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Get VM Image Scan Results



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"monitorHosts"}

Returns all VM image scan reports.


  • The API rate limit for this endpoint is 30 requests per 30 seconds. You get an HTTP error response 429 if the limit exceeds.
  • The query parameters issueType is not supported for this API endpoint.

This endpoint maps to the table in Monitor > Vulnerabilities > Hosts > VM images in the Prisma Cloud Compute.

cURL Request

Refer to the following example cURL command that retrieves all VM image scan reports:

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X GET \

cURL Response

Refer to the following example VM scan report:

"_id": "2226875301309860442",
"type": "vm",
"hostname": "",
"scanTime": "2022-12-01T18:08:15.299Z",
"binaries": [],
"Secrets": [],
"startupBinaries": [],
"osDistro": "redhat",
"osDistroVersion": "7",
"osDistroRelease": "RHEL7",
"distro": "CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)",
"packages": [
"pkgsType": "package",
"pkgs": [
"version": "0.100-7.el7",
"name": "dbus-glib",
"cveCount": 8,
"license": "AFL and GPLv2+",
"layerTime": 0
"version": "2.02-0.87.el7.centos.7",
"name": "grub2-common",
"cveCount": 184,
"license": "GPLv3+",
"layerTime": 0

