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Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities - POST



Returns the CVEs of top critical vulnerabilities in your environment based on the risk score. Each CVE includes risk factors, epssScore, severity, CVSS, EPSS, risk factors, and assets impacted. This API supports the account group and account Id filters in addition to the filters we have in the Get Top Impacting Vulnerabilities V2 endpoint.

Note: You need vulnerabilityDashboard feature with View permission to access this endpoint. Verify if your permission group includes this feature using the Get Permission Group by ID endpoint. You can also check this in the Prisma Cloud console by ensuring that Dashboard > Vulnerability is enabled.



    assetTypes string[]

    List of Asset Types

    lifeCycle string[]

    List of Asset Life Cycles

    severities string[]

    List of Severities

    accountGroups string[]

    List of Cloud Account Groups

    accountIds string[]

    List of Cloud Account IDs

    clusters string[]

    List of Clusters

    clusterNamespaces string[]

    List of Namespaces

    accountNames string[]

    List of Account Names

    topNValue int32

    Integer value for TopN Widget



    lastUpdatedDateTime int64
    totalVulnerabilities int64
    urgent object
    vulnerability_count int64
    asset_count int64
    cve_count int64
    patchable object
    vulnerability_count int64
    asset_count int64
    cve_count int64
    exploitable object
    vulnerability_count int64
    asset_count int64
    cve_count int64
    internetExposed object
    vulnerability_count int64
    asset_count int64
    cve_count int64
    packageInUse object
    vulnerability_count int64
    asset_count int64
    cve_count int64