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Add Registry Settings



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"policyContainers"}

Specifies a single registry to scan.

Each registry to scan is specified as an item in the specifications array. The POST method appends an entry to the specifications array. In contrast, the PUT method adds all registries in a single shot, completely overwriting any previous configuration by replacing the contents of the specifications array. For more information about the specifications array, see the GET endpoint.

The version string specifies the type of registry to scan. It can be one of the following strings:

  • Amazon EC2 Container Registry: aws
  • Azure Container Registry: azure
  • CoreOS Quay: coreos
  • Docker Registry v2: 2
  • Docker Trusted Registry: dtr
  • Google Container Registry: gcr
  • GitLab Container Registry: gitlab
  • Harbor Registry: harbor
  • IBM Cloud Container Registry: bluemix
  • JFrog Artifactory: jfrog
  • Red Hat OpenShift: redhat
  • Sonatype Nexus: sonatype

Note: From Lagrange 22.11 release or later, you can add a maximum of 19,999 registry entries in Defend > Vulnerabilities > Images > Registry settings.

The API response returns an HTTP 400 error if the number of registry specifications exceeds the maximum allowable limit of 19,999 registry entries.

cURL Request

Refer to the following example cURL command that configures Prisma Cloud Compute to scan the Ubuntu 16.04 repository on Docker Hub:

curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"version": "2",
"registry": "",
"repository": "library/ubuntu",
"tag": "16.04",
"os": "linux",
"cap": 5,
"hostname": "",
"scanners": 2,
"collections": ["All"]
} ' \

Starting with 30.03, you can directly add a GitLab Container Registry. To add settings for a GitLab Container Registry, you must specify the following parameters:

  • version: Specify the value gitlab for GitLab Container Registry.
  • registry: Specify the GitLab registry URL address. For example, for native registries, you can specify the address as ""
  • credentialID: Specify the GitLab credential that you added in the credential store in Prisma Cloud Compute. For example, an API token that has at least the read_api scope.
  • gitlabRegistrySpec: Specify at least one of the following fields:
    • userID: Specify your GitLab user ID to add all registries associated with it.
    • projectIDs: Specify the project IDs to add all registries associated with a GitLab project.
    • groupIDs: Specify the group ID to add all registries associated with a GitLab group.
    • excludedGroupIDs: Specify the top-level group IDs that you don't want to add.

Refer to the following example cURL command:

curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"credentialID":"<Credential ID from Credential Store>",
} ' \

