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List all access policies



List all access policies. If role or principal is specified, this returns all access policies using the specified role or or that is assigned to the identified principal.


Query Parameters

    role string

    The role that you want to use for this list operation.

    principal string

    The email address of the principal that you want to use for this list operation.


Successful response.

    count integerrequired

    Default value: 1

    Total count of the items

    items object[]required
  • Array [
  • id string

    Access policy unique identifier.

    inherited_from string

    The lowest level TSG to which the access policy belongs.

    principal string

    The email address of the user or service account that is granted this access policy.

    principal_display_name string

    firstname lastname OR firstname OR username.

    principal_type string

    Whether the principal is a user or a service account.

    resource string

    The resource to which this access policy is assigned. It is in the format:


    role string

    The role used for this access policy.

  • ]