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Query DB for Number of AppDefs that Match Query Params (v2.6)



Queries the DB for limit number of appdefs that match the query parameters.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.


Query Details for the app def

    aggregate Aggregate

    The aggregate number of app defs that match the query parameters.

    data AggregateData[]

    The details of the aggregate data.

  • Array [
  • value number

    Value of the aggregate data.

    view object

    View the aggregate date.

  • ]
  • field string


    name string

    The name of the query response.

    operator string

    Possible values: [max, count, min, avg, sum]


    statistic string

    QoS application aggregate statistics.

    unit string

    The unit.

    dest_page int32

    The destination page.

    getDeleted boolean

    The number app definitions deleted for a time frame.

    group_by string[]

    Group By

    id string

    List the app definitions by ID.

    last_query_ts int64

    Return the ID of a specified query in the current session.

    limit int32

    The query limit.

    next_query object

    The limit.

    query_params object
    retrieved_fields string[]

    Retrieve information from a field.

    retrieved_fields_mask boolean

    List the fields to query.

    sort_params object
    total_count int64

    The total number of query parameters.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The actual count.

    deleted_count int64

    The deleted number.

    deleted_ids string[]

    The deleted IDs.


    Description of the query. Max size = 256.

    id string

    The ID.

    next_query object

    Details of the next query.

    tenant_id string

    The tenant ID.

    total_count int64

    Total number.

    items AppDefQueryFilterTransformedV2N6[]
  • Array [
  • abbreviation string

    Abbreviation of the application name.

    aggregate_flows boolean

    Aggregate flows enabled. True / False.

    app_type stringrequired

    Type of application. Allowed values: custom. System defined applications are not allowed to be edited using appdefs.

    app_unreachability_detection boolean

    Aggregate reachability detection. True / False.

    category string

    Possible values: [anonymity, anti-virus, auth, backup, cad, collaboration, conference, crm, db-mgmt, email, enterprise, file-sharing, file-system, file-transfer, gaming, intercomm, logging, management, messaging, net-discovery, net-mgmt, net-monitor, news-server, notification, p2p, printing, proxy, recreational, remote-desk, remote-mgmt, replication, routing, saas, secure-browsing, storage, streaming, tunnel, utility, voip, wan-opt, web-browsing, wireless-mgmt, ip-protocol, multicast, security, i23v5, printer, default]

    The application category.

    conn_idle_timeout int32

    Connection Idle Timeout. Application connection timeout should be in between 0-44000.


    Description for the application. Max size = 256.

    display_name stringrequired

    This is the name of the application that is visible on the Controller UI. Application display name is required and cannot be null. Max size = 64.

    domains string[]

    Applicable for layer 7 applications. List of application domains. Maximum 16 valid domains are allowed and each domain should not exceed 253 characters.

    id string

    Application ID.

    ingress_traffic_pct int32required

    Application ingress traffic percentage should be in between 1-99.

    ip_rules object[]

    Applicable for L3/L4 applications. These are IP Prefix rules used to identify the application viz protocol, dscp, source & destination prefixes and source & destination prefixes.

    is_deprecated boolean

    Deprecated application definitions.

    network_scan_application boolean

    If true, it enables Network Scan App to designate custom applications as network scan applications.

    order_number int32

    The order number. Order number should be between 1-65535L.

    overrides_allowed boolean

    If true, this enables an update to be added using the appdef_overrides API.

    p_category string

    Parent app category.

    p_parent_id string

    P Parent Id

    p_sub_category string

    Parent app sub-category.

    parent_id string

    Parent app ID.

    path_affinity stringrequired

    Possible values: [none, weak, strict]

    This parameter defines the path affinity characteristics to consider during flow decision making. Allowed values: "none" "weak" "strict". If path affinity is none or weak and a better path is available, flows will be moved to a new path. If path affinity is strict, all application flows will continue on the same path.

    session_timeout int32

    Application session timeout should be in between 0-44000.

    supported_engines string

    Possible values: [ave, ave-all, panos, all, panos-ml7]

    Supported engines values.

    system_app_overridden boolean

    If true, it indicates the an application override has been added.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the application. Maximum 10 Unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.

    tcp_rules string[]

    For TCP applications, this dictionary will include information on client & server prefix filters, server & client ports, DCSP settings.

    transfer_type stringrequired

    Application transfer type. Allowed values: transactional, bulk, rt-audio, rt-video.

    udp_rules object[]

    For UDP applications, this dictionary will include information on UDP port, DCSP settings, UDP Filters and destination prefixes.

    use_parentapp_network_policy boolean

    If enabled, policy rule defined for the parent application will be used to make routing decisions for this app.

  • ]