Get number of users at location(s)
Get number of users at or across compute locations
Query Parameters
agg_by string
The value should be 'tenant'(if you want aggregated results across all child tenants) or empty.
Example: tenant
Header Parameters
X-PANW-Region string
This will be one of the 9 supported regions(americas, europe, au,de, jp, ca, sg, uk, in)
Example: americas
- application/json
- TimeFilter
- UrlLogsRule
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
filter objectrequired
filter json object
operator stringrequired
Always set to AND
rules object[]
operator string
Filter operator that is one of the example values and is run on the property field
property string
Filter property field that is one of the example values
values string[]
Filter property value
operator string
Filter operator that is one of the example values and is run on the property field
property string
Filter property field that is one of the example values
values string[]
Filter property values
properties object[]required
List of property json objects
alias string
property string
Property field name. Property fields will be returned in the API response.
- 200
- 400
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- User Count across Locations
- User Count at Location
- any
"compute_location": "US Central",
"unique_user_count": 10
"compute_location": "US West",
"unique_user_count": 100
"compute_location": "US East",
"unique_user_count": 1000
"unique_user_count": 100
Bad Request
Server Error