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Get all OSPF Discovered Neighbors (v2.0)



Lists all the OSPF discovered neighbors.


Path Parameters

    site_id stringrequired

    The site ID.

    element_id stringrequired

    The element ID.

    ospf_config_id stringrequired

    The OSPF config ID.


Successful Operation

    count int32

    The actual count.

    id string

    The ID.

    items OspfDiscoveredNeighbor[]
  • Array [
  • discovered_neighbors_count integer

    The number of OSPF discovered neighbors.

    id string

    The OSPF discovered neighbor ID.

    interfaces InterfaceConfig[]

    The interfaces name.

  • Array [
  • area_id integer

    Identifier for the area in x.x.x.x format.

    discovered_neighbors DiscoveredNeighbor[]

    Info on the discovered neighbors.

  • Array [
  • neighbor_id string

    The discovered neighbor ID.

    status string

    Status of the configuration.

  • ]
  • interface_id string

    Associated area interface ID.

  • ]
  • ospf_config_id string

    The OSPF config ID.

    vrf_context_id string

    The attached VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) ID.

  • ]