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Create a Site Profile (v2.0)



Details of the site profile to be created using the jinja template and store in the database.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.


Details of the Site Profile to be created

    data string


    id string


    site_id string

    Site Id: Digits(fraction = 0, integer = 50, SITEID_INVALID)

    site_type stringrequired

    Site Type: Required(error = SITE_ROLE_MISSING: Site role missing.) ValidateEnum(enumClass = classOf[ElementClusterRole], error = INVALID_SITE_TYPE: Invalid site type, nullAllowed = false)

    template_description string

    Template Description: Size(max = 256, error = DESCRIPTION_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: Description length exceeds limit, min = 0)

    template_name stringrequired

    Template Name: Required(error = TEMPLATE_NAME_REQUIRED: Template name missing) Size(max = 128, error = NAME_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: Name of the resource exceeds limit., min = 0)

    variable_map object


Successful Operation

    data string

    Data required to deploy new sites at scale using the site template.

    id string

    The ID.

    site_id string

    The site ID.

    site_type stringrequired

    The site type. Branch or DC.

    template_description string

    The site template description. Max length = 256.

    template_id string

    The template ID.

    template_name stringrequired

    The site template name. Max length = 128.

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.

    variable_map object

    Data required to deploy new sites at scale using this template.
