Download Agentless Permission Templates
x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"manageCreds"}
Downloads a tarball file that contains the agentless resource permission templates for the cloud accounts. Apply these permission templates to complete the onboarding process for agentless scanning.
- AWS: The tarball contains templates in JSON format ending with the following names:
- _aws_hub_target_user_permissions.json
- _aws_hub_user_permissions.json
- _aws_target_user_permissions.json
For more information on how to apply the permission templates, refer to the "Configure agentless scanning" section in the Prisma Cloud Compute administration guide.
Azure: Use the following script, that comes bundled in the tarball file, to apply permission template to an Azure cloud account:
- Run the script with a location (that specifies location of the resource) parameter. For more information on location parameters, see resource location in ARM template.
OCI: Use the following script, that comes bundled in the tarball file, to apply permission template to an OCI cloud account:
- Run the script with a compartment name parameter.
GCP: The tarball contains Jinja templates in YAML format ending with the following names:
- _hub_target_access_permissions.yaml.jinja
- _hub_target_user_permissions.yaml.jinja
- _hub_user_permissions.yaml.jinja
- _target_user_permissions.yaml.jinja
For more information on how to apply the permission templates, refer to the "Configure agentless scanning" section in the Prisma Cloud Compute administration guide.
Note: The body parameter credentialID
is required to download templates in tar.gz format.
Before you begin
Add the supported cloud accounts (AWS, Azure, GCP, and OCI) in Prisma Cloud Compute.
cURL Request
Refer to the following example cURL command:
$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-O <agentlesstemplate.tar.gz> \
-d {"credentialID":"aws_docs"} \
- application/json
Possible values: [regular,gov,china,all
RegionType specifies the region type that runs the Amazon services
credential object
Credential specifies the authentication data of an external provider
Specifies the unique ID for credential.
Specifies the unique ID for an IBM Cloud account.
Specifies the account identifier. Example: a username, access key, account GUID, and so on.
Specifies the name of the cloud account.
apiToken object
Secret Stores the plain and encrypted version of a value. The plain version is not stored in a database
Specifies an encrypted value of the secret.
Specifies the plain text value of the secret.
azureSPInfo object
AzureSPInfo contains the Azure credentials needed for certificate based authentications
ClientID is the client identifier.
Possible values: [user-assigned,system-assigned
SubscriptionID is a GUID that uniquely identifies the subscription to use Azure services.
TenantID is the ID of the AAD directory in which the application was created.
Specifies the CA certificate for a certificate-based authentication.
Specifies the cloud provider account ID.
Specifies the time when the credential was created (or, when the account ID was changed for AWS).
Specifies the description for a credential.
Indicates whether the credential was onboarded from the Prisma platform.
Indicates whether the credential scope is global. Available values are: true: Global false: Not Global Note: For GCP, the credential scope is the organization.
Specifies the time when the credential was last modified.
ociCred object
OCICred are additional parameters required for OCI credentials
Fingerprint is the public key signature.
TenancyID is the OCID of the tenancy.
Specifies the user who created or modified the credential.
Specifies the time when the account was last modified by Prisma Cloud Compute.
Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to be assumed.
secret object
Secret Stores the plain and encrypted version of a value. The plain version is not stored in a database
Specifies an encrypted value of the secret.
Specifies the plain text value of the secret.
Indicates whether to skip the certificate verification in TLS communication.
Specifies a list of specific endpoints for use in STS sessions in various regions.
tokens object
TemporaryToken is a temporary session token for cloud provider APIs AWS - GCP - Azure -
Specifies a temporary access key.
awsSecretAccessKey object
Secret Stores the plain and encrypted version of a value. The plain version is not stored in a database
Specifies an encrypted value of the secret.
Specifies the plain text value of the secret.
Specifies a duration for the token.
Specifies an expiration time for the token.
token object
Secret Stores the plain and encrypted version of a value. The plain version is not stored in a database
Specifies an encrypted value of the secret.
Specifies the plain text value of the secret.
Possible values: [aws,azure,gcp,ibmCloud,oci,apiToken,basic,dtr,kubeconfig,certificate,gitlabToken
Type specifies the credential type
Specifies the base server URL.
Indicates whether to authenticate using the IAM Role attached to the instance. Available values are: true: Authenticate with the attached credentials false: Don’t authenticate with the attached credentials.
Indicates whether to use the regional STS endpoint for an STS session. Available values are: true: Use the regional STS false: Don’t use the regional STS.
(Required) Specifies the ID for which the templates are generated.
- 200
- default