynamic boolean

    Peer IP dynamic enabled. True or False.

    peer PeerInfo

    The peer information.

    hostname string

    The peer hostname.

    ip_addresses string[]

    The peer IP addresses. Max size = 4.

    service_endpoint_id string

    The service endpoint ID.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [IPSEC, GRE, GENEVE]

    The service link type.

    site_wan_interface_ids string[]

    The site WAN interface IDs.

    static_arp_configs StaticARPConfig[]

    The static ARP config details.

  • Array [
  • ipv4_address string

    The static APR IPv4 address.

    mac_address string

    The MAC address.

  • ]
  • sub_interface SubInterface

    The sub interface vlan ID.

    vlan_id int32

    The VLAN ID.

    switch_port_config SwitchPortConfig

    The switch port config details.

    access_vlan_id integer

    The VLAN access ID.

    bpdu_guard_enabled boolean

    BPDU Guard enabled on ports do not receive a BPDU from its connected devices. When a BPDU Guard enabled port receives BPDU from a connected device, BPDU Guard disables the port.

    forward_fast_enabled boolean

    The speed. The attached lan network ID and vlan ID.

    native_vlan_id integer

    The VLAN ID.

    root_guard_enabled boolean

    Root Guard is enabled on a port-by-port basis, it prevents a configured port from becoming a root port. Root Guard prevents a downstream switch from becoming a root bridge in a topology.

    storm_control_config StormControlConfig

    Storm control config information. Threshold for traffic rate limit, the traffic is rate limited for the set threshold value.

    broadcast_threshold integer

    By default, the broadcast threshold is set to 1000kbps. Enter a value between 64 -1000000 kbps.

    multicast_threshold integer

    Multicast threshold value is set between 64-1000000kbps.

    unicast_threshold integer

    Unknown Unicast threshold value is set between 64-1000000 kbps.

    stp_port_cost int32

    STP port cost between 1-65535. The STP port cost depends on the speed of the port.

    stp_port_enabled boolean

    Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) port enabled.

    stp_port_priority int32

    STP Port priority is between 0-240. The default value is 128, STP port priority is in multiples of 16.

    trunk_vlans string[]

    The interface config switch port trunk VLANs. Max trunk VLANs allowed is 32 and no duplicates are allowed.

    vlan_mode stringrequired

    Possible values: [access, trunk]

    The VLAN mode.

    voice_vlan_id integer

    The voice VLAN ID.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the interface. Maximum 10 Unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.

    type stringrequired

    The interface type.

    used_for stringrequired

    The interface used for value. The allowed values are public,private_wan,lan,none.

    vlan_config VlanConfig

    The VLAN config details.

    mstp_instance int32

    Mstp Instance

    vlan_id int32

    The VLAN ID.

    voice_enabled boolean

    The voice enabled VLAN.

    vrf_context_id string

    The VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) ID.


Successful Operation

    admin_up boolean

    The interface admin state.

    attached_lan_networks LanNetworkVlanMapping[]

    The attached lan network ID and vlan ID.

  • Array [
  • lan_network_id string

    The LAN network ID.

    vlan_id int32

    The VLAN ID. VLAN ID should be between 0 and 4095.

  • ]
  • authentication_config AuthenticationInterfaceConfig

    The authentication config details.

    fallback_retry_count integer

    The fallback retry count. The fall back to MAC Auth if the client is not using 802.1x authentication.

    mode string

    Possible values: [none, dot1x, macauth, dot1x-to-macauth-fallback]

    The auth mode.

    reauthentication_timeout integer

    Reauthentication timeout value.

    bound_interfaces string[]

    The bound interfaces.

    bypass_pair BypassPairV2

    The details of the bypass pair.

    lan string

    Bypass port is connected to a LAN network.

    lan_state_propagation boolean

    LAN state propagation.

    use_relay boolean

    The DHCP relay is selected to Yes.

    wan string

    Bypass port is connected to a WAN network.

    cellular_config CellularInterfaceConfig

    The cellular config details.

    apn_config APNConfig

    The APN config details.

    apn string

    The cellular interface APN config profile name.

    authentication stringrequired

    Possible values: [none, pap, chap, pap_or_chap]

    The APN authentication values.

    clear_password boolean

    Clear password. True/False.

    password string

    The password.

    password_encrypted string

    The password encrypted (value = true).

    user_name string

    The cellular interface APN config user name.

    apnprofile_id string

    The APN profile ID.

    auto_apn boolean

    Is auto APN enabled. True / False.

    parent_module_id string

    The parent module ID.

    parent_sim_slot_number int32

    The parent sim slot number.


