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Get CICs for Specific Element (v2.0)



Retrieve all CICs for a particular element.


Path Parameters

    element_id stringrequired

    ID of the element.


Successful Operation

    certificate string

    The details of the certificate.

    entity_id stringrequired

    The entity ID.

    id string

    The ID.

    issuer stringrequired

    Details of the certificate issuer.

    issuer_id stringrequired

    The ID of the issuer.

    not_after int64

    The certificate time frame.

    not_before int64

    The certificate time frame.

    public_key string

    The public key.

    revocation_date int64

    The certificate revocation date.

    revocation_reason string

    The certificate revocation reason.

    revoked boolean

    If certificate is revoked. True or False.

    serial_no stringrequired

    Serial No: NotNull(message = INVALID_SERIAL_NO)

    subj_descr string

    The subject description.

    subj_serial_no string

    The subject serial number.

    subj_uid string

    The subject UID.

    subject stringrequired

    The subject.

    title string

    The title of the certificate.
