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Delete SNMP Agent (v2.1)



Delete an SNMP agent.


Path Parameters

    tenant_id stringrequired

    ID of the tenant.

    site_id stringrequired

    ID of the site.

    element_id stringrequired

    ID of the element.

    snmpagent_id stringrequired

    The SNMP agent configuration ID.


Successful Operation


    The description of the SNMP agent. Max characters = 256.

    id string

    The ID of the SNMP agent.

    system_contact string

    System Contact

    system_location string

    The configured SNMP agent's element location.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the SNMP agent configuration.

    v2_config SNMPV2Config

    V2 Config: Valid Valid

    community string

    If V2 is enabled, community is configured. If community is not configured, then public will be set as the default community. White spaces not allowed in community name. Max characters = 32.

    enabled boolean


    v3_config SNMPV3Config

    V3 Config: Valid Valid

    enabled boolean


    users_access SNMPUserAccess[]

    Users Access

  • Array [
  • auth_phrase string

    The authentication phrase of 8 to 25 characters if auth type is selected.

    auth_type string

    Possible values: [NONE, MD5, SHA]

    The authentication type. Auth Type may be MD5, SHA, or None.

    enc_phrase string

    The encryption phrase of 8 to 25 characters if encryption type is selected.

    enc_type string

    Possible values: [NONE, AES, DES]

    The encrption type.

    engine_id string

    The SNMP configuration supported engine ID. Hexadecimal value should be in pairs (multiple of two) with minimum length 10 and maximum length 256.

    security_level string

    Possible values: [NOAUTH, AUTH, PRIVATE]

    The security level of the SNMP configuration.

    user_name string

    The user name to identify the device. User name length should be between 4 and 256.

  • ]