    The interface description. Max size = 256.

    devicemgmt_policysetstack_id string

    The device management policy set stack ID.

    dhcp_relay DHCPRelay

    The DHCP relay information.

    enabled boolean

    Indicates if DHCP relay is enabled.

    option_82 DHCPRelayOption82

    Details of option_82 if enabled. The ION device DHCP Relay agent can include additional information by using DHCP Option 82, Circuit ID, and Remote ID, which the DHCP server uses to allocate the appropriate IP address.

    circuit_id string

    The DHCP relay circuit ID.

    enabled boolean

    Option 82 if enabled.

    reforwarding_policy stringrequired

    Possible values: [REPLACE, KEEP, APPEND, DROP]

    The DHCP server reforwarding policy.

    remote_id string

    The DHCP server remote ID.

    server_ips string[]

    The DHCP server IP addresses.

    source_interface string

    The DHCP server source interface.

    directed_broadcast boolean

    The directed broadcast.

    ethernet_port EthernetPort

    The ethernet port information.

    full_duplex boolean

    Interface running in full duplex mode.

    port_id Ethernet

    The ethernet port ID.

    connector string

    The ethernet connector type.

    device string

    The device name.

    disabled boolean

    Disable the port.

    disabled_reason string

    Reason to disable the port.

    element_id string

    Element ID.

    id string

    The connector ID.

    inactive boolean

    Port status (active or inactive).

    inactive_reason string

    Reason for port being inactive.

    max_mtu integer

    The MTU max value.

    max_speed integer

    The max speed value.

    name string

    The name.

    original_mac_address string

    The MAC address.

    region string

    The region.

    site_id stringrequired

    The site ID.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.

    port_name string

    The ethernet port name.

    speed int32

    The ethernet port speed.

    id string

    The interface ID.

    interface_profile_id string

    The interface profile ID.

    ipfixcollectorcontext_id string

    The IPFIX collector context ID.

    ipfixfiltercontext_id string

    The IPFIX filter context ID.

    ipv4_config Ipv4Config

    The ipv4 config information.

    dhcp_config Ipv4Dhcp

    The DHCP config information.

    client_id string

    The client ID.

    hostname string

    The IPv4 DHCP host name.

    dns_v4_config DNS

    The DNS v4 config details.

    name_servers string[]

    The DNS name servers

    search string[]

    The search parameters.

    pppoe_config Ipv4Pppoe

    The PPoE config information.

    chap_passwd string

    The PPPoE IPv4 CHAP password.

    chap_user string

    The PPPoE IPv4 CHAP user.

    set_route boolean

    The set route for PPPoE IPv4.

    routes Route[]

    The ethernet port routes.

  • Array [
  • destination string

    The route destination.

    via string

    The via IP address.

  • ]
  • static_config Ipv4Static

    The IPv4 static address.

    address string


    type string

    The interface config type. Max = 12.

    ipv6_config Ipv6ConfigV1

    The ipv6 config information.

    dhcp_config Ipv6Dhcp

    The DHCP config information.

    client_id string

    The client ID.

    hostname string

    The IPv6 DHCP host name.

    dns_v6_config DNS

    The DNS V6 configurations.

    name_servers string[]

    The DNS name servers

    search string[]

    The search parameters.

    routes Route[]

    The route details.

  • Array [
  • destination string

    The route destination.

    via string

    The via IP address.

