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Get Software Upgrade Status (v2.1)



List all the software upgrade status (up to 5) started by the tenant user.


Path Parameters

    element_id stringrequired

    The element ID.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The total number.

    id string

    The ID.

    type string

    The type.

    items ElementImageStatusV2N1[]
  • Array [
  • active_image_id string

    The active image ID.

    active_version string

    The active version.

    download_interval integer

    The download interval.

    download_percent integer

    The download percent.

    failure_info string

    Detials of the failure information.

    id string

    The ID.

    previous_image_id string

    The previous image ID.

    rollback_version string

    The rollback version.

    scheduled_download string

    The scheduled download.

    scheduled_upgrade string

    The scheduled upgrade.

    upgrade_image_id string

    The upgrade image ID.

    upgrade_interval integer

    The upgrade interval.

    upgrade_state string

    Possible values: [pending, init, discovery, download, download_init, download_complete, download_scheduled, download_abort, download_cancelled, download_cancel_pending, upgrade, upgrade_init, upgrade_complete, upgrade_scheduled, upgrade_abort, upgrade_cancelled, upgrade_cancel_pending, upgrade_failed, upgrading, verify, in-progress, install, complete, done, failed, download_discovery, download_failed, downloading, install_failed, installing, verifying, waiting_download_time, waiting_install_time, abort_upgrade_pending, abort_download_pending, invalid]

    The upgrade state.

  • ]