User Profile
Manage your Prisma Cloud user profiles.
📄️ Profile
Returns the current user's personal profile information.
📄️ Update Profile
Updates the current user's personal profile information.
📄️ List Users V3
Lists all users and service accounts for your tenant.
📄️ Add User Profile V3
Adds either a user profile or a service account profile.
📄️ List Users V2
Returns a list of all the users belonging to the same tenant. Response includes multiple roles assigned to each user.
📄️ Add User Profile V2
Adds a new administrative user. Supports multiple roles for a single user.
📄️ Get User Profile V2
Returns the user profile for the specified email ID. Supports multiple roles for a single user.
📄️ Update User Profile V2
Updates an administrative user's profile. Supports multiple roles for a single user.
📄️ Delete User Profile
Deletes a user or service account profile.
📄️ Update User Status
Enables or disables a user profile.
📄️ List User Emails
Returns a list of emails for all non-deleted users in the system.
📄️ List Email Domains
Returns a list of domains in allow list.
📄️ List SSO Bypass Allowed Users
Returns a list of users who can log in via both SAML provider and username/password flows.
📄️ Update SSO Bypass Allowed Users
Given a list of Prisma Cloud user emails, enables each user in the list to log into Prisma Cloud through either a SAML provider or direct user name and password entry.