  • ]
  • static_config Ipv6StaticV1

    The IPv6 static address.

    address string

    The IPv6 static address.

    enable_prefix_distribution boolean

    Is prefix distribution enabled. True or False.

    type string

    The interface config type. Max = 12.

    lldp_enabled boolean

    If LLDP enabled. True/False.

    mac_address string

    The interface configuration MAC address.

    mtu integer

    The MTU value of the interface.

    multicast_config MulticastInterfaceConfig

    The multicast config details.

    igmp_version string

    Possible values: [IGMPV2, IGMPV3]

    The IGMP version.

    multicast_enabled boolean

    Is multicast enabled. True or False.

    name string

    The name of the interface state. Max size = 128.

    nat_address string

    The NAT IP address.

    nat_address_v6 string

    The NAT IPV6 address.

    nat_pools NatPool[]

    The NAT pools information.

  • Array [
  • ipv4_ranges IPv4Range[]

    The NAT Ipv4 address ranges. Minimum 1 and maximum 4 nat pool IP ranges can be specified.

  • Array [
  • end stringrequired

    The end IPv4 address.

    start stringrequired

    The start IPv4 address.

  • ]
  • nat_pool_id string

    The NAT pool ID.

  • ]
  • nat_port int32

    The NAT port. LAN,WAN,Internet bypass ports cannot be part of logical interface groups.

    nat_port_v6 int32

    The NAT IPv6 port.Internet bypass ports cannot be part of logical interface groups.

    nat_zone_id string

    The NAT zone ID.

    network_context_id string

    The network context ID.

    parent string

    The parent value = true.

    peer_bypasspair_wan_port_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [none, cellular]

    The peer bypass pair WAN port type.

    poe_enabled boolean

    PoE enabled = true/false.

    power_usage_threshold int32

    The interface config PoE power usage threshold. Valid values are in the range 50-100.

    pppoe_config PppoEInterfaceConfig

    The PPPoE config information.

    host_uniq string

    The host.

    ip_address_type string

    IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

    password string

    The password for the PPOE interface configuration.

    reconnection_delay int32

    The recoonection delay value.

    service_name string

    The name of the service used for the PPPoE configuration.

    username string

    The username for the PPPoE interface configuration.

    scope stringrequired

    Possible values: [GLOBAL, LOCAL]

    The network scope.

    secondary_ip_configs SecondaryIPConfig[]

    The interface secondary IP config. Secondary IPs exceed the supported limit of 8.

  • Array [
  • ipv4_address string

    Ipv4 Address

    scope string

    The scope of the secondary IP config.

  • ]
  • service_link_config ServiceLinkV4

    The interface secondary IP config. Secondary IPs exceed the supported limit of 8.

    gre_config GREConfig

    The GRE config details.

    csum boolean

    The CSUM.

    keepalive_enable boolean

    Is keepalive enabled. True or False.

    keepalive_fail_count int32

    Value between 3 and 10. Indicates the number of consecutive missed keep-alive packets before a link is declared as down. The default value is 3.

    keepalive_interval int32

    Value between 100 ms and 600000 ms. Indicates the time interval in milliseconds between two VPN keepalive packets. The default value is 1000 ms.

    ipsec_config IPSECConfigV1

    The IPSec config details.

    authentication IPSECAuthenticationV1

    The IPSec authentication details.

    certificate string

    The certificate authentication for the IPsec Profile.

    certificate_profile_id string

    Certificate Profile Id

    comment string


    ikev1_params IKEV1Params

    Ikev1 Params: Valid

    xauth_id string

    The xauth ID.

    xauth_secret string

    The authentication secret. Length must be between 4-128.

    xauth_secret_encrypted string

    The xauth secret. Value = True.

    xauth_secret_hash string

    The xauth hash. Value = True.

    xauth_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NONE, SECRET]

    The xauth type.

    local_ca_certificate string

    The local CA certificate uploaded for certificate authentication.

    local_id stringrequired

    Possible values: [LOCAL_IP, DN, HOSTNAME, CUSTOM, NONE]

    The local ID type.

    local_id_custom string

    The custom local ID.

    local_pa_certificate_id string

    Local Pa Certificate Id

    pa_master_key_id string

    Pa Master Key Id

    passphrase string


    passphrase_encrypted string

    Passphrase Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    peer_id_check string

    Possible values: [EXACT, WILDCARD]

    Peer Id Check

    permit_peer_id_mismatch boolean

    Permit Peer Id Mismatch

    private_key string

    The private key file uploaded for certificate authentication.

