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Get Vulnerable Assets



Returns a summary of vulnerable assets and detailed vulnerability statistics, including the total number of vulnerabilities by severity, registry count, package count, repository count, and more, across different stages of your application lifecycle.

Note: You need vulnerabilityDashboard feature with View permission to access this endpoint. Verify if your permission group includes this feature using the Get Permission Group by ID endpoint. You can also check this in the Prisma Cloud console by ensuring that Dashboard > Vulnerability is enabled.


Query Parameters

    asset_type string

    Possible values: [iac, package, deployedImage, serverlessFunction, host, registryImage, vmImage]

    Type of Asset

    life_cycle string

    Possible values: [code, build, deploy, run]

    Life Cycle stage

    severities string

    Possible values: [low, medium, high, critical]



Successful response

    value object[]
  • Array [
  • stage string

    Life Cycle Stage

    totalVulnerabilities integer

    Total Vulnerabilities

    assetType string

    Asset Type

    totalAssets integer

    Total number of Assets

    stats object[]
  • Array [
  • provider string


    repositories integer

    Respository count

    registries integer

    Registry count

    packages integer

    Packages count

    assets integer

    Total Assets

    users integer

    Total Users

    vulnerabilities object

    Vulnerability Split by Severity

    criticalCount integer

    Total Critical severity Vulnerability count

    highCount integer

    Total High severity Vulnerability count

    mediumCount integer

    Total Medium severity Vulnerability count

    lowCount integer

    Total low severity Vulnerability count

  • ]
  • ]