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Query OSPF Config (v2.0)



Query the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing configurations.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.


    aggregate Aggregate

    The aggregate number of OSPF configs that match the query parameters.

    data AggregateData[]

    The details of the aggregate data.

  • Array [
  • value number

    Value of the aggregate data.

    view object

    View the aggregate date.

  • ]
  • field string


    name string

    The name of the query response.

    operator string

    Possible values: [max, count, min, avg, sum]


    statistic string

    QoS application aggregate statistics.

    unit string

    The unit.

    dest_page int32

    The destination page.

    getDeleted boolean

    The number OSPF configs deleted for a time frame.

    group_by string[]

    Group the OSPF configs for the query.

    id string

    List the OSPF configs by ID.

    last_query_ts int64

    Return the ID of a specified query in the current session.

    limit int32

    The query limit.

    next_query object

    The limit.

    query_params object
    retrieved_fields string[]

    Retrieve information from a field.

    retrieved_fields_mask boolean

    List the fields to query.

    sort_params object
    total_count int64

    The total number of query parameters.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The actual count.

    deleted_count int64

    The deleted number.

    deleted_ids string[]

    The deleted IDs.


    Description of the query. Max size = 256.

    id string

    The ID.

    next_query object

    Details of the next query.

    tenant_id string

    The tenant ID.

    total_count int64

    Total number.

    items OspfConfigQueryFilter[]
  • Array [
  • areas Area[]

    Info on the OSPF config areas.

  • Array [
  • area_id integer

    The area over which the OSPF parameters can be applied. Identifier for the area in x.x.x.x format. This is the identifier that each neighbor must accept to be part of the same area.

    area_type string

    Possible values: [NORMAL, STUB, NSSA]

    The OSPF config area type.

  • ]
  • description

    The OSPF config description. Max size = 1024.

    id string

    The OSPF config ID.

    interfaces InterfaceOspfConfig[]

    Info on the OSPF config interfaces.

  • Array [
  • area_id integer

    Identifier for the area in x.x.x.x format.

    interface_id string

    Associated area interface ID.

    ospf_config_override OspfGlobalConfig

    The global config to override the global configurations for the selected interface.

    cost integer

    The Cost range, which is 1 - 65535.

    dead_interval integer

    The number of seconds that a neighbor router waits for a hello packet from the device before declaring the router down. range is 1-65535, Default is 40.

    hello_interval integer

    The interval in seconds at which the OSPF process sends hello packets to its directly connected neighbors (the range is 1 - 65535; the default is 10).

    md5_key_id integer

    MD5 Key ID between 1 and 255 and an MD5 Secret of up to 16 characters. The MD5 password you specify will be applied to the messages exchanged with the peer.

    md5_secret string

    The MD5 secret key of 16 characters. The MD5 password specified is applied to the messages exchanged with the peer.

    retransmit_interval integer

    The length of time, in seconds, that OSPF waits to receive a link-state advertisement (LSA) from a neighbor before retransmitting it (the range is 1 - 65535; the default is 5).

    transmit_delay integer

    The length of time an LSA is delayed seconds before being sent out of an interface (range is 1 - 65535; default is 1).

  • ]
  • name stringrequired

    The OSPF config name. Max size = 128.

    prefix_adv_route_map_id string

    The prefix advertisement route map ID.

    prefix_adv_type_to_lan string

    The prefix advertisement type to LAN.

    redistribute_bgp boolean

    Redistribute to advertise all the BGP Prefixes into OSPF.

    redistribute_route_map_id string

    The redistribute BGP Prefix in OSPF route map ID.

    router_id string

    The Router ID. IP address and ION device's OSPF ID.

    scope string

    Local or Global. Local indicates that prefixes will not be advertised.

    shutdown boolean

    True or False = the created peer is used or not.

    tags string[]

    An information field that can be added to identify the OSPF config. Maximum 10 unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.

    vrf_context_id stringrequired

    The attached VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) ID.

  • ]