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Submit Search Config CSV Generation Job



Submits a job to generate an RQL config query results list that matches the constraints in the body parameters and is downloadable as a CSV file. Returns the job ID and job submission status.

To identify your config query, specify either (1) a saved search id, (2) a recent search id plus a unique searchName, or (3) a query plus a unique searchName.

If you identify your search through a saved search id, the following request body parameters apply:

  • id - The search ID that corresponds to an existing saved search. You can View Search History with a filter to get a list of your recent search IDs. (Required)
  • searchName - A unique name that identifies the search (Required)
  • sort - An array of sort field data (Optional)
  • timeRange - A time range filter. Default is the past seven days. (Optional)

If you identify your search through a query and searchName, the following request body parameters apply:

  • query - A valid RQL config query that defines your search (Required)
  • searchName - A unique name that identifies the search (Required)
  • searchDescription - A description for your search (Optional)
  • sort - An array of sort field data (Optional)
  • timeRange - A time range filter. Default is the past seven days. (Optional)


