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Get Machine Images (v2.3)



List all the device images.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The total number.

    id string

    The ID.

    items ElementImageV2N3[]
  • Array [
  • fips_certification_valid boolean

    The valid FIPS certified device images.

    fips_certified boolean

    The FIPS certified device images.

    id string

    The ID of the device images.

    ml7_version string

    The ml7 version.

    model_software_map ModelSoftwareMap[]

    The model and bundle name of the model software map.

  • Array [
  • bundle_name string

    The software bundle name.

    model string

    The software model.

  • ]
  • release_url string

    The release URL.

    state string

    The device connection state.

    version string

    The software version installed.

  • ]