Get Performance Policy Sets (v2.0)
Get details of the performance policy sets.
- 200
Successful Operation
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- ]
The actual count.
The deleted number.
The deleted IDs.
Description of the query. Max size = 256.
The ID.
Details of the next query.
Total number.
items PerfMgmtPolicySet[]
The performance policy set that has been cloned from.
The default rule of the policy set.
The description of the performance policy set. Max size = 256.
Lists if the performance policy sets are disabled.
Reason the performance policy set is disabled.
The ID of the policy set.
Lists if the performance policy set is inactive.
Reason the performance policy set is inactive.
The order of the policy rule.
link_health_rules PerfMgmtPolicyRule[]
The details of the policy rule.
actions PerfMgmtAction[]
The valid actions configured for the performance policy rule.
Possible values: [RAISE_ALARM
The values of the action type for the performance policy rule.
app_perf PerfMgmtActionParameters
The details of the application performance parameters.
bad_health_thresholds PerfMgmtHealthThresholds
Lists the valid / invalid performance policy rules thresholds.
The clear_below value should be between 1-80L.
The raise_above value should be between 10-100L.
Possible values: [AGGRESSIVE
The monitoring approach for the rule.
circuit_utilization_perf PerfMgmtActionParameters
Circuit Utilization Perf: Valid
bad_health_thresholds PerfMgmtHealthThresholds
Lists the valid / invalid performance policy rules thresholds.
The clear_below value should be between 1-80L.
The raise_above value should be between 10-100L.
Possible values: [AGGRESSIVE
The monitoring approach for the rule.
lqm_perf PerfMgmtActionParameters
The details of the LQM performance parameters.
bad_health_thresholds PerfMgmtHealthThresholds
Lists the valid / invalid performance policy rules thresholds.
The clear_below value should be between 1-80L.
The raise_above value should be between 10-100L.
Possible values: [AGGRESSIVE
The monitoring approach for the rule.
probe_perf PerfMgmtActionParameters
Probe Perf: Valid
bad_health_thresholds PerfMgmtHealthThresholds
Lists the valid / invalid performance policy rules thresholds.
The clear_below value should be between 1-80L.
The raise_above value should be between 10-100L.
Possible values: [AGGRESSIVE
The monitoring approach for the rule.
sys_perf PerfMgmtActionParameters
Sys Perf: Valid
bad_health_thresholds PerfMgmtHealthThresholds
Lists the valid / invalid performance policy rules thresholds.
The clear_below value should be between 1-80L.
The raise_above value should be between 10-100L.
Possible values: [AGGRESSIVE
The monitoring approach for the rule.
app_filters ApplicationFilter
The details of the app filters used for the performance policy rule.
Possible values: [RT_AUDIO
Lists the app transfer types. Maximum 4 app transfer types are supported.
Lists the application IDs in a rule. Maximum 64 applications can be specified in a rule.
The description of the performance policy rule. Max characters = 256.
Lists if the performance policy rule is enabled.
Lists the performance policy rules by ID.
The name of the performance policy rule.
path_filters PathFilter[]
Lists the path filters applied. Maximum 32 path filters are supported.
The policy rule path label.
Possible values: [vpn
, direct
, servicelink
, all
The path type specified in the path filter.
Lists the service label IDs. Maximum 32 service labels are supported.
A information field that can be added to identify the performance policy rule. Maximum 10 unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.
Lists the threshold profile IDs.
Possible values: [APP_CIRCUIT_HEALTH
The type of performance policy rule.
The name of the performnace policy set. Max size = 128.
policy_rules BasePolicyRule[]
Lists the details of the policy rules.
The description of the policy rule. Max size = 256.
Lists if the policy rules are disabled.
Reason the policy rule is disabled.
The policy rule ID.
Lists if the policy rule is inactive.
Reason the policy rule is inactive.
The name of the policy rule.
The ID of the policy set.
The region of the site.
A information field that can be added to identify the policy rule. Maximum 10 unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.
The region of the site.
Send To Element
A information field that can be added to identify the policy set. Maximum 10 unique tags of length 1024 each are allowed.
"count": 0,
"deleted_count": 0,
"deleted_ids": [
"id": "string",
"next_query": {},
"total_count": 0,
"items": [
"clone_from": "string",
"defaultrule_policyset": true,
"disabled": true,
"disabled_reason": "string",
"id": "string",
"inactive": true,
"inactive_reason": "string",
"link_health_policyrule_order": [
"link_health_rules": [
"actions": [
"action_type": "RAISE_ALARM",
"app_perf": {
"bad_health_thresholds": {
"clear_below": 0,
"raise_above": 0
"monitoring_approach": "AGGRESSIVE"
"circuit_utilization_perf": {
"bad_health_thresholds": {
"clear_below": 0,
"raise_above": 0
"monitoring_approach": "AGGRESSIVE"
"lqm_perf": {
"bad_health_thresholds": {
"clear_below": 0,
"raise_above": 0
"monitoring_approach": "AGGRESSIVE"
"probe_perf": {
"bad_health_thresholds": {
"clear_below": 0,
"raise_above": 0
"monitoring_approach": "AGGRESSIVE"
"sys_perf": {
"bad_health_thresholds": {
"clear_below": 0,
"raise_above": 0
"monitoring_approach": "AGGRESSIVE"
"app_filters": {
"app_transfer_types": [
"application_ids": [
"enabled": true,
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"path_filters": [
"label": "string",
"path_type": "vpn"
"service_label_ids": [
"tags": [
"thresholdprofile_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"policy_rules": [
"disabled": true,
"disabled_reason": "string",
"id": "string",
"inactive": true,
"inactive_reason": "string",
"name": "string",
"policyset_id": "string",
"region": "string",
"tags": [
"region": "string",
"send_to_element": true,
"tags": [