Vulnerabilities Dashboard
📄️ Get C2C Trace Asset Graph
Returns the relation between the assets from code to cloud stages
📄️ Get Cve Overview
Get the overview of the CVE with its CVSS score, the impacted stages, severity, risk factors, the package name, and the distributions affected by this CVE.
📄️ Get Cve Overview V2
Get the detailed information for a given cve. This endpoint returns additional information, such as EPSS details, CVSS details, exploit details, and environment factors, compared to the [Get CVE Overview]( endpoint.
📄️ Get CVE Overview - POST
Get the detailed information for a given cve. This endpoint returns information, such as EPSS details, CVSS details, exploit details, and environment factors. This API supports the additional filters like accountGroup and accountIds when compared to the [Get CVE Overview V2]( endpoint
📄️ Get Vulnerabilities Burndown
Returns the total count of vulnerabilities and the count of remediated vulnerabilities over the past 30 days.
📄️ Get Vulnerable Assets by CVE
Get the list of all the assets affected by the CVE.
📄️ Get Vulnerable Assets by CVE V2
Get the list of all the assets affected by the CVE. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the [Get Vulnerable Assets by CVE]( endpoint.
📄️ Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V1
Returns the count of top-priority vulnerabilities which are aggregated based on the most urgent, exploitable, patchable, and vulnerable packages in use.
📄️ Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V2
Returns the top-priority unique vulnerabilities which are aggregated based on the most urgent, exploitable, patchable, and vulnerable packages in use along with the number of assets they occur in.
📄️ Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V3
Returns the top-priority unique vulnerabilities which are aggregated based on the most urgent, exploitable, patchable, and vulnerable packages in use along with the number of assets they occur in. This endpoint also returns vulnerabilities based on internet exposure, in addition to those from [Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V2](
📄️ Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V4
Returns the top-priority vulnerabilities which are aggregated based on the most urgent, exploitable, patchable, internet exposed and vulnerable packages in use along with the number of assets they occur in.
📄️ Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities - POST
Returns the top-priority vulnerabilities which are aggregated based on the most urgent, exploitable, patchable, internet exposed and vulnerable packages in use along with the number of assets they occur in. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the [Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V4]( endpoint.
📄️ Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities
Returns the CVEs of top critical vulnerabilities in your environment based on the risk score. Each CVE includes risk factors, severity, CVSS, risk factors, and assets impacted.
📄️ Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities V2
Returns the CVEs of top critical vulnerabilities in your environment based on the risk score. Each CVE includes risk factors, epssScore, severity, CVSS, risk factors, and assets impacted. This endpoint returns the epss score details in addition to those from [Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities](
📄️ Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities - POST
Returns the CVEs of top critical vulnerabilities in your environment based on the risk score. Each CVE includes risk factors, epssScore, severity, CVSS, EPSS, risk factors, and assets impacted. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the [Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities V2]( endpoint.
📄️ Get Vulnerability Overview
Returns a summary of the total vulnerabilities in your environment which is further divided into Vulnerabilities by Asset and Vulnerabilities that have already been remediated.
📄️ Get Vulnerability Overview V2
Returns a summary of the total runtime vulnerabilities in your environment which is further divided into runtime Vulnerabilities by Asset and Vulnerabilities that have already been remediated.
📄️ Get Vulnerability Overview V3
Returns a summary of the total unique vulnerabilities, the count of vulnerabilities, and the count of remediated vulnerabilities, including a breakdown by severity for each category. The percentage reflects the change between the current data and the data from seven days prior.
📄️ Get Vulnerability Overview - POST
Returns a summary of the total unique vulnerabilities, the count of vulnerabilities, and the count of remediated vulnerabilities, including a breakdown by severity for each category. The percentage reflects the change between the current data and the data from seven days prior. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the [Get Vulnerability Overview V3]( endpoint.
📄️ Get Vulnerability Impact by Stage
Returns a summary of vulnerability across app stages of your application lifecycle.
📄️ Get Vulnerability Impact by Stage - POST
Returns a summary of vulnerability across app stages of your application lifecycle. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the [Get Vulnerability Impact by Stage]( endpoint.
📄️ Get Vulnerable Assets
Returns a summary of vulnerable assets and detailed vulnerability statistics, including the total number of vulnerabilities by severity, registry count, package count, repository count, and more, across different stages of your application lifecycle.
📄️ Get Vulnerable Assets Stats - POST
Returns overall stats like total vulnerabilities, total assets, vulnerability by severity across the life stage (code, build, deploy and run) per cloud provider. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the [Get Vulnerable Assets]( endpoint.
📄️ Get Remediation Status
Get the remediation action status of assets. You can get the remediation status at two levels:
📄️ Create Remediation Request
You create one of the following remediation action request for an asset or a set of assets:
📄️ Download All Vulnerabilities by RQL
Download the list of vulnerabilities and their details based on an RQL query in a GZIP CSV format. Maximum of 10k records can be downloaded. For vulnerability RQL query attributes, see [Vulnerability Query Attributes]( For example queries, see [Vulnerability Query Examples](
📄️ Get CVE Details by ID
Get the CVE details and impacted assets by CVE ID in a GZIP CSV format.
📄️ Get CVE Details by ID V2
Get the CVE details and impacted assets by CVE ID in a GZIP CSV format.
📄️ Get CVE Details by ID V3
Get the CVE details and impacted assets by CVE ID in a GZIP CSV format.
📄️ Get Vulnerable Assets by RQL
Get the list of vulnerable Assets and their IDs based on an RQL query. For vulnerability RQL query attributes, see [Vulnerability Query Attributes]( For example queries, see [Vulnerability Query Examples](
📄️ Get Vulnerabilities by RQL
Get the list of vulnerabilities and their details based on an RQL query. For vulnerability RQL query attributes, see [Vulnerability Query Attributes]( For example queries, see [Vulnerability Query Examples](