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List Notifications




List notifications for all child tenants for the current tenant.

The current tenant TSG ID is extracted from user JWT.

This is a per-user query.

API Body parameters:
  • filters:
    • readState - valid values are READ, UNREAD
    • By default, if no filters are provided then readState is READ and UNREAD and notifType is all the values
  • sortByList:
    • field - valid values are createdTime or impactedTenantCount
    • sortBy - value values are DESC or ASC



    filters object[]

    List of output channels that the notification is sent on

  • Array [
  • field string

    Filter field

    values string[]

    Possible values: [readState, notifType, category, subCategory, inApp]

    Filter field values

  • ]
  • sortByList object[]

    List of output channels that the notification is sent on

  • Array [
  • field string

    Possible values: [createdTime, impactedTenantCount]

    Sort field

    sortBy string

    Possible values: [DESC, ASC]

    Ascending or Descending

  • ]
  • page object

    Page number

    num integer

    Page number

    size integer

    Page size



  • Array [
  • id string

    Notification id

    name stringrequired

    Notification name

    body stringrequired

    Description of the notification

    action string

    Action to be taken on receiving the notification (if applicable)

    createdTime number

    Notification creation time

    aggKey objectrequired

    Multi-Tenant Notification Aggregation Key

    tag object
    tsgId stringrequired

    TSG Id

    notifType stringrequired


    Notification Type

    category stringrequired

    Notification category - is associated with notification type

    subCategory stringrequired

    Notification sub-category - is associated with notification type and notification category

    inAppFlag booleanrequired

    InApp Notification Flag

    impactedTenants string[]required

    List of impacted tenants

    impactedTenantCount numberrequired

    Number of tenants impacted by the multi-tenant notification

    notifReadState NotifReadState (string)required

    Possible values: [READ, UNREAD]

    Read state of the notification

    notifChannels object[]required

    List of output channels that the notification is sent on

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    Notification channel name

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [EMAIL, WEBHOOK]

    Notification channel type

    emailChannelDetails object

    Email channel details

    property name* EmailChannelDetails
    emails object[]required

    List of emails

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    Email owner name

    emailId stringrequired

    Email id

  • ]
  • webhookChannelDetails object

    Webhook channel details

    property name* WebhookChannelDetails
    urls string[]required

    List of Webhook URLs - do not include token in the URL

    authType stringrequired

    Possible values: [NO_AUTH, TOKEN]

    Webhook Authentication Type

    token stringrequired

    Webhook token value

    template object

    Channel output template

    name string

    Output channel template name

    templateJson string

    JSON describing the output channel template

  • ]
  • notifType string

    Notification type

  • ]