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Get Tenant Information (v2.9)



Get all the tenant information for a tenant ID.


Successful Operation


    X Panw Region

    address Address

    The address of the site.

    city string

    The name of the city. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The name of the country. Max size = 100.

    post_code string

    The postal code. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The name of the state. Max size = 100.

    street string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    street2 string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    adem_enabled boolean

    Adem Enabled

    app_acceleration_enabled boolean

    App Acceleration Enabled

    canonical_name string

    The tenant canonical name. Max size = 128.

    clients string[]

    The client tenant.

    csp_tenant_id string

    The CSP tenant ID. Max length = 32.


    The description of the tenant. Max size = 1024.

    disabled string

    List the disabled tenants.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the tenant.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive string

    List the inactive tenants.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the tenant being inactive.

    ipv4_list IPv4Address[]

    The list of IPv4 addresses.

  • Array [
  • ipv4 string

    The IPv4 address of the tenant.

  • ]
  • is_esp boolean

    If the tenant is ESP.

    is_oneapp_ready boolean

    True or False for oneapp.

    is_pa_iot_security_license boolean

    True or False for PA IoT security license.

    is_support boolean

    True or False for support.

    name string

    The name of the tenant. Max size = 512.

    operator Operator

    The details of the operator.

    addresses Address[]

    The list of operator addresses. Max number of addresses = 20.

  • Array [
  • city string

    The name of the city. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The name of the country. Max size = 100.

    post_code string

    The postal code. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The name of the state. Max size = 100.

    street string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

    street2 string

    The name of the street. Max size = 100.

  • ]
  • custom_roles CustomRole[]

    The list/details of the custom roles.

  • Array [
  • custom_permissions CustomPermission[]

    The details of the custom role permissions.

  • Array [
  • allowed_after_ms int64

    Allowed After Ms

    allowed_before_ms int64

    Allowed Before Ms

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled custom permissions.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the custom permission.

    disallow_permission boolean

    Disallow Permission

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive custom permissions.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the custom permission being inactive.

    region string

    The region.

    value stringrequired

    The custom permission value.

  • ]
  • disabled boolean

    List the disabled custom roles.

    disallow_permissions AuthPermission[]

    The details of the disallowed permissions.

  • Array [
  • value string

    The value of the permissions. Max size = 500.

  • ]
  • id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive custom roles.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

    permissions AuthPermission[]

    The permissions for the custom role.

  • Array [
  • value string

    The value of the permissions. Max size = 500.

  • ]
  • roles AuthRole[]

    The names of the roles.

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

  • ]
  • ]
  • disable_idp_login boolean

    Lists if the tenant IdP log in option is disabled.

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled tenants.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the tenant.

    email stringrequired

    The operator email ID.

    email_iam string

    Email Iam: Email(error = OPERATOR_EMAIL_IAM_INVALID: Invalid email {validatedValue}. Please use a valid email address, regexp = .*) Size(max = 1000, error = OPERATOR_EMAIL_IAM_INVALID: Invalid email {validatedValue}. Please use a valid email address, min = 1)

    email_validated boolean

    Validate the email ID.

    enable_session_ip_lock boolean

    Enable the sessin IP lock.

    first_name stringrequired

    The first name of the operator. Max size = 100.

    from_esp boolean

    If the tenant is ESP.

    from_esp_name string

    The name of the ESP tenant. Max size = 512.

    from_esp_tenant_id string

    The ESP tenant ID.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive tenants.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the tenant being inactive.

    ipv4_list IPv4Address[]

    The list of IPv4 addresses.

  • Array [
  • ipv4 string

    The IPv4 address of the tenant.

  • ]
  • is_locked boolean

    Is Locked

    is_system_owned boolean

    Is System Owned

    last_login date
    last_name string

    The last name of the MSP tenant.

    linked_accounts LinkedAccount[]required

    Details of any linked accounts. Maximum of 20 and at least 1 linked account(s) should be specified.

  • Array [
  • disabled boolean

    List the disabled linked accounts.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the linked accounts.

    failed_login_attempts int32

    The number of failed login attempts.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive linked accounts.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the linked accounts being inactive.

    provider_key string

    The linked account provider key.

    provider_value string

    The linked account provider value.

    provider_value_updated_on int64

    The linked account provider value updated date.

    region string

    The region.

  • ]
  • migration_state MigrationState

    Migration State

    name string

    The name.

    phone_numbers PhoneNumber[]

    The details of the phone numbers.

  • Array [
  • country_code int32

    The country code.

    local_extension int32

    The local extension.

    number int64

    The phone number.

    types Type[]

    The type of phone number.

