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Get Network Policy Rule (v2.3)



List a specific network policy rule of a tenant.


Path Parameters

    policy_set_id stringrequired

    The network policy set ID.

    policy_rule_id stringrequired

    ID of the network policy rule.


Successful Operation

    app_def_ids string[]

    The app definition IDs that have applied network policy rules. The number of applications for a policy rule is limited to 256.


    The description of the network policy rule. Max size = 256.

    destination_prefixes_id string

    The destination prefix ID.

    enabled boolean

    The network policy rule based on rules that are enabled.

    id string

    The network policy rule ID.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the network policy rule. Max size = 128.

    network_context_id string

    The network context applied to the network policy rule. Network context segments network traffic for the purpose of applying different network policy rules for the same application.

    order_number integer

    The network policy rule order number. The default order number for a policy rule is 1024.

    paths_allowed PathsAllowedV2N1required

    The paths allowed for the application.

    active_paths WANPath[]

    The configured active path for the rule.

  • Array [
  • label string

    The label to identify the path.

    path_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [vpn, direct, servicelink]

    The path type.

  • ]
  • backup_paths WANPath[]

    The configured backup path for the rule.

  • Array [
  • label string

    The label to identify the path.

    path_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [vpn, direct, servicelink]

    The path type.

  • ]
  • l3_failure_paths WANPath[]

    The configured l3 failure path for the rule.

  • Array [
  • label string

    The label to identify the path.

    path_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [vpn, direct, servicelink]

    The path type.

  • ]
  • service_context ServiceContext

    Information on the service context.

    active_service_label_id stringrequired

    The configured active service label ID.

    active_service_label_type string

    Possible values: [CG_TRANSIT, NON_CG_TRANSIT, SASE]

    The configured active service label type.

    backup_service_label_id string

    The configured backup service label ID.

    backup_service_label_type string

    Possible values: [CG_TRANSIT, NON_CG_TRANSIT, SASE]

    The configured backup service label type.

    type stringrequired


    The type of service context.

    source_prefixes_id string

    The ID of the source prefixes.

    tags string[]

    A information field that can be added to identify the network policy rule. Maximum 10 unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.

    user_or_group UserGroup

    The details of the user or group.

    user_group_ids string[]

    The user group IDs.

    user_ids string[]

    The user IDs.
