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Get interface status (v3.7)



Get interface status


Path Parameters

    site_id stringrequired

    Site Id

    element_id stringrequired

    Element Id

    interface_id stringrequired

    Interface Id


Successful Operation

    cellular_state CellularState

    Cellular State

    active boolean

    Indicates if the cellular state is active. Values = True/False.

    apn_info APNInfo

    Lists the APN and authentication information.

    apn string

    The APN.

    authentication string

    The APN authentication.

    device string


    dns_v4_config DNS

    Dns V4 Config: Valid

    name_servers string[]

    The DNS name servers

    search string[]

    The search parameters.

    dns_v6_config IPv6DNS

    Dns V6 Config

    name_servers string[]

    The IPv6 configured DNS name servers.

    search string[]

    The search parameters.

    effective_vlans integer[]

    Effective Vlans

    element_id string

    Element Id

    extended_state string

    Extended State

    id string


    ipv4_addresses string[]

    Ipv4 Addresses

    ipv6_addresses string[]

    Ipv6 Addresses

    lacp_state LacpStateS

    Lacp State

    key int32


    mac_address string

    Mac Address

    partner_key int32

    Partner Key

    partner_mac_address string

    Partner Mac Address

    partner_system_priority int32

    Partner System Priority

    system_priority int32

    System Priority

    last_state_change int64

    Last State Change

    link_local_address string

    Link Local Address

    lldp_enabled boolean

    Lldp Enabled

    mac_address string

    Mac Address: Pattern(error = INTERFACE_CONFIG_INVALID_MAC: Invalid mac address syntax., regexp = ([0-9a-f]{2}[:]){5}([0-9a-f]{2}))

    name string

    Name: Size(max = 128, error = NAME_EXCEEDS_LIMIT: Name of the resource exceeds limit., min = 0)

    negotiated_mtu int32

    Negotiated Mtu

    operational_state string

    Operational State

    poe_state PoeStateS

    Poe State

    detection_status string

    The PoE detection status.

    device_type string

    The ION device type.

    operational_state string

    The PoE operational state.

    poe_enabled boolean

    Indicates if PoE is enabled. By default, PoE is disabled.

    power_classification string

    The power classification.

    power_consumed float

    The power consumed.

    power_pairs_control_ability boolean

    Values = True or False.

    power_pairs_state string

    The power pair state.

    power_priority string

    The power priority.

    power_usage_threshold int32

    The Port Power Usage Alarm Threshold value is between 50 - 100%.The default threshold is 100% (60W).

    port Port


    end string

    The end port range must be between 1 and 65535.

    start string

    The start port range must be between 1 and 65535.

    port_channel_member_state PortChannelMemberStateS[]

    Port Channel Member State

  • Array [
  • interface_id string

    Interface Id

    partner_key int32

    Partner Key

    partner_mode string

    Partner Mode

    partner_priority int32

    Partner Priority

    partner_rate string

    Partner Rate

    partner_state string

    Partner State

    port_key int32

    Port Key

    port_mode string

    Port Mode

    port_priority int32

    Port Priority

    port_rate string

    Port Rate

    port_state string

    Port State

  • ]
  • remote_host_name string

    Remote Host Name

    remote_v4_addr string

    Remote V4 Addr

    routes Route[]


  • Array [
  • destination string

    The route destination.

    via string

    The via IP address.

  • ]
  • routes_v6 Ipv6Route[]

    Routes V6

  • Array [
  • destination string

    The route destination.

    via string

    The via IPv6 address.

  • ]
  • secondary_ipv4_addresses string[]

    Secondary Ipv4 Addresses

    service_link ServiceLink

    Service Link

    anti_replay boolean

    The anti replay value. True or False.

    anti_replay_window integer

    The anti replay window count.

    classic_site_id string

    The site ID.

    copy_tos boolean

    Copy Tos

    enable_gre_encapsulation boolean

    Is GRE encapsulation enabled. True or False.

    geneve_config GeneveConfigV2

    Lists all the geneve configurations.

    keepalive_enable boolean

    Keepalive Enable

    keepalive_fail_count int32

    Keepalive Fail Count: Range(max = 10L, error = INTERFACE_CONFIG_SERVICE_LINK_INVALID_GENEVE_KEEPALIVE_FAIL_COUNT: Geneve keep alive fail count should be in range 1 to 10, min = 3L)

    keepalive_interval int32

    Keepalive Interval: Range(max = 10L, error = INTERFACE_CONFIG_SERVICE_LINK_INVALID_GENEVE_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL: Geneve Keep alive interval should be in range 3 to 30, min = 1L)

    keepalive_local_ipv4 string

    Keepalive Local Ipv4

    keepalive_remote_ipv4 string

    Keepalive Remote Ipv4

    tenant_vni_label string

    Tenant Vni Label

    gre_config GREConfig

    The GRE config details.

    csum boolean

    The CSUM.

    keepalive_enable boolean

    Is keepalive enabled. True or False.

    keepalive_fail_count int32

    Value between 3 and 10. Indicates the number of consecutive missed keep-alive packets before a link is declared as down. The default value is 3.

    keepalive_interval int32

    Value between 100 ms and 600000 ms. Indicates the time interval in milliseconds between two VPN keepalive packets. The default value is 1000 ms.

    ipsec_config IPSECConfig

    The IPSec config details.

    authentication IPSECAuthentication

    The IPSec authentication details.

    certificate string

    The certificate authentication for the IPsec Profile.

    certificate_profile_id string

    Certificate Profile Id

    comment string


    ikev1_params IKEV1Params

    Ikev1 Params: Valid

    xauth_id string

    The xauth ID.

