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Get a Custom Role



Gets the details of a single instance of a custom_role.


Path Parameters

    name _idrequired

    Possible values: >= 10 characters and <= 10 characters, Value must match regular expression ^^1[0-9]*$

    A unique identifier for a custom_role.


Successful response - returns a single custom_role.

    aggregated_permissions string[]

    Identifies all permissions available to this TSG. This is a union of the permissions available to the TSG, as well as the permissions available to all its child TSGs.

    description string
    label string
    name string

    The custom role's name. It is used as a path parameter for some custom role APIs.

    permission_sets object[]
  • Array [
  • access_types string[]

    The type of access (read and/or write) granted for this permission set.

    id string

    The ID of a permission set included in this custom role.

  • ]
  • permissions string[]

    The permissions granted to this custom role.

    tsg_id string

    The tenant service group for which this role was created.
