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Get System Application Definitions (v2.1)



Get the system application definitions.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    The tenant ID.

    vid stringrequired

    Version ID.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The total number.

    id string

    The ID.

    items AppDefV2[]
  • Array [
  • abbreviation string

    Abbreviation of the application name.

    app_type stringrequired

    Type of application. Allowed values: custom. System defined applications are not allowed to be edited using appdefs.

    category stringrequired

    Possible values: [anonymity, anti-virus, auth, backup, cad, collaboration, conference, crm, db-mgmt, email, enterprise, file-sharing, file-system, file-transfer, gaming, intercomm, logging, management, messaging, net-discovery, net-mgmt, net-monitor, news-server, notification, p2p, printing, proxy, recreational, remote-desk, remote-mgmt, replication, routing, saas, secure-browsing, storage, streaming, tunnel, utility, voip, wan-opt, web-browsing, wireless-mgmt, ip-protocol, multicast, security, i23v5, printer, default]

    The application category.

    conn_idle_timeout int32

    Connection Idle Timeout. Application connection timeout should be in between 0-44000.

    display_name stringrequired

    This is the name of the application that is visible on the Controller UI. Application display name is required and cannot be null. Max size = 64.

    domains string[]

    Applicable for layer 7 applications. List of application domains. Maximum 16 valid domains are allowed and each domain should not exceed 253 characters.

    id string

    Application ID.

    ingress_traffic_pct int32required

    The app def config ingress traffic pct values. (Min value = 1, Max value = 99).

    path_affinity stringrequired

    Possible values: [none, weak, strict]

    This parameter defines the path affinity characteristics to consider during flow decision making. Allowed values: "none" "weak" "strict". If path affinity is none or weak and a better path is available, flows will be moved to a new path. If path affinity is strict, all application flows will continue on the same path.

    tcp_rules TcpRule[]

    For TCP applications, this dictionary will include information on client & server prefix filters, server & client ports, DCSP settings.

  • Array [
  • client_filters string[]

    The app def config IP list. Max size = 8.

    client_port Port

    The start and end client port ranges.

    end string

    The end port range must be between 1 and 65535.

    start string

    The start port range must be between 1 and 65535.

    server_filters string[]

    The app def config IP list. Max size = 8.

    server_port Port

    The start and end server port ranges.

    end string

    The end port range must be between 1 and 65535.

    start string

    The start port range must be between 1 and 65535.

  • ]
  • transfer_type stringrequired

    Application transfer type. Allowed values: transactional, bulk, rt-audio, rt-video.

    udp_rules UdpRule[]

    For UDP applications, this dictionary will include information on UDP port, DCSP settings, UDP Filters and destination prefixes.

  • Array [
  • udp_filters string[]

    The app def config IP list. Max size = 8.

    udp_port Port

    The start and end UDP port ranges.

    end string

    The end port range must be between 1 and 65535.

    start string

    The start port range must be between 1 and 65535.

  • ]
  • ]