    xauth_secret string

    The authentication secret. Length must be between 4-128.

    xauth_secret_encrypted string

    The xauth secret. Value = True.

    xauth_secret_hash string

    The xauth hash. Value = True.

    xauth_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NONE, SECRET]

    The xauth type.

    local_ca_certificate string

    The local CA certificate uploaded for certificate authentication.

    local_id stringrequired

    Possible values: [LOCAL_IP, DN, HOSTNAME, CUSTOM, NONE]

    The local ID type.

    local_id_custom string

    The custom local ID.

    local_pa_certificate_id string

    Local Pa Certificate Id

    pa_master_key_id string

    Pa Master Key Id

    passphrase string


    passphrase_encrypted string

    Passphrase Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    peer_id_check string

    Possible values: [EXACT, WILDCARD]

    Peer Id Check

    permit_peer_id_mismatch boolean

    Permit Peer Id Mismatch

    private_key string

    The private key file uploaded for certificate authentication.

    private_key_encrypted string

    Private Key Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    remote_ca_certificate string

    The standard VPN endpoint CA certificate uploaded.

    remote_id string

    The ID for the standard VPN endpoint in the Remote ID field.

    secret string

    The password for PSK authentication.

    secret_encrypted string

    Secret Encrypted: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    secret_hash string

    Secret Hash: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    strict_validation_peer_extended_key_use boolean

    Strict Validation Peer Extended Key Use

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NONE, PSK, X509]

    The authentication type = PSK or Certificates.

    x509Objects X509Objects

    X509Objects: JsonIgnore(value = true)

    certHolder object
    certificate string


    is_local_ca_cert_set boolean

    Is Local Ca Cert Set

    is_remote_ca_cert_set boolean

    Is Remote Ca Cert Set

    keyPair object
    local_ca_certificate string

    Local Ca Certificate

    local_ca_certs_set object[]

    Local Ca Certs Set

    passphrase string


    private_key string

    Private Key

    remote_ca_certificate string

    Remote Ca Certificate

    remote_ca_certs_set object[]

    Remote Ca Certs Set

    ipsec_profile_id stringrequired

    The IPSec profile ID.

    last_parent string

    The last parent value = true.

    liveliness_probe LivelinessProbe

    Lists the livliness probe details.

    failure_count int32

    The liveliness probe failure count interval.

    interval int32

    The probe interval. Must be between 1 to 30 seconds.

    ip_address string

    The probe address.

    local_ip_address string

    The local probe address.

    proxy_id string

    The proxy ID.

    nat_traversal boolean

    Nat traversal value. True or False.

    pa_location_oid string

    Pa Location Oid

    pa_tunnel_oid string

    Pa Tunnel Oid

    parent string

    The parent value = true.

    passive_mode PassiveMode

    Passive mode enabled on the device. True or False.

    enable boolean

    Passive mode enabled for the device. True or False.

    peer_ip_dynamic boolean

    Peer IP dynamic enabled. True or False.

    peer PeerInfo

    The peer information.

    hostname string

    The peer hostname.

    ip_addresses string[]

    The peer IP addresses. Max size = 4.

    proxy_ids Proxy[]

    The proxy details.

  • Array [
  • local string


    local_port integer

    Local Port

    protocol string


    protocol_number integer

    Protocol Number

    proxy_id string

    Proxy Id

    remote string


    remote_port integer

    Remote Port

  • ]
  • sase_ike_gw_config SaseIkeGWConfig

    The SASE IKE GW configurations.

    ike_gw_name string

    Ike Gw Name

    ikev1_dpd_delay integer

    Ikev1 Dpd Delay

    ikev1_dpd_enable boolean

    Ikev1 Dpd Enable

    ikev1_dpd_timeout integer

    Ikev1 Dpd Timeout

    ikev1_enable_fragmentation boolean

    Ikev1 Enable Fragmentation

    ikev1_exchange_mode string

    Ikev1 Exchange Mode

    ikev2_liveness_check_enable boolean

    Ikev2 Liveness Check Enable

    ikev2_liveness_interval integer

    Ikev2 Liveness Interval

    ikev2_require_cookie boolean

    Ikev2 Require Cookie

    security_service_endpoint_id string

    The security service endpoint ID.

    service_endpoint_id string

    The service endpoint ID.

    tunnel_role string

    The tunnel role.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [IPSEC, GRE, GENEVE]

    The service link type.

    stp_state STPStateS

    Stp State

    bpdu_guard_enabled boolean

    BPDU Guard enabled on ports do not receive a BPDU from its connected devices. When a BPDU Guard enabled port receives BPDU from a connected device, BPDU Guard disables the port.

    forward_fast_enabled boolean

    The speed.

    mstp_instance_id int32

    The MSTP instance ID.

    port_cost int32

    The STP port cost is between 1-65535. The STP port cost depends on the speed of the port.

    port_priority int32

    The STP Port priority is between 0-240. The default value is 128, STP port priority is in multiples of 16.

    port_state string

    The port state.

    root_guard_enabled boolean

    Root Guard is enabled on a port-by-port basis, it prevents a configured port from becoming a root port. Root Guard prevents a downstream switch from becoming a root bridge in a topology.

    stp_enabled boolean

    Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled by default. By default, the STP type is RSTP.

    svi_state SVIStateS

    Svi State

    stp_designated_cost integer

    The STP designated cost between 1-65535.

    stp_designated_mac_address string

    The STP designated MAC address.

    stp_designated_port integer

    The STP designated port.

    stp_designated_root_mac_address string

    The STP designated root MAC address.

    vrf VRF


    vrf_context_id string

    The VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) ID.

    vrf_context_name string

    The VFR context name.
