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Test Integration



Runs a test of the integration for the specified data.

The caller must have a Prisma Cloud role of System Admin.

Note: This request does not support Prisma Cloud integrations with the following:

  • Okta
  • Qualys
  • Tenable

For requests that support integration with the systems above, see Integrations Pull.


Path Parameters

    prismaId stringrequired

    Prisma ID. Your Prisma ID is available either from the response object of your API request to log in or from the licensing information in the Prisma Cloud console.

Query Parameters

    id string

    Integration Id


    integrationConfig objectrequired

    Integration configuration. See Integration Configurations.

    property name* object

    Integration configuration. See Integration Configurations.

    integrationType stringrequired

    Possible values: [slack, splunk, amazon_sqs, webhook, microsoft_teams, azure_service_bus_queue, jira, service_now, pager_duty, demisto, google_cscc, aws_security_hub, aws_s3, aws_sdl, snowflake]

    Integration type

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 5 characters and <= 100 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9](.){0,99}$

    Integration name