    private_key_encrypted string

    Private Key Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    remote_ca_certificate string

    The standard VPN endpoint CA certificate uploaded.

    remote_id string

    The ID for the standard VPN endpoint in the Remote ID field.

    secret string

    The password for PSK authentication.

    secret_encrypted string

    Secret Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    secret_hash string

    Secret Hash: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use boolean

    Strict Validation Peer Extended Key Use

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NONE, PSK, X509]

    The authentication type = PSK or Certificates.

    x509Objects X509Objects

    X509Objects: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    certHolder object
    certificate string


    is_local_ca_cert_set boolean

    Is Local Ca Cert Set

    is_remote_ca_cert_set boolean

    Is Remote Ca Cert Set

    keyPair object
    local_ca_certificate string

    Local Ca Certificate

    local_ca_certs_set object[]

    Local Ca Certs Set

    passphrase string


    private_key string

    Private Key

    remote_ca_certificate string

    Remote Ca Certificate

    remote_ca_certs_set object[]

    Remote Ca Certs Set

    ipsec_profile_id stringrequired

    The IPSec profile ID.

    last_parent string

    The last parent value = true.

    parent string

    The parent value = true.

    passive_mode PassiveMode

    Passive mode details.

    enable boolean

    Passive mode enabled for the device. True or False.

    peer_ip_dynamic boolean

    Peer IP dynamic enabled. True or False.

    peer PeerInfo

    The peer information.

    hostname string

    The peer hostname.

    ip_addresses string[]

    The peer IP addresses. Max size = 4.

    service_endpoint_id string

    The service endpoint ID.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [IPSEC, GRE, GENEVE]

    The service link type.

    site_wan_interface_ids string[]

    The site WAN interface IDs.

    static_arp_configs StaticARPConfig[]

    The static ARP config details.

  • Array [
  • ipv4_address string

    The static APR IPv4 address.

    mac_address string

    The MAC address.

  • ]
  • sub_interface SubInterface

    The sub interface vlan ID.

    vlan_id int32

    The VLAN ID.

    switch_port_config SwitchPortConfig

    The switch port config details.

    access_vlan_id integer

    The VLAN access ID.

    bpdu_guard_enabled boolean

    BPDU Guard enabled on ports do not receive a BPDU from its connected devices. When a BPDU Guard enabled port receives BPDU from a connected device, BPDU Guard disables the port.

    forward_fast_enabled boolean

    The speed. The attached lan network ID and vlan ID.

    native_vlan_id integer

    The VLAN ID.

    root_guard_enabled boolean

    Root Guard is enabled on a port-by-port basis, it prevents a configured port from becoming a root port. Root Guard prevents a downstream switch from becoming a root bridge in a topology.

    storm_control_config StormControlConfig

    Storm control config information. Threshold for traffic rate limit, the traffic is rate limited for the set threshold value.

    broadcast_threshold integer

    By default, the broadcast threshold is set to 1000kbps. Enter a value between 64 -1000000 kbps.

    multicast_threshold integer

    Multicast threshold value is set between 64-1000000kbps.

    unicast_threshold integer

    Unknown Unicast threshold value is set between 64-1000000 kbps.

    stp_port_cost int32

    STP port cost between 1-65535. The STP port cost depends on the speed of the port.

    stp_port_enabled boolean

    Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) port enabled.

    stp_port_priority int32

    STP Port priority is between 0-240. The default value is 128, STP port priority is in multiples of 16.

    trunk_vlans string[]

    The interface config switch port trunk VLANs. Max trunk VLANs allowed is 32 and no duplicates are allowed.

    vlan_mode stringrequired

    Possible values: [access, trunk]

    The VLAN mode.

    voice_vlan_id integer

    The voice VLAN ID.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the interface. Maximum 10 Unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.

    type stringrequired

    The interface type.

    used_for stringrequired

    The interface used for value. The allowed values are public,private_wan,lan,none.

    vlan_config VlanConfig

    The VLAN config details.

    mstp_instance int32

    Mstp Instance

    vlan_id int32

    The VLAN ID.

    voice_enabled boolean

    The voice enabled VLAN.

    vrf_context_id string

    The VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) ID.
