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Query Priority Policy Sets (v2.0)



Query all the priority policy sets.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.


Query details for Priority Policy sets

    aggregate Aggregate

    The aggregate number of priority policy sets that match the query parameters.

    data AggregateData[]

    The details of the aggregate data.

  • Array [
  • value number

    Value of the aggregate data.

    view object

    View the aggregate date.

  • ]
  • field string


    name string

    The name of the query response.

    operator string

    Possible values: [max, count, min, avg, sum]


    statistic string

    QoS application aggregate statistics.

    unit string

    The unit.

    dest_page int32

    The destination page.

    getDeleted boolean

    The number of priority policy sets deleted for a time frame.

    group_by string[]

    Group the priority policy sets for the query.

    id string

    Lists the priority policy sets by ID.

    last_query_ts int64

    Return the ID of a specified query in the current session.

    limit int32

    The query limit.

    next_query object

    The limit.

    query_params object
    retrieved_fields string[]

    Retrieve information from a field.

    retrieved_fields_mask boolean

    List the fields to query.

    sort_params object
    total_count int64

    The total number of query parameters.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The actual count.

    deleted_count int64

    The deleted number.

    deleted_ids string[]

    The deleted IDs.


    Description of the query. Max size = 256.

    id string

    The ID.

    next_query object

    Details of the next query.

    tenant_id string

    The tenant ID.

    total_count int64

    Total number.

    items PriorityPolicySetQueryFilter[]
  • Array [
  • bandwidth_allocation_schemes BandwidthAllocationSchemeV2[]required

    The bandwidth allocation schemes configured for a given policy set. Upto four bandwidth allocation schemes can be configured.

  • Array [
  • bandwidth_range BandwidthRange

    The defined bandwidth range.

    high double

    The high range of the bandwidth allocated.

    low double

    The low range of the bandwidth allocated.

    business_priorities BusinessPriorityV2[]

    The defined business priorities.

  • Array [
  • bandwidth_allocation double

    The bandwidth allocated.

    bandwidth_split_per_type BandwidthSplit

    The bandwidth allocated split by type.

    bulk double


    rt_audio double

    Rt Audio

    rt_video double

    Rt Video

    transactional double


    priority_number int32

    The priority number for a type.

  • ]
  • ]
  • business_priority_names BusinessPriorityNameMapper[]required

    The business priority names. Max list size = 4.

  • Array [
  • priority_name string

    The business priority name.

    priority_num int32

    The business priority number.

  • ]
  • clone_from string

    The existing policy from Stacked Policies for cloning the policy set.

    default_rule_dscp_mappings DefaultRuleDSCPMapping[]

    The default rule of the DSCP mappings.

  • Array [
  • dscp integer[]

    The default DSCP rule mapping.

    priority_number int32

    The priority number of the rule.

    transfer_type string


    The transfer type.

  • ]
  • defaultrule_policyset boolean

    The default rule of the policy set.


    The description of the policy set. Max size = 256.

    id string

    The priority policy set ID.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the policy set. Max size = 128.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the policy set. Maximum 10 unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.

    template boolean

    The template used for cloning the policy rule. The template option creates a set of rules from a predefined template can be customized after creation.

  • ]