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Get Users (v2.0)



List all the users.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The actual count.

    id string

    The ID.

    items UserIdentity[]
  • Array [
  • disabled boolean

    List the users in a disabled state.

    disabled_reason string

    List the reason for the disabled state.

    first_name string

    The first name of the user. Max size = 100.

    id string

    The ID.

    inactive boolean

    Lists if the user is inactive.

    inactive_reason string

    Reason the user is inactive.

    last_name string

    The last name of the user.

    middle_name string

    The middle name of the user.

    region string

    The region.

    user_dn string

    The user dn.

    user_fqn string

    The user fqn.

  • ]