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Update Element for Associations (v3.1)



Update element for associations.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.

    element_id stringrequired

    The element ID.


Update to the element

    cluster_id string

    The cluster ID.


    The description of the element.

    device_profile_id string

    The device profile ID.

    id string

    The element ID.

    l3_direct_private_wan_forwarding boolean

    The L3 direct private WAN is enabled. True or False.

    l3_lan_forwarding boolean

    The L3 LAN forwarding is enabled. Yes indicates that traffic forwarding to and from LAN interface, when Enable L3 Direct Private WAN Forwarding is enabled.

    led_config LedConfig

    Valid LED config.

    service_led_on boolean

    Service Led On

    main_power_usage_threshold int32

    The main power usage threshold. Allowed range is 50-100.

    name string

    The name of the device.

    nat_policysetstack_id string

    ID for the NAT Policyset Stack. Can be retrieved using natpolicysetstack API.

    network_policysetstack_id string

    The ID for the Path Policyset Stack. Can be retrieved using networkpolicysetstack API.

    priority_policysetstack_id string

    ID for the QoS Policyset Stack. Can be retrieved using prioritypolicysetstack API.

    site_id stringrequired

    The site ID.

    spoke_ha_config SpokeHAConfigV2

    The details of the spoke HA configuration.

    cluster_id stringrequired

    The spoke HA config cluster ID.

    enable booleanrequired

    The spoke HA config enabled. True or False.

    priority int32required

    The priority of the spoke HA config.

    source_interface stringrequired

    The spoke HA config source interface ID.

    track TrackV2

    Track: Valid

    interfaces TrackInterface[]

    The details of the interfaces.

  • Array [
  • interface_id string

    The interface ID

    reduce_priority int32

    Reduce priority of the spoke HA config.

  • ]
  • waninterfaces TrackWANInterface[]

    Waninterfaces: Valid

  • Array [
  • reduce_priority int32

    Reduce priority of the spoke HA config.

    wan_interface_id string

    The WAN interface ID

  • ]
  • sw_obj Software

    The location and version of the software.

    location string


    version string


    switch_config SwitchConfig

    The details of the switch configuration.

    default_vlan_id int32

    Default VLAN ID is 1.

    mstp_enabled boolean

    The MSTP enabled. True or False.

    stp_aging_timer int32

    The STP aging Timer between 10 - 1000000 seconds.

    stp_forward_delay int32

    Forward Delay is the length of time spent in listening state, set the value between 4 - 30 seconds.

    stp_hello_time int32

    Hello Time is the time Interval between BPDU transmission, set the value between 1-10 seconds.

    stp_max_age int32

    The length of Max Age time that the switch retains information learned from BPDUs, set the value between 6 - 40 seconds.

    stp_mode stringrequired

    Possible values: [RSTP]

    The STP Mode is RSTP, default STP mode is RSTP

    stp_priority int32

    The Priority value is between 0 - 61440, in multiples of 4096.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the element.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    vpn_to_vpn_forwarding boolean

    VPN to VPN forwarding. True or False.


Successful Operation

    cluster_id string

    The cluster ID.


    The description of the element.

    device_profile_id string

    The device profile ID.

    id string

    The element ID.

    l3_direct_private_wan_forwarding boolean

    The L3 direct private WAN is enabled. True or False.

    l3_lan_forwarding boolean

    The L3 LAN forwarding is enabled. Yes indicates that traffic forwarding to and from LAN interface, when Enable L3 Direct Private WAN Forwarding is enabled.

    led_config LedConfig

    Valid LED config.

    service_led_on boolean

    Service Led On

    main_power_usage_threshold int32

    The main power usage threshold. Allowed range is 50-100.

    name string

    The name of the device.

    nat_policysetstack_id string

    ID for the NAT Policyset Stack. Can be retrieved using natpolicysetstack API.

    network_policysetstack_id string

    The ID for the Path Policyset Stack. Can be retrieved using networkpolicysetstack API.

    priority_policysetstack_id string

    ID for the QoS Policyset Stack. Can be retrieved using prioritypolicysetstack API.

    site_id stringrequired

    The site ID.

    spoke_ha_config SpokeHAConfigV2

    The details of the spoke HA configuration.

    cluster_id stringrequired

    The spoke HA config cluster ID.

    enable booleanrequired

    The spoke HA config enabled. True or False.

    priority int32required

    The priority of the spoke HA config.

    source_interface stringrequired

    The spoke HA config source interface ID.

    track TrackV2

    Track: Valid

    interfaces TrackInterface[]

    The details of the interfaces.

  • Array [
  • interface_id string

    The interface ID

    reduce_priority int32

    Reduce priority of the spoke HA config.

  • ]
  • waninterfaces TrackWANInterface[]

    Waninterfaces: Valid

  • Array [
  • reduce_priority int32

    Reduce priority of the spoke HA config.

    wan_interface_id string

    The WAN interface ID

  • ]
  • sw_obj Software

    The location and version of the software.

    location string


    version string


    switch_config SwitchConfig

    The details of the switch configuration.

    default_vlan_id int32

    Default VLAN ID is 1.

    mstp_enabled boolean

    The MSTP enabled. True or False.

    stp_aging_timer int32

    The STP aging Timer between 10 - 1000000 seconds.

    stp_forward_delay int32

    Forward Delay is the length of time spent in listening state, set the value between 4 - 30 seconds.

    stp_hello_time int32

    Hello Time is the time Interval between BPDU transmission, set the value between 1-10 seconds.

    stp_max_age int32

    The length of Max Age time that the switch retains information learned from BPDUs, set the value between 6 - 40 seconds.

    stp_mode stringrequired

    Possible values: [RSTP]

    The STP Mode is RSTP, default STP mode is RSTP

    stp_priority int32

    The Priority value is between 0 - 61440, in multiples of 4096.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the element.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    Tenant Id: NotNull Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 20, TENANT_ID_INVALID_0001)

    vpn_to_vpn_forwarding boolean

    VPN to VPN forwarding. True or False.