  • Array [
  • value string


  • ]
  • ]
  • region string

    The region of the tenant.

    roles AuthRole[]

    The defined MSP roles.

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The name of the custom role. (guest|system|element|support_iam_admin|support_admin|support_viewonly|support_mfg|support_super|support_root|devops|secops|tenant_iam_admin|tenant_network_admin|tenant_security_admin|tenant_viewonly|tenant_super|tenant_root|esp_iam_admin|esp_machine_admin|esp_admin|esp_user|esp_super|esp_root))

  • ]
  • secondary_emails Email[]

    List of secondary email addresses. Max size = 20.

  • Array [
  • email string

    The email address.

  • ]
  • settings string

    The operator settings.

    pan_account_id string

    The tenant PAN CSP account ID. Max size = 32.

    pan_tenant_id string

    The PAN tenant ID. Max size = 32.

    password_policy PasswordPolicy

    The details of the password policy.

    enable_failed_login_attempts boolean

    The failed login attempts is enabled.

    enable_failed_login_time_delay boolean

    The failed log in time delay is enabled.

    enable_maximum_password_length boolean

    The maximum password length is enabled.

    enable_minimum_password_length boolean

    The minimum password length is enabled.

    enable_password_aging boolean

    Password aging is enabled.

    enable_password_identity_difference boolean

    The password identity difference is enabled.

    enable_password_no_reuse_count boolean

    The password no reuse count is enabled.

    enable_session_ip_lock boolean

    Enable the sessin IP lock.

    enable_two_lower_case_letters boolean

    The two lower case letters is enabled.

    enable_two_numbers boolean

    The two numbers is enabled.

    enable_two_special_characters boolean

    The two special characters is enabled.

    enable_two_upper_case_letters boolean

    The two upper case letters is enabled.

    failed_login_attempts integer

    The number of failed login attempts.

    maximum_password_length integer

    The maximum password length.

    minimum_password_length integer

    The minimum password length.

    password_aging_days integer

    The number of password aging days.

    password_aging_notification integer

    The number of password aging notifications.

    password_no_reuse_count integer

    The password no reuse count.

    special_characters string

    The password special characters.

    special_characters_regex string

    The special characters regex.

    phone_numbers PhoneNumber[]

    The details of the phone numbers.

  • Array [
  • country_code int32

    The country code.

    local_extension int32

    The local extension.

    number int64

    The phone number.

    types Type[]

    The type of phone number.

  • Array [
  • value string


  • ]
  • ]
  • prisma_access_tenant_id string

    The prisma access tenant ID. Max size = 32.

    provider_data ProviderData[]

    The details of the provider data.

  • Array [
  • certificate CertificateCa

    The details of the certificate.

    certificate string

    The details of the certificate.

    certificate_expiry_utc int64

    The certificate expiry date.

    certificate_type string

    The certificate type.

    disabled boolean

    List the certificates.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the certificate.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive certificates.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the certificate being inactive.

    issued_by CertificateIssuer

    Details of the certificate issuer.

    common_name string

    The name of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The country of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    location string

    The location of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization string

    The organization of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization_unit string

    The organization unit of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The state of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    issued_to CertificateIssuer

    Details of the who the certificate was issued to.

    common_name string

    The name of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    country string

    The country of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    location string

    The location of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization string

    The organization of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    organization_unit string

    The organization unit of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    state string

    The state of the certificate issuer. Max size = 100.

    parent_id CertificateCa

    The parent ID.

    region string

    The region of the tenant.

    serial_number string

    The serial number of the certificate.

    version string

    The version of the certificate.

    password_hash string

    The password.

    provider Provider

    The details of the provider.

    canonical_name string

    The provider canonical name. Max size = 128.


    The description of the provider. Max size = 1024.

    disabled boolean

    List the disabled providers.

    disabled_reason string

    The reason for disabling the provider.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    List the inactive providers.

    inactive_reason string

    The reason for the provider being inactive.

    map_external_group object

    The external group mapping.

    name string

    The name of the provider.

    protocol Protocol

    The protocol.

    region string

    The region of the provider.

    template string

    The template used.

    salt string


    security string


  • ]
  • region string

    The region of the tenant.

    sase_at date

    The sase date.

    telemetry_region string

    The telemetry region.

    tsg_id string

    The tenant TSG ID.

    tsg_instances TsgInstance[]

    The details of the TSG instances.

  • Array [
  • app_id string

    The app ID of the TSG instance.

    region string

    The region of the TSG instance.

  